# Taken from https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI # This file is only for reference, and not used in the backend or runtime. import ldm_patched.modules.utils import ldm_patched.utils.path_utils import torch def load_hypernetwork_patch(path, strength): sd = ldm_patched.modules.utils.load_torch_file(path, safe_load=True) activation_func = sd.get('activation_func', 'linear') is_layer_norm = sd.get('is_layer_norm', False) use_dropout = sd.get('use_dropout', False) activate_output = sd.get('activate_output', False) last_layer_dropout = sd.get('last_layer_dropout', False) valid_activation = { "linear": torch.nn.Identity, "relu": torch.nn.ReLU, "leakyrelu": torch.nn.LeakyReLU, "elu": torch.nn.ELU, "swish": torch.nn.Hardswish, "tanh": torch.nn.Tanh, "sigmoid": torch.nn.Sigmoid, "softsign": torch.nn.Softsign, "mish": torch.nn.Mish, } if activation_func not in valid_activation: print("Unsupported Hypernetwork format, if you report it I might implement it.", path, " ", activation_func, is_layer_norm, use_dropout, activate_output, last_layer_dropout) return None out = {} for d in sd: try: dim = int(d) except: continue output = [] for index in [0, 1]: attn_weights = sd[dim][index] keys = attn_weights.keys() linears = filter(lambda a: a.endswith(".weight"), keys) linears = list(map(lambda a: a[:-len(".weight")], linears)) layers = [] i = 0 while i < len(linears): lin_name = linears[i] last_layer = (i == (len(linears) - 1)) penultimate_layer = (i == (len(linears) - 2)) lin_weight = attn_weights['{}.weight'.format(lin_name)] lin_bias = attn_weights['{}.bias'.format(lin_name)] layer = torch.nn.Linear(lin_weight.shape[1], lin_weight.shape[0]) layer.load_state_dict({"weight": lin_weight, "bias": lin_bias}) layers.append(layer) if activation_func != "linear": if (not last_layer) or (activate_output): layers.append(valid_activation[activation_func]()) if is_layer_norm: i += 1 ln_name = linears[i] ln_weight = attn_weights['{}.weight'.format(ln_name)] ln_bias = attn_weights['{}.bias'.format(ln_name)] ln = torch.nn.LayerNorm(ln_weight.shape[0]) ln.load_state_dict({"weight": ln_weight, "bias": ln_bias}) layers.append(ln) if use_dropout: if (not last_layer) and (not penultimate_layer or last_layer_dropout): layers.append(torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.3)) i += 1 output.append(torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)) out[dim] = torch.nn.ModuleList(output) class hypernetwork_patch: def __init__(self, hypernet, strength): self.hypernet = hypernet self.strength = strength def __call__(self, q, k, v, extra_options): dim = k.shape[-1] if dim in self.hypernet: hn = self.hypernet[dim] k = k + hn[0](k) * self.strength v = v + hn[1](v) * self.strength return q, k, v def to(self, device): for d in self.hypernet.keys(): self.hypernet[d] = self.hypernet[d].to(device) return self return hypernetwork_patch(out, strength) class HypernetworkLoader: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": { "model": ("MODEL",), "hypernetwork_name": (ldm_patched.utils.path_utils.get_filename_list("hypernetworks"), ), "strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": -10.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01}), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("MODEL",) FUNCTION = "load_hypernetwork" CATEGORY = "loaders" def load_hypernetwork(self, model, hypernetwork_name, strength): hypernetwork_path = ldm_patched.utils.path_utils.get_full_path("hypernetworks", hypernetwork_name) model_hypernetwork = model.clone() patch = load_hypernetwork_patch(hypernetwork_path, strength) if patch is not None: model_hypernetwork.set_model_attn1_patch(patch) model_hypernetwork.set_model_attn2_patch(patch) return (model_hypernetwork,) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "HypernetworkLoader": HypernetworkLoader }