Analyze a ChatGPT discussion

by samuelrince - opened
GenAI Impact org

Two options :

  1. Copy-paste the URL of a shared discussion with ChatGPT
  2. Input an OpenAI key, start a chat UI and display the impacts within the conversation

Option 2. is probably better in another HF Spaces. Maybe "ecologits-chat"?

GenAI Impact org

For option 1, first version released today :

  • Take as an input a chatgpt.share URL
  • Scrape the page to extract the output text
  • Tokenize it with tiktoken
  • Pass the amount of tokens as an input for ecologits impacts calculation

Could be improve with :

  • a cleaner scrapping
  • the possibility to share other LLMs chats
  • eventually and to avoid approximations, a filter on available models to assess impacts based on the URL (ex : if this is a chatgpt.share URL, then only show openai models)

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