import gradio as gr # for creating interactive UIs in Hugging Face import torch from ultralyticsplus import YOLO, render_result # for Hugging Face integration, render_result -> takes the model, image and generates results # Creating a function to perform predictions def yolov8_predict_func(image : gr.Image = None, # uploading an image as input image_size : gr.Slider = 640, # setting the image size conf_threshold : gr.Slider = 0.4, # setting the confidence threshold iou_threshold : gr.Slider = 0.50): # setting IOU threshold for object detection # Loading the YOLOv8 model model_path = "" model = YOLO(model_path) # print(model) # Performing the detection on the YOLO Image results = model.predict( image, conf = conf_threshold, iou = iou_threshold, imgsz = image_size ) # Displaying the detected object's information box = results[0].boxes print(f"Object type : {box.cls}") print(f"Coordinates : {box.xyxy}") print(f"Probability : {box.conf}") # Rendering the output image with bounding boxes around detected objects render = render_result(model = model, image = image, result = results[0]) return render inputs = [ gr.Image(type = "filepath", label = "Input Image"), gr.Slider(minimum = 320, maximum = 1280, value = 640, step = 32, label = "Image Size"), gr.Slider(minimum = 0.0, maximum = 1.0, value = 0.25, step = 0.05, label = "Confidence Threshold"), gr.Slider(minimum = 0.0, maximum = 1.0, value = 0.45, step = 0.05, label = "IOU Threshold") ] outputs = gr.Image(type = "filepath", label = "Output Image") title = "VPS" examples = [ ["ps2.0/testing/indoor-parking lot/007.jpg"] ] yolo_app = gr.Interface( fn = yolov8_predict_func, inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs, title = title, examples = examples, cache_examples = True ) yolo_app.launch(debug = True, enable_queue = True)