## MODNet - Custom Portrait Video Matting Demo This is a MODNet portrait video matting demo that allows you to process custom videos. ### 1. Requirements The basic requirements for this demo are: - Ubuntu System - Python 3+ ### 2. Introduction We use ~400 unlabeled video clips (divided into ~50,000 frames) downloaded from the internet to perform SOC to adapt MODNet to the video domain. **Nonetheless, due to insufficient labeled training data (~3k labeled foregrounds), our model may still make errors in portrait semantics estimation under challenging scenes.** Besides, this demo does not currently support the OFD trick. For a better experience, please make sure your videos satisfy: * the portrait and background are distinguishable, i.e., are not similar * captured in soft and bright ambient lighting * the contents do not move too fast ### 3. Run Demo We recommend creating a new conda virtual environment to run this demo, as follow: 1. Clone the MODNet repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/ZHKKKe/MODNet.git cd MODNet ``` 2. Download the pre-trained model from this [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nf1ZxeJZJL8Qx9KadcYYyEmmlKhTADxX/view?usp=sharing) and put it into the folder `MODNet/pretrained/`. 3. Create a conda virtual environment named `modnet` (if it doesn't exist) and activate it. Here we use `python=3.6` as an example: ``` conda create -n modnet python=3.6 source activate modnet ``` 4. Install the required python dependencies (please make sure your CUDA version is supported by the PyTorch version installed): ``` pip install -r demo/video_matting/custom/requirements.txt ``` 5. Execute the main code: ``` python -m demo.video_matting.custom.run --video YOUR_VIDEO_PATH ``` where `YOUR_VIDEO_PATH` is the specific path of your video. There are some optional arguments: - `--result-type (default=fg)` : fg - save the alpha matte; fg - save the foreground - `--fps (default=30)` : fps of the result video