import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from skimage import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud import itertools import scipy import numpy as np import validators from ast import literal_eval from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import sigmoid_kernel from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer def show_Cover(url: str) -> None: a = io.imread(url) plt.imshow(a) plt.axis('off') @st.experimental_memo def preprocess_lists(df: pd.DataFrame, column_list: list) -> pd.DataFrame: for column in column_list: string = column + '_treated' df_hold = df.loc[:,column] df_hold = df_hold.apply(lambda x: literal_eval(x) if len(x) > 2 else []) df[string] = df_hold df.drop(column, axis = 1, inplace = True) return df def gen_wordcloud(df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str) -> None: list_wc = df[column_name].tolist() list_wc = list(itertools.chain(*list_wc)) strings = ' '.join(list_wc) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) wordcloud = WordCloud(max_words=100,background_color="white",width=800, height=400, min_font_size = 10).generate(strings) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10)) ax.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout(pad=0) st.pyplot(fig) @st.cache def vect_Tfid(series: pd.Series) -> scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: tfv = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=3, max_features=None, analyzer='word', ngram_range=(1, 3), stop_words = 'english') return tfv.fit_transform(series) def sim_score(df: pd.DataFrame, kernel: str = 'sigmoid') -> np.ndarray: tfv_matrix = vect_Tfid(df['synopsis']) if kernel == 'sigmoid': return sigmoid_kernel(tfv_matrix, tfv_matrix) elif kernel == 'linear': return linear_kernel(tfv_matrix, tfv_matrix) @st.experimental_memo def get_rec(entry: str, df: pd.DataFrame, sug_num: int, rec_type: str) -> pd.DataFrame: idx = pd.Series(df.index, index=df['title']).drop_duplicates()[entry] df_sim = list(enumerate(sim_score(df, rec_type)[idx])) sim_scores = sorted(df_sim, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) sim_recs = sim_scores[1:sug_num] anime_indices = [y[0] for y in sim_recs] return df['title'].iloc[anime_indices] def data_frame_demo() -> None: @st.experimental_memo def get_Anime_data() -> None: df = pd.read_csv('./anime.csv') return df @st.experimental_memo def preprocess(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: columns = ['title', 'type', 'score', 'scored_by', 'status', 'episodes', 'members', 'favorites', 'rating', 'sfw', 'genres', 'themes', 'demographics', 'studios', 'producers', 'licensors','synopsis'] return dataframe[columns] df = get_Anime_data() df_pred = preprocess(df) df_pred.fillna(value = 'Not Found in MAL', inplace=True) list_columns = ['genres','themes','demographics','studios' ,'producers','licensors'] df_pred = preprocess_lists(df_pred, list_columns) anime_list = st.multiselect( "Choose some anime", list(df.title) ) #st.dataframe(df.head()) Used for testing #st.dataframe(df_pred.head()) Used for testing if not anime_list: st.error("Please select an anime.") else: df_subset = df[df["title"].isin(anime_list)] df_subset.fillna(value = 'Not Found in MAL', inplace=True) r_type = st.selectbox('Which kernel to be used for the recommendation?', ('sigmoid', 'linear')) rec_num = st.slider('How many recommendations?', 10, 50, 20) + 1 for anime, picture, url, trailer in zip(anime_list, df_subset.main_picture, df_subset.url, df_subset.trailer_url): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([2,4,4]) with col1: st.write(f'Anime selected: {anime}') #st.dataframe(df_subset) used for testing st.image(picture, caption = picture) st.write(f'[MAL page]({url})') if validators.url(trailer): with col2: rec_list = get_rec(anime, df_pred, rec_num, r_type) rec_df = df_pred[df_pred["title"].isin(rec_list)] st.dataframe(rec_df[['title','licensors_treated','sfw']], height=550, width= 810) with col3: gen_wordcloud(rec_df,'genres_treated') gen_wordcloud(rec_df,'themes_treated') st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False) st.set_page_config(page_title="Recommendation", page_icon="🏮", layout="wide") st.markdown("# Anime Suggestion") st.sidebar.header("Anime Suggestion") st.write( """In this section choose an anime or a theme that you really like. The model will take care of the rest. Enjoy!""" ) data_frame_demo()