/* Copyright (c) 2008 - Chris Buckley. Permission is granted for use and modification of this file for research, non-commercial purposes. */ #include "common.h" #include "sysfunc.h" #include "trec_eval.h" #include "functions.h" #include "trec_format.h" static int te_calc_prefs_avgjg_ret (const EPI *epi, const REL_INFO *rel_info, const RESULTS *results, const TREC_MEAS *tm, TREC_EVAL *eval); /* See trec_eval.h for definition of TREC_MEAS */ TREC_MEAS te_meas_prefs_avgjg_ret = {"prefs_avgjg_ret", " Simple ratio of preferences fulfilled to preferences possible\n\ within a judgment group, averaged over jgs. I.e., rather than considering\n\ all preferences equal (prefs_simp), consider all judgment groups equal.\n\ prefs_avgjg = AVERAGE_OVER_JG (fulfilled_jg / possible_jg);\n\ May be useful in applications where user satisfaction is represented\n\ by a jg per user, and it is not desirable for many preferences expressed\n\ by user1 to swamp a few preferences by user2.\n\ For doc pref A>B, A and B must both be retrieved to be counted as either\n\ fulfilled or possible.\n\ pref_*_ret measures should be used for dynamic collections but are\n\ inferior in most other applications.\n\ Assumes '-R prefs' or '-R qrels_prefs'\n", te_init_meas_s_float, te_calc_prefs_avgjg_ret, te_acc_meas_s, te_calc_avg_meas_s, te_print_single_meas_s_float, te_print_final_meas_s_float, NULL, -1}; static int te_calc_prefs_avgjg_ret (const EPI *epi, const REL_INFO *rel_info, const RESULTS *results, const TREC_MEAS *tm, TREC_EVAL *eval) { RESULTS_PREFS results_prefs; long i; long ful, poss; double sum; if (UNDEF == form_prefs_counts (epi, rel_info, results, &results_prefs)) return (UNDEF); sum = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < results_prefs.num_jgs; i++) { ful = results_prefs.jgs[i].num_prefs_fulfilled_ret; poss = results_prefs.jgs[i].num_prefs_possible_ret; if (poss) sum += (double) ful / (double) poss; } /* Simple ratio of preferences fulfilled to preferences possible in each jg, averaged over jgs */ if (sum > 0.0) { eval->values[tm->eval_index].value = sum / (double) results_prefs.num_jgs; } return (1); }