import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.read_csv('last_results_4.csv') image1 = 'images/rs_pmpa.PNG' title_html = """ PREVISÕES DE RECEITAS """ # Set a fixed width for the sidebar st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) with st.sidebar: st.image(image1, use_column_width=True) st.markdown(title_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) selected_instituicao = st.selectbox('Seleciona Instituição', df['Instituição'].unique()) selected_conta = st.selectbox('Seleciona Conta', df['Conta'].unique()) # Filter the DataFrame based on selected values filtered_df = df[(df['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao) & (df['Conta'] == selected_conta)] # Set custom width for columns col1_width = 400 col2_width = 400 col1, col2 = st.columns([col1_width, col2_width]) # Display the Forecasts values in the first column col1.header('Valores previstos') if not filtered_df.empty: data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0] # Split the string into lines lines = data_string.split('\n') # Iterate through the lines and extract the values for line in lines[:-2]: period, value = line.split() num_float = float(value) monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator col1.write(f"Período {period}: {monetary_value}") else: col1.warning('No data available for the selected filters.') # Display the Forecasts values as line plots in the second column col2.header('Gráfico com previsões') if not filtered_df.empty: data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0] # Create a list to store data for each period data = [] # Split the string into lines lines = data_string.split('\n') # Iterate through the lines and extract the values for line in lines[:-2]: period, value = line.split() num_float = float(value) monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator data.append({'Period': int(period), 'Monetary Value': num_float}) # Create a DataFrame from the list chart_data = pd.DataFrame(data) # Sort the DataFrame by 'Period' chart_data = chart_data.sort_values(by='Period') # Display line chart with "period" on X-axis and "Monetary Value" on Y-axis col2.line_chart(chart_data.set_index('Period')) else: col2.warning('No data available for the selected filters.') # Display the table in the third column col3 = st.columns(1) # You can use st.columns(1) to create a single column layout if not filtered_df.empty: data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0] # Create a list to store data for each period data = [] # Split the string into lines lines = data_string.split('\n') # Iterate through the lines and extract the values for line in lines[:-2]: period, value = line.split() num_float = float(value) monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator data.append({'Período': int(period), 'Valor Monetário': monetary_value}) # Create a DataFrame from the list table_data = pd.DataFrame(data) # Calculate the sum total_sum = table_data['Valor Monetário'].str.replace('R$ ', '').str.replace(',', '').astype(float).sum() # Create a DataFrame for the "Total" row total_row = pd.DataFrame({'Período': ['Total'], 'Valor Monetário': [f'R$ {total_sum:,.2f}']}) # Concatenate the "Total" row with the existing table data table_data = pd.concat([table_data, total_row], ignore_index=True) # Display the table st.table(table_data) else: col3.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')