import streamlit as st import yaml from src.models.model import Summarization def predict_model(text: str): """ Predict the summary of the given text. """ with open("model_params.yml") as f: params = yaml.safe_load(f) model = Summarization() model.load_model(model_type=params["model_type"], model_dir="gagan3012/summarsiation") pre_summary = model.predict(text) return pre_summary def visualize(): st.write("# Summarization UI") st.markdown( """ *For additional questions and inquiries, please contact **Gagan Bhatia** via [LinkedIn]( or [Github](* """ ) text = st.text_area("Enter text here") if st.button("Generate Summary"): with st.spinner("Connecting the Dots..."): sumtext = predict_model(text=text) st.write("# Generated Summary:") st.write("{}".format(sumtext)) if __name__ == "__main__": visualize()