import ssl import sys from types import TracebackType from typing import AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator, Iterable, List, Optional, Type from import AutoBackend from .._backends.base import SOCKET_OPTION, AsyncNetworkBackend from .._exceptions import ConnectionNotAvailable, UnsupportedProtocol from .._models import Origin, Request, Response from .._synchronization import AsyncEvent, AsyncShieldCancellation, AsyncThreadLock from .connection import AsyncHTTPConnection from .interfaces import AsyncConnectionInterface, AsyncRequestInterface class AsyncPoolRequest: def __init__(self, request: Request) -> None: self.request = request self.connection: Optional[AsyncConnectionInterface] = None self._connection_acquired = AsyncEvent() def assign_to_connection( self, connection: Optional[AsyncConnectionInterface] ) -> None: self.connection = connection self._connection_acquired.set() def clear_connection(self) -> None: self.connection = None self._connection_acquired = AsyncEvent() async def wait_for_connection( self, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) -> AsyncConnectionInterface: if self.connection is None: await self._connection_acquired.wait(timeout=timeout) assert self.connection is not None return self.connection def is_queued(self) -> bool: return self.connection is None class AsyncConnectionPool(AsyncRequestInterface): """ A connection pool for making HTTP requests. """ def __init__( self, ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None, max_connections: Optional[int] = 10, max_keepalive_connections: Optional[int] = None, keepalive_expiry: Optional[float] = None, http1: bool = True, http2: bool = False, retries: int = 0, local_address: Optional[str] = None, uds: Optional[str] = None, network_backend: Optional[AsyncNetworkBackend] = None, socket_options: Optional[Iterable[SOCKET_OPTION]] = None, ) -> None: """ A connection pool for making HTTP requests. Parameters: ssl_context: An SSL context to use for verifying connections. If not specified, the default `httpcore.default_ssl_context()` will be used. max_connections: The maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections that the pool should allow. Any attempt to send a request on a pool that would exceed this amount will block until a connection is available. max_keepalive_connections: The maximum number of idle HTTP connections that will be maintained in the pool. keepalive_expiry: The duration in seconds that an idle HTTP connection may be maintained for before being expired from the pool. http1: A boolean indicating if HTTP/1.1 requests should be supported by the connection pool. Defaults to True. http2: A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 requests should be supported by the connection pool. Defaults to False. retries: The maximum number of retries when trying to establish a connection. local_address: Local address to connect from. Can also be used to connect using a particular address family. Using `local_address=""` will connect using an `AF_INET` address (IPv4), while using `local_address="::"` will connect using an `AF_INET6` address (IPv6). uds: Path to a Unix Domain Socket to use instead of TCP sockets. network_backend: A backend instance to use for handling network I/O. socket_options: Socket options that have to be included in the TCP socket when the connection was established. """ self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._max_connections = ( sys.maxsize if max_connections is None else max_connections ) self._max_keepalive_connections = ( sys.maxsize if max_keepalive_connections is None else max_keepalive_connections ) self._max_keepalive_connections = min( self._max_connections, self._max_keepalive_connections ) self._keepalive_expiry = keepalive_expiry self._http1 = http1 self._http2 = http2 self._retries = retries self._local_address = local_address self._uds = uds self._network_backend = ( AutoBackend() if network_backend is None else network_backend ) self._socket_options = socket_options # The mutable state on a connection pool is the queue of incoming requests, # and the set of connections that are servicing those requests. self._connections: List[AsyncConnectionInterface] = [] self._requests: List[AsyncPoolRequest] = [] # We only mutate the state of the connection pool within an 'optional_thread_lock' # context. This holds a threading lock unless we're running in async mode, # in which case it is a no-op. self._optional_thread_lock = AsyncThreadLock() def create_connection(self, origin: Origin) -> AsyncConnectionInterface: return AsyncHTTPConnection( origin=origin, ssl_context=self._ssl_context, keepalive_expiry=self._keepalive_expiry, http1=self._http1, http2=self._http2, retries=self._retries, local_address=self._local_address, uds=self._uds, network_backend=self._network_backend, socket_options=self._socket_options, ) @property def connections(self) -> List[AsyncConnectionInterface]: """ Return a list of the connections currently in the pool. For example: ```python >>> pool.connections [ , , , ] ``` """ return list(self._connections) async def handle_async_request(self, request: Request) -> Response: """ Send an HTTP request, and return an HTTP response. This is the core implementation that is called into by `.request()` or `.stream()`. """ scheme = request.url.scheme.decode() if scheme == "": raise UnsupportedProtocol( "Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol." ) if scheme not in ("http", "https", "ws", "wss"): raise UnsupportedProtocol( f"Request URL has an unsupported protocol '{scheme}://'." ) timeouts = request.extensions.get("timeout", {}) timeout = timeouts.get("pool", None) with self._optional_thread_lock: # Add the incoming request to our request queue. pool_request = AsyncPoolRequest(request) self._requests.append(pool_request) try: while True: with self._optional_thread_lock: # Assign incoming requests to available connections, # closing or creating new connections as required. closing = self._assign_requests_to_connections() await self._close_connections(closing) # Wait until this request has an assigned connection. connection = await pool_request.wait_for_connection(timeout=timeout) try: # Send the request on the assigned connection. response = await connection.handle_async_request( pool_request.request ) except ConnectionNotAvailable: # In some cases a connection may initially be available to # handle a request, but then become unavailable. # # In this case we clear the connection and try again. pool_request.clear_connection() else: break # pragma: nocover except BaseException as exc: with self._optional_thread_lock: # For any exception or cancellation we remove the request from # the queue, and then re-assign requests to connections. self._requests.remove(pool_request) closing = self._assign_requests_to_connections() await self._close_connections(closing) raise exc from None # Return the response. Note that in this case we still have to manage # the point at which the response is closed. assert isinstance(, AsyncIterable) return Response( status=response.status, headers=response.headers, content=PoolByteStream(, pool_request=pool_request, pool=self ), extensions=response.extensions, ) def _assign_requests_to_connections(self) -> List[AsyncConnectionInterface]: """ Manage the state of the connection pool, assigning incoming requests to connections as available. Called whenever a new request is added or removed from the pool. Any closing connections are returned, allowing the I/O for closing those connections to be handled seperately. """ closing_connections = [] # First we handle cleaning up any connections that are closed, # have expired their keep-alive, or surplus idle connections. for connection in list(self._connections): if connection.is_closed(): # log: "removing closed connection" self._connections.remove(connection) elif connection.has_expired(): # log: "closing expired connection" self._connections.remove(connection) closing_connections.append(connection) elif ( connection.is_idle() and len([connection.is_idle() for connection in self._connections]) > self._max_keepalive_connections ): # log: "closing idle connection" self._connections.remove(connection) closing_connections.append(connection) # Assign queued requests to connections. queued_requests = [request for request in self._requests if request.is_queued()] for pool_request in queued_requests: origin = pool_request.request.url.origin avilable_connections = [ connection for connection in self._connections if connection.can_handle_request(origin) and connection.is_available() ] idle_connections = [ connection for connection in self._connections if connection.is_idle() ] # There are three cases for how we may be able to handle the request: # # 1. There is an existing connection that can handle the request. # 2. We can create a new connection to handle the request. # 3. We can close an idle connection and then create a new connection # to handle the request. if avilable_connections: # log: "reusing existing connection" connection = avilable_connections[0] pool_request.assign_to_connection(connection) elif len(self._connections) < self._max_connections: # log: "creating new connection" connection = self.create_connection(origin) self._connections.append(connection) pool_request.assign_to_connection(connection) elif idle_connections: # log: "closing idle connection" connection = idle_connections[0] self._connections.remove(connection) closing_connections.append(connection) # log: "creating new connection" connection = self.create_connection(origin) self._connections.append(connection) pool_request.assign_to_connection(connection) return closing_connections async def _close_connections(self, closing: List[AsyncConnectionInterface]) -> None: # Close connections which have been removed from the pool. with AsyncShieldCancellation(): for connection in closing: await connection.aclose() async def aclose(self) -> None: # Explicitly close the connection pool. # Clears all existing requests and connections. with self._optional_thread_lock: closing_connections = list(self._connections) self._connections = [] await self._close_connections(closing_connections) async def __aenter__(self) -> "AsyncConnectionPool": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None, exc_value: Optional[BaseException] = None, traceback: Optional[TracebackType] = None, ) -> None: await self.aclose() def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ with self._optional_thread_lock: request_is_queued = [request.is_queued() for request in self._requests] connection_is_idle = [ connection.is_idle() for connection in self._connections ] num_active_requests = request_is_queued.count(False) num_queued_requests = request_is_queued.count(True) num_active_connections = connection_is_idle.count(False) num_idle_connections = connection_is_idle.count(True) requests_info = ( f"Requests: {num_active_requests} active, {num_queued_requests} queued" ) connection_info = ( f"Connections: {num_active_connections} active, {num_idle_connections} idle" ) return f"<{class_name} [{requests_info} | {connection_info}]>" class PoolByteStream: def __init__( self, stream: AsyncIterable[bytes], pool_request: AsyncPoolRequest, pool: AsyncConnectionPool, ) -> None: self._stream = stream self._pool_request = pool_request self._pool = pool self._closed = False async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]: try: async for part in self._stream: yield part except BaseException as exc: await self.aclose() raise exc from None async def aclose(self) -> None: if not self._closed: self._closed = True with AsyncShieldCancellation(): if hasattr(self._stream, "aclose"): await self._stream.aclose() with self._pool._optional_thread_lock: self._pool._requests.remove(self._pool_request) closing = self._pool._assign_requests_to_connections() await self._pool._close_connections(closing)