# # Pyserini: Reproducible IR research with sparse and dense representations # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import argparse from tqdm import tqdm import sqlite3 import re import wikitextparser as wtp import mwparserfromhell import unidecode from xml.sax import saxutils from pygaggle.rerank.base import Text from pygaggle.data.segmentation import SegmentProcessor import pickle '''After WikiExtractor and https://github.com/facebookresearch/DrQA/tree/main/scripts/retriever pre-processing is done on the XML dump, the final pre-processing is done in this script to generate the WIKI-TL_6_3 and WIKI-TL_8_4 corpuses (with tables and lists). Note: This requires a lot of memory because the entire XML dump is loaded into memory. ''' if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='generate .tsv files for wiki corpuses of passages with tables and lists') parser.add_argument('-db_path', type=str, required=True, help='path to .db file containing preprocessed wiki pages from DrQA') parser.add_argument('-xml_path', type=str, required=True, help='path to full wikipedia xml dump file') parser.add_argument('-output_path_6_3', type=str, default="../collections/wiki_6_3.tsv", help='path to write .tsv with segment 6, stride 3') parser.add_argument('-output_path_8_4', type=str, default="../collections/wiki_8_4.tsv", help='path to write .tsv with segment 8, stride 4') args = parser.parse_args() sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect(args.db_path) cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor() sqlite_select_query = "SELECT id, text FROM documents" cursor.execute(sqlite_select_query) pages = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() dump_file = open(args.xml_path,"r") markup = dump_file.read() selector = re.compile(r'(.*?)', re.DOTALL) xml_pages = re.findall(selector, markup) dump_file.close() print("DB PAGES: ", len(pages)) print("XML PAGES: ", len(xml_pages)) parsed_pages_tables = {} infoboxes_params = {} # Get tables and infoboxes from XML dump. Store them in parsed_pages_tables and infoboxes_params respectively. for page in tqdm(xml_pages): p = wtp.parse(page) title = unidecode.unidecode(re.search('(.*?)', page).group(1).strip()) parsed_pages_tables[title] = p.tables #mwparserfromhell is slow, so we first filter to relevant infobox wikitext using wikitextparser infobox_text = "" for template_text in p.templates: if "Infobox" in template_text: infobox_text += str(template_text) templates = mwparserfromhell.parse(infobox_text).filter_templates() for template in templates: if "Infobox" in template.name: if title not in infoboxes_params: infoboxes_params[title] = [template.params] else: infoboxes_params[title].append(template.params) documents = {} # For matching tables from xml dump to articles in .db file key_error_fails = 0 missing_table_fails = 0 table_data_fails = 0 extracted_tables = 0 # To avoid duplicate pages for row in tqdm(pages): text = row[1] title = row[0] if title in documents: documents[title] += " " + text else: documents[title] = text f1 = open(args.output_path_6_3, "w") f2 = open(args.output_path_8_4, "w") f1.write("id\ttext\ttitle\n") f2.write("id\ttext\ttitle\n") SegmentProcessor = SegmentProcessor() id1 = 1 id2 = 1 for document in tqdm(documents): texts = [] text = documents[document] text = text.strip() if text.startswith("REDIRECT") or text.startswith("redirect"): continue if text.endswith(". References."): text = text[:-len(" References.")].strip() infobox_text = "" # Need to match document name from XML dump with document name from .db from WikiExtractor and DrQA pre-processing matching_doc_name = unidecode.unidecode(document.strip()) if matching_doc_name not in infoboxes_params: matching_doc_name = saxutils.escape(matching_doc_name) if matching_doc_name not in infoboxes_params: matching_doc_name = matching_doc_name.replace("\"", """) if matching_doc_name not in infoboxes_params: print("FAILED TO MATCH DOC TITLE", unidecode.unidecode(saxutils.escape(document.strip()))) key_error_fails += 1 if matching_doc_name in infoboxes_params: for infobox_params in infoboxes_params[matching_doc_name]: for param in infobox_params: param_name = str(param.name).strip().replace("\n", " ").replace("_", " ") # no useful information if "maplink" in param_name: continue param_text = str(param.value).replace("\n", " ") param_text = re.sub('<ref>.*?</ref>', '', param_text) param_text = re.sub('<.*?>', '', param_text) param_text = param_text.strip() if param_text != "" and "<" not in param_text and ">" not in param_text: param_text = param_text.replace('|df=yes', '').replace('|mf=yes', '') param_text = param_text.replace("|", " | ") infobox_text += param_name + ": " + param_text + ". " # add infobox text to beginning of text text = infobox_text + text table_num = -1 table_found = True p_tables = [] # Need to match document name from XML dump with document name from .db from WikiExtractor and DrQA pre-processing matching_doc_name = unidecode.unidecode(document.strip()) if matching_doc_name in parsed_pages_tables: p_tables = parsed_pages_tables[matching_doc_name] else: matching_doc_name = saxutils.escape(matching_doc_name) if matching_doc_name in parsed_pages_tables: p_tables = parsed_pages_tables[matching_doc_name] else: matching_doc_name = matching_doc_name.replace("\"", """) if matching_doc_name in parsed_pages_tables: p_tables = parsed_pages_tables[matching_doc_name] else: print("FAILED TO MATCH DOC TITLE", unidecode.unidecode(saxutils.escape(document.strip()))) key_error_fails += 1 table_found = False # TABLETOREPLACE was added in the WikiExtractor step, where tables were replaced with the string TABLETOREPLACE so that they were included in the processed text corpus as TABLETOREPLACE, instead of gotten rid of by default. while table_found and ("TABLETOREPLACE" in text or len(p_tables) > table_num + 1): # Trying to put the tables back in the appropriate location in the text # However, might have parsed more tables in some article than there are occurrences of TABLETOREPLACE in the article for some reason. Add these extra linearized tables to end of text. table_num +=1 table_text = "" if len(p_tables) < table_num+1: # Failed to get table from dump #print("FAILED TO GET TABLE FROM DUMP, NOT ENOUGH TABLES PARSED", saxutils.escape(document.strip())) missing_table_fails+=1 break # table formatting concerns. Sometimes the top row of a table doesn't consist of column names, but rather some text spanning all of the columns. try: table_data = p_tables[table_num].data(span=False) if len(table_data[0]) <= 2 and len(table_data) > 1 and len(table_data[0]) + 2 < len(table_data[1]): for elem in table_data[0]: if elem.strip() != "": table_text += elem + ", " table_data = table_data[1:] if len(table_data) == 1: for elem in table_data[0]: if elem.strip() != "": table_text += elem + ", " table_text += ". " except: # working with p_tables[table_num].data sometimes throws unexplained errors table_data_fails+=1 continue # linearize table parsed from wikitextparser in format: "column_name1: row_elem1, column_name2: row_elem2, ..." for each row for row in range(1, len(table_data)): for column in range(len(table_data[row])): if column < len(table_data[0]) and table_data[row][column] is not None and str(table_data[row][column]).strip() != "": if table_data[0][column] is not None: table_text += table_data[0][column] + ": " table_text += table_data[row][column] + ', ' table_text += ". " table_text = table_text.replace("''", "") table_text = table_text.replace("|", " | ") # Try to add table in appropriate place in text. if "TABLETOREPLACE" in text: text = text.replace("TABLETOREPLACE", '. ' + table_text.replace("\n", " "), 1) else: text += " " + table_text extracted_tables += 1 text = re.sub('\{\{cite .*?\}\}', ' ', text) text = text.replace(r"TABLETOREPLACE", " ") text = text.replace(r"'''", " ") text = text.replace(r"[[", " ") text = text.replace(r"]]", " ") text = text.replace(r"{{", " ") text = text.replace(r"}}", " ") text = text.replace("
", " ") text = text.replace(""", "\"") text = text.replace("&", "&") text = text.replace("& amp;", "&") text = text.replace("nbsp;", " ") text = text.replace("formatnum:", "") #text = re.sub('', ' ', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # might have useful information? text = re.sub('', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) text = re.sub('', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) text = re.sub('', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # clean residual mess from xml dump that shouldn't have made its way here. # a lot of this mess was reintroduced from adding in the tables and infoboxes text = re.sub('\| ?item[0-9]?_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?col[0-9]?_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?row[0-9]?_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?bodystyle= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?frame_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?data_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?label_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?headerstyle= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?list_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?title_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?ul_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?li_?style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\| ?border-style= ?.*? ', ' ', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?style=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?rowspan=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?colspan=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?scope=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?align=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?valign=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?lang=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?bgcolor=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?bg=\#[a-z]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?width=\".*?\"', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?height=[0-9]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?width=[0-9]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?rowspan=[0-9]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?colspan=[0-9]+', '', text) text = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', ' ', text) text = re.sub('<.*?/>', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?align=[a-z]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?valign=[a-z]+', '', text) text = re.sub('\|? ?scope=[a-z]+', '', text) text = re.sub('<ref>.*?</ref>', ' ', text) text = re.sub('<.*?>', ' ', text) text = re.sub('File:[A-Za-z0-9 ]+\.[a-z]{3,4}(\|[0-9]+px)?', '', text) text = re.sub('Source: \[.*?\]', '', text) text = text.replace("Country flag |", "country:") text = text.replace("flag |", "country:") text = text.replace("flagicon |", "country:") text = text.replace("flagcountry |", "country:") text = text.replace("Flagu |", "country:") text = text.replace("display=inline", "") text = text.replace("display=it", "") text = text.replace("abbr=on", "") text = text.replace("disp=table", "") text = text.replace("sortname |", "") texts.append(Text(text)) document = document.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") segments = SegmentProcessor.segment(texts, seg_size=6, stride=3).segments for segment in segments: if segment.text is None: continue text = segment.text.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") f1.write(str(id1) + '\t' + text + '\t' + document + '\n') id1+=1 segments = SegmentProcessor.segment(texts, seg_size=8, stride=4).segments for segment in segments: if segment.text is None: continue text = segment.text.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") f2.write(str(id2) + '\t' + text + '\t' + document + '\n') id2+=1 print("key_error_fails:", key_error_fails) print("missing_table_fails:", missing_table_fails) print("table_data_fails:", table_data_fails) print("Extracted tables: ", extracted_tables) f1.close() f2.close()