# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: Deployment.ipynb. # %% auto 0 __all__ = ['learn', 'categories', 'image', 'label', 'examples', 'inf', 'get_y', 'classify_images'] # %% Deployment.ipynb 2 from fastai.vision.all import * import gradio as gr def get_y(path): return parent_label(path).split(' and ') # %% Deployment.ipynb 3 learn = load_learner('export.pkl') # %% Deployment.ipynb 8 categories = learn.dls.vocab def classify_images(img): """classifies images and returns the probabilities on each categories.""" pred, pred_idx, probs = learn.predict(img) return dict(zip(categories, map(float, probs))) # %% Deployment.ipynb 10 image = gr.inputs.Image(shape=(192, 192)) label = gr.outputs.Label() # If you have more or less examples, edit this list. examples = ['apple.jpg', 'orange.jpg', 'apple and orange.jpg', 'pear and orange.jpg', 'apple and pear.jpg', 'apple and pear and orange.jpg', 'random images.jpg'] inf = gr.Interface(fn=classify_images, inputs=image, outputs=label, examples=examples) inf.launch(inline=False)