summarization ============================== T5 Summarisation Using Pytorch Lightning Instructions ------------ 1. Clone the repo. 1. Run `make dirs` to create the missing parts of the directory structure described below. 1. *Optional:* Run `make virtualenv` to create a python virtual environment. Skip if using conda or some other env manager. 1. Run `source env/bin/activate` to activate the virtualenv. 1. Run `make requirements` to install required python packages. 1. Put the raw data in `data/raw`. 1. To save the raw data to the DVC cache, run `dvc commit raw_data.dvc` 1. Edit the code files to your heart's desire. 1. Process your data, train and evaluate your model using `dvc repro eval.dvc` or `make reproduce` 1. When you're happy with the result, commit files (including .dvc files) to git. Project Organization ------------ ├── LICENSE ├── Makefile <- Makefile with commands like `make dirs` or `make clean` ├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project. ├── data │   ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.