# # Pyserini: Reproducible IR research with sparse and dense representations # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import argparse import math import os import time from collections import defaultdict from string import Template import yaml from defs_odqa import models, evaluate_dpr_retrieval_metric_definitions from utils import run_dpr_retrieval_eval_and_return_metric, convert_trec_run_to_dpr_retrieval_json, run_fusion, ok_str, fail_str GARRRF_LS = ['answers','titles','sentences'] HITS_1K = set(['GarT5-RRF', 'DPR-DKRR', 'DPR-Hybrid']) def print_results(metric, topics): print(f'Metric = {metric}, Topics = {topics}') for model in models['models']: print(' ' * 32, end='') print(f'{model:30}', end='') key = f'{model}' print(f'{table[key][metric]:7.2f}', end='\n') print('') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate regression matrix for GarDKRR') parser.add_argument('--skip-eval', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip running trec_eval.') parser.add_argument('--topics', choices=['tqa', 'nq'], help='Topics to be run [tqa, nq]', required=True) parser.add_argument('--full-topk', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run topk 5-1000, default is topk 5-100') args = parser.parse_args() hits = 1000 if args.full_topk else 100 yaml_path = 'pyserini/resources/triviaqa.yaml' if args.topics == "tqa" else 'pyserini/resources/naturalquestion.yaml' topics = 'dpr-trivia-test' if args.topics == 'tqa' else 'nq-test' start = time.time() table = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)) with open(yaml_path) as f: yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(f) for condition in yaml_data['conditions']: name = condition['model_name'] cmd_template = condition['command'] if not args.full_topk: # if using topk100 if name in HITS_1K: # if running topk1000 is a must to ensure scores match with the ones in the table hits = 1000 else: hits = 100 print(f'model {name}:') if topics == 'nq-test' and name == 'BM25-k1_0.9_b_0.4_dpr-topics': topics = 'dpr-nq-test' elif args.topics == 'nq': topics = 'nq-test' print(f' - Topics: {topics}') # running retrieval if name == "GarT5-RRF": runfile = [f'runs/run.odqa.{name}.{topics}.{i}.hits-{hits}.txt' for i in GARRRF_LS] else: runfile = [f'runs/run.odqa.{name}.{topics}.hits-{hits}.txt'] if name != "GarT5RRF-DKRR-RRF": cmd = [Template(cmd_template[i]).substitute(output=runfile[i]) for i in range(len(runfile))] if hits == 100: cmd = [i + ' --hits 100' for i in cmd] for i in range(len(runfile)): if not os.path.exists(runfile[i]): print(f' Running: {cmd[i]}') os.system(cmd[i]) # fusion if 'RRF' in name: runs = [] output = '' if name == 'GarT5-RRF': runs = runfile output = f'runs/run.odqa.{name}.{topics}.hits-{hits}.fusion.txt' elif name == 'GarT5RRF-DKRR-RRF': runs = [f'runs/run.odqa.DPR-DKRR.{topics}.hits-1000.txt', f'runs/run.odqa.GarT5-RRF.{topics}.hits-1000.fusion.txt'] output = runfile[0].replace('.txt','.fusion.txt') else: raise NameError('Unexpected model name') if not os.path.exists(output): if not args.full_topk and name != 'GarT5-RRF': # if using topk100, we change it back for methods that require topk1000 to generate runs hits = 100 status = run_fusion(runs, output, hits) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError('fusion failed') runfile = [output] # trec conversion + evaluation if not args.skip_eval: jsonfile = runfile[0].replace('.txt', '.json') runfile = jsonfile.replace('.json','.txt') if not os.path.exists(jsonfile): status = convert_trec_run_to_dpr_retrieval_json( topics, 'wikipedia-dpr', runfile, jsonfile) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError("dpr retrieval convertion failed") topk_defs = evaluate_dpr_retrieval_metric_definitions['Top5-100'] if args.full_topk: topk_defs = evaluate_dpr_retrieval_metric_definitions['Top5-1000'] score = run_dpr_retrieval_eval_and_return_metric(topk_defs, jsonfile) # comparing ground truth scores with the generated ones for expected in condition['scores']: for metric, expected_score in expected.items(): if metric not in score.keys(): continue if not args.skip_eval: if math.isclose(score[metric], float(expected_score),abs_tol=2e-2): result_str = ok_str else: result_str = fail_str + \ f' expected {expected[metric]:.4f}' print(f' {metric:7}: {score[metric]:.2f} {result_str}') table[name][metric] = score[metric] else: table[name][metric] = expected_score print('') metric_ls = ['Top5', 'Top20', 'Top100', 'Top500', 'Top1000'] metric_ls = metric_ls[:3] if not args.full_topk else metric_ls for metric in metric_ls: print_results(metric, topics) end = time.time() print(f'Total elapsed time: {end - start:.0f}s')