## MODNet - TorchScript Model This TorchScript version of MODNet is provided by [@yarkable](https://github.com/yarkable) from the community. Please note that the PyTorch version required for this TorchScript export function is higher than the official MODNet code (torch>=1.2.0). You can also download the TorchScript version of the official **Image Matting Model** from [this link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kOmmmbG7lSZiSmDdE7CaRw) with the exextraction code `dm9e`. To export the TorchScript version of MODNet (assuming you are currently in project root directory): 1. Download the pre-trained **Image Matting Model** from this [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1umYmlCulvIFNaqPjwod1SayFmSRHziyR?usp=sharing) and put the model into the folder `MODNet/pretrained/`. 2. Ensure your PyTorch version >= 1.2.0. 3. Export the TorchScript version of MODNet by: ```shell python -m torchscript.export_torchscript \ --ckpt-path=pretrained/modnet_photographic_portrait_matting.ckpt \ --output-path=pretrained/modnet_photographic_portrait_matting.torchscript ```