import streamlit as st from predict_chromosome import predict_and_write st.title("DeepLoop") st.write("Looking for some example data?") st.write("") st.write("Use hg19, HindIII, chr11, CPGZ and LoopDenoise for the Demo data") ######### # INPUT # ######### HiCorr_data_hf_repo = st.text_input( "HiCorr Data 🤗 Dataset", value="funlab/HiCorr_test_data" ) training_set = st.selectbox("Select Training Set", ["CPGZ", "H9"], index=0) depth = st.selectbox("Select Depth", ["LoopDenoise", "50M", "101K"], index=0) # TODO Throw a warning that h9 only has LoopDenoise and 100M chromosome = st.selectbox("Select Chromosome", ["chr11"]) prefix = "results" genome = st.selectbox( "Reference Genome", [ "hg19", "hg38", "mm10", ], ) digestion_enzyme = st.selectbox( "Digestion Enzyme", [ "HindIII", "Arima", # FIXME "microC_5kb_bin" "DPNII", ], index=0, ) # TODO Add the other toggles # small_matrix_size # step_size # max_dist # dummy # val_cols # keep_zeros # Load the model from hugging face from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras model = from_pretrained_keras(f"funlab/DeepLoop-{training_set}-{depth}") from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download HiCorr_data = snapshot_download(HiCorr_data_hf_repo, repo_type="dataset") anchors = snapshot_download( repo_id=f"funlab/{genome}_{digestion_enzyme}_anchor_bed", repo_type="dataset" ) import os os.makedirs(prefix, exist_ok=True) if st.button("Run Deeploop", type="primary"): denoised_anchor_to_anchor = None with st.spinner("Running the model"): denoised_anchor_to_anchor = predict_and_write( model, full_matrix_dir=HiCorr_data + f"/anchor_2_anchor.loop.{chromosome}", input_name=HiCorr_data + f"/anchor_2_anchor.loop.{chromosome}.p_val", outdir=prefix, anchor_dir=anchors, chromosome=chromosome, small_matrix_size=128, step_size=128, dummy=5, # max_dist, val_cols=["obs", "exp", "pval"], # keep_zeros, ) st.success("Done!") # Print and list the files st.download_button( label="Download Denoised Results", data=os.path.join(prefix, chromosome + ""), file_name=chromosome + "", mime="text/csv", ) st.dataframe(denoised_anchor_to_anchor) st.write(os.listdir(prefix))