
The two-click* reproduction matrix below provides commands for reproducing experimental results reported in a number of papers, denoted by the references in square brackets. Instructions for programmatic execution are shown at the bottom of this page (scroll down).

TREC 2019 TREC 2020 dev

nDCG@10 R@1K
nDCG@10 R@1K RR@100 R@1K

Programmatic Execution

All experimental runs shown in the above table can be programmatically executed based on the instructions below. To list all the experimental conditions:

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --list-conditions

These conditions correspond to the table rows above.

For all conditions, just show the commands in a "dry run":

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --all --display-commands --dry-run

To actually run all the experimental conditions:

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --all --display-commands

With the above command, run files will be placed in the current directory. Use the option --directory runs/ to place the runs in a sub-directory.

To show the commands for a specific condition:

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --condition bm25-doc-default --display-commands --dry-run

This will generate exactly the commands for a specific condition above (corresponding to a row in the table).

To actually run a specific condition:

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --condition bm25-doc-default --display-commands

Again, with the above command, run files will be placed in the current directory. Use the option --directory runs/ to place the runs in a sub-directory.

Finally, to generate this page:

python -m pyserini.2cr.msmarco --collection v1-doc --generate-report --output msmarco-v1-doc.html

The output file msmarco-v1-doc.html should be identical to this page.