import gradio as gr import torch from sahi.prediction import ObjectPrediction from import visualize_object_predictions, read_image from ultralyticsplus import YOLO, render_result def yolov8_inference( image: gr.inputs.Image = None, model_path: gr.inputs.Dropdown = None, image_size: gr.inputs.Slider = 640, conf_threshold: gr.inputs.Slider = 0.25, iou_threshold: gr.inputs.Slider = 0.45, ): """ YOLOv8 inference function Args: image: Input image model_path: Path to the model image_size: Image size conf_threshold: Confidence threshold iou_threshold: IOU threshold Returns: Rendered image """ model = YOLO(model_path) model.overrides['conf'] = conf_threshold model.overrides['iou']= iou_threshold model.overrides['agnostic_nms'] = False # NMS class-agnostic model.overrides['max_det'] = 1000 image = read_image(image) results = model.predict(image) render = render_result(model=model, image=image, result=results[0]) return render inputs = [ gr.inputs.Image(type="filepath", label="Input Image"), gr.inputs.Dropdown(["foduucom/plant-leaf-detection-and-classification"], default="foduucom/plant-leaf-detection-and-classification", label="Model"), gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=320, maximum=1280, default=640, step=32, label="Image Size"), gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, default=0.25, step=0.05, label="Confidence Threshold"), gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, default=0.45, step=0.05, label="IOU Threshold"), ] outputs = gr.outputs.Image(type="filepath", label="Output Image") title = "Leafify: Advanced Plant Leaf Detection and Classification" description = """Unleash the botanical detective in you with Leafify, powered by the incredible Foduu AI model! πŸŒ±πŸ”¬ Detecting over 45 plant varieties (and counting!), Leafify turns leaf identification into an exciting adventure. Curious about our secret sauce? The Foduu AI model is like a plant whisperer – it can spot and name plants like a pro. For the juicy deets, swing by the Foduu model page – it's where the AI magic happens! Oh, but the excitement doesn't stop there. We're plant enthusiasts, just like you! If you're craving even more plant pals in the AI family, or you're thinking, 'Hey, my plants deserve to be famous too!' – drop us a line at We're all ears, leaves, and stems! And, hey, if you heart the universe as much as we do, show some love! Just hit that little heart button – because every time you do, a virtual garden blooms. 🌼🧑 Let's get leafy!""" examples = [['test-images/plant1.jpg', 'foduucom/plant-leaf-detection-and-classification', 640, 0.25, 0.45], ['test-images/plant2.jpeg', 'foduucom/plant-leaf-detection-and-classification', 640, 0.25, 0.45], ['test-images/plant3.webp', 'foduucom/plant-leaf-detection-and-classification', 1280, 0.25, 0.45]] demo_app = gr.Interface( fn=yolov8_inference, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, title=title, description=description, examples=examples, cache_examples=True, theme='huggingface', ) demo_app.launch(debug=True, enable_queue=True)