# FORESIGHT (2024): Internship at Jaguar Land Rover| Ahana Ganguly Student Welfare Group, IIT Kharagpur Follow -- Listen Share 1) Brief introduction and description of offered role Ans: I am Ahana Ganguly, a 4th year undergraduate in the department of Mechanical Engineering, enrolled in its dual degree course having the specialization : Manufacturing Science and Engineering. I have been selected as a Software Development Intern at Jaguar Land Rover for the summer of 2024. Jaguar Land Rover is an automobile manufacturing company. 2) How did you get into Jaguar Land Rover? What was the selection procedure? Ans: Initially, we had a CV shortlisting. In the next round we had to solve as many MCQs as possible within a time limit of one hour which were mostly mathematical with increasing difficulty levels. In the same round there were two coding questions of medium difficulty level which we had to solve within a time limit of fifty minutes.The final round was an interview round which in my case lasted for about 80 minutes and consisted of both Technical and HR round Technical round: In this round entire CV grilling was done. I was asked in-depth questions about my Software development as well as Machine learning projects. After 30 minutes I received coding questions which consisted of in-depth questions from DSA. I was also asked to write a code and different test cases were given to check whether my code runs properly or not. I was also asked to debug multiple code snippets. HR round: In this round questions like whatever project taken up into JLR in the future would have a significant impact on the future world and would come as a profit to JLR. Similar kinds of questions were asked. 3) How to prepare for them? Ans: Majorly the skills required are in-depth knowledge of DSA and having done good competitive programming will be a plus point. Being specific with JLR, one needs to have at least one Machine Learning project in their CV. I participated continuously in various contests on Codeforces and Codechef, as well as followed a YouTube channel named Take You Forward for lectures related to DSA. At the same time, for Machine Learning, I did some foundation courses, and developed further knowledge by working on various projects. 4) When did you start preparing for this role and according to you what is the ideal time for aspirants to begin their preparation? Ans: I started with my preparation in my fourth semester but it is quite difficult to manage core mechanical subjects with this preparation. I prepared more rigorously from the summer of 2023. During this period of time, I used to code for around eight hours daily and give two to three hours to my projects. Having a good timetable in this crucial time is very important and helps a lot in the good preparation. The summer before the CDC Internship selections, I feel, is the ideal time to work upon one’s skills in a rigorous manner. But, one needs to start preparing much early, preferably at least a year before the selections take place. 5) What difficulties did you face while preparing to be a Software at Jaguar Land Rover? How did you overcome them? Ans: Being a student from a core engineering department (Mechanical Engineering), it was really difficult for me to try and take out time for coding and work upon my DSA concepts on a daily basis. I managed to work upon my coding skills only after I prepared a good timetable in which I had allotted time for both my core subjects as well as DSA and CP. Time management is really important for getting into a software role from a non circuital department I feel. 6) Are there any specific requirements such as department, CGPA, or other criteria for this position? Additionally, do certain PORs or EAAs enhance one’s chances of securing this internship? Ans: A CGPA of at least 8 plus is required to make a good impression on the recruiter. Specifically speaking about JLR one should at least have more than one project in Machine Learning and Software Development. Relevant prior interns will also help a lot in the selection process. For the software domain POR is not much needed. 7) According to you, who should ideally apply for this job? Ans: According to me, people who want to have a career in Software Development in future should apply for this job. For this, it’s really important to have an interest in coding and problem solving. As we know, coding is not just DSA but a lot more than that. A person should have a knack of solving problems, and not just do it for the sake of getting a job or earning money. 8) Kindly attach your CV/Resume. What are some of the major points you think would be valid to mention in your CV while targeting this profile? Ans: To make an impressive CV one must have a good CGPA of at least 8 plus. Having good projects in your CV will help a lot because the whole interview will be based upon discussion on your projects and testing your knowledge about DSA as well as highlighting your rank on different platforms, highlighting maximum streaks you had, mentioning all these points in the CV will make your CV impressive. 9) Lastly, what advice would you like to give to the students aiming to grab CDC internships this year? Ans: My advice for those who will be facing the upcoming CDC season is that you should be able to explain every point mentioned in your CV and that too in depth. Also, utilize summer vacation prior to the CDC season in a very proper way. Have a rigorous practice of coding daily. Even after getting an internship, stay in regular touch with coding. Stay motivated throughout and enjoy the process.