import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import as px import warnings import re from zhdate import ZhDate as lunar_date from typing import Iterable import streamlit.components.v1 as components from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # import plotly.graph_objs as go # ============================================================================ # # config # # ============================================================================ # st.set_page_config( page_title="simingyanwebpage", page_icon="🧊", layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", menu_items={ 'About': "" } ) # ============================================================================ # # main page # # ============================================================================ # @st.cache # 👈 Added this class load_data: ''' read some data ''' def __init__(self, df, lunar_today, pltdf): self.df = pd.DataFrame() self.lunar_today = '' self.pltdf = pd.DataFrame() self.chinese_char_map = {} df = pd.read_csv('./dataup/base.csv') lunar_today = re.sub('\D', '', str(lunar_date.from_datetime( pltdf = pd.DataFrame(data = { 'main': '八卦', 'wuxing':['金', '金', '火', '火', '木', '木', '土', '土','土', '土', '水', '水'], 'bagua': ['乾','兑','离','离','震','巽','坤','坤','艮','艮','坎','坎'], 'tiangan':['庚', '辛','丙', '丁', '甲', '乙', '戊', '己', '戊', '己', '壬', '癸'], 'dizhi':['申', '酉','巳', '午','寅','卯','辰','戌', '丑', '未', '亥', '子'], 'value1': np.repeat(10, 12).tolist() }) def plt1(): fig = px.sunburst(load_data.pltdf, path=['main', 'wuxing', 'bagua', 'tiangan', 'dizhi'], values='value1',\ color_discrete_sequence = px.colors.qualitative.Pastel2[0:8] ) return fig def count_strokes(words: Iterable) -> int: """ 统计字符串中所有文字的笔画总数 :param words: 需要统计的字符串 :return: 笔画总数 """ chinese_char_map = {} with open('./dataup/chinese_unicode_table.txt', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines[6:]: # 前6行是表头,去掉 line_info = line.strip().split() # 处理后的数组第一个是文字,第7个是笔画数量 chinese_char_map[line_info[0]] = line_info[6] strokes = 0 for word in words: if 0 <= ord(word) <= 126: # 数字,英文符号范围 strokes += 1 elif 0x4E00 <= ord(word) <= 0x9FA5: # 常用汉字Unicode编码范围4E00-9FA5,20902个字 strokes += int(chinese_char_map.get(word, 1)) else: # 特殊符号字符一律排在最后 strokes += 1 return strokes st.title('正德佷准') st.markdown('--- \n > **人工智能和量子物理结合下的优化版梅花易数**\n ---') add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox( "In which aspects would you like to know your future?", ("undefined", "money", "love") ) if add_selectbox == 'undefined': print('') with st.container(): # st.write("This is inside the container") st.plotly_chart(load_data.plt1()) # ----- else: '今日是农历: %s \ 公历 %s'%(load_data.lunar_today,'%Y%m%d')) dizhi = '酉、戌、亥、子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申'.split('、') dict = dict(zip(range(1,13), "子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥".split('、'))) # st.code() name = st.text_input('请输入您的姓名') # st.text() components.html("笔画数:%s"%load_data.count_strokes(name), width=200, height=30) bdate = st.text_input('请输入您的生日', value = '20220304') dizhi = dizhi[int(bdate[0:4])%12 - 1] components.html("地支: %s"%dizhi, width=200, height=30) bt = st.button('测') if (bt == True) & (name != '') & (int(bdate) < 20220101) & (len(name) < 26): st.markdown('恭喜您和刘亦菲谈恋爱') else: st.text("输入信息有误") pass