import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from MantraNet.mantranet import pre_trained_model, check_forgery from BusterNet.BusterNetCore import create_BusterNet_testing_model from BusterNet.BusterNetUtils import simple_cmfd_decoder, visualize_result import streamlit as st import cv2 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" st.header("IMD Demo") device = "cpu" # to change if you have a GPU with at least 12Go RAM (it will save you a lot of time !) def check_image_buster(img_path): busterNetModel = create_BusterNet_testing_model( 'BusterNet/pretrained_busterNet.hd5' ) rgb = cv2.imread(img_path) pred = simple_cmfd_decoder( busterNetModel, rgb ) figure = visualize_result( rgb, pred, pred, figsize=(20,20), title='BusterNet CMFD') st.pyplot(figure) def check_image_mantra(img_path): device = "cpu" # to change if you have a GPU with at least 12Go RAM (it will save you a lot of time !) MantraNetmodel = pre_trained_model( weight_path="MantraNet/", device=device ) fig = check_forgery(MantraNetmodel, img_path=img_path, device=device) st.pyplot(fig) uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("Upload your image", type=["jpg", "png","jpeg"]) if uploaded_image is not None: with open(os.path.join("images",, "wb") as f: f.write( st.write("BusterNet") check_image_buster(os.path.join("images", st.write("MantraNet") check_image_mantra(os.path.join("images",