# wikipedia-dpr-dkrr-tqa Faiss FlatIP index of Wikipedia DPR encoded by the retriever model from [Distilling Knowledge from Reader to Retriever for Question Answering](https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.04584) trained on TriviaQA. This index was generated on 2022/02/17 on `orca` at commits: + Pyserini commit [`cc91b2`](https://github.com/castorini/pyserini/commit/cc91b22f549702068cea1283f91b31d28d127b2f) (2022/02/17) + [FiD](https://github.com/facebookresearch/FiD) commit [`25ed1f`](https://github.com/facebookresearch/FiD/commit/25ed1ff0fe0288b80fb5e9e5de8d6346b94b8d48) (2022/02/17) with the following command to generate the embeddings (from FiD repo): ```bash python generate_passage_embeddings.py \ --model_path tqa_retriever \ --passages passages.tsv \ --output_path wikipedia_embeddings_tqa \ --shard_id 0 \ --num_shards 1 \ --per_gpu_batch_size 500 ``` and the following command to convert the embeddings to faiss IndexFlatIP form: ```bash python convert_dkrr_embeddings_to_faiss.py \ --embeddings wikipedia_embeddings_tqa \ --output faiss-flat.wikipedia.dkrr-dpr-tqa-retriever ```