import streamlit as st import copy import streamlit.components.v1 as components import streamlit.caching as caching import time import argparse import numpy as np import gym import gym_minigrid from gym_minigrid.wrappers import * from gym_minigrid.window import Window import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gym_minigrid.social_ai_envs.socialaigrammar import SocialAIGrammar, SocialAIActions, SocialAIActionSpace default_params = { "Pointing": 0, "Emulation": 1, "Language_grounding": 2, "Pragmatic_frame_complexity": 1, } class InteractiveACL: def choose(self, node, chosen_parameters): options = [n.label for n in node.children] box_name = f'{node.label} ({})' ret = st.sidebar.selectbox( box_name, options, index=default_params.get(node.label, 0) ) for ind, (c, c_lab) in enumerate(zip(node.children, options)): if c_lab == ret: return c def get_info(self): return {} @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True) def load_env(): env = gym.make("SocialAI-SocialAIParamEnv-v1") env.curriculum=InteractiveACL() return env st.title("SocialAI interactive demo") env = load_env() st.subheader("Primitive actions") # moving buttons columns = st.columns([1]*(len(SocialAIActions)+1)) action_names = [ for a in list(SocialAIActions)] + ["no_op"] # keys = ["Left arrow", "Right arrow", "Up arrow", "t", "q", "Shift"] keys = ["a", "d", "w", "t", "q", "Shift"] # actions = [st.button( for a in list(SocialAIActions)] + [st.button("none")] actions = [] for a_name, col, key in zip(action_names, columns, keys): with col: actions.append(st.button(a_name+f" ({key})", help=f"Shortcut: {key}")) st.subheader("Speaking actions") # talking buttons t, w, b = st.columns([1, 1, 1]) changes = [False, False] with t: templ = st.selectbox("Template", options=SocialAIGrammar.templates, index=1) with w: word = st.selectbox("Word", options=SocialAIGrammar.things, index=0) speak = st.button("Speak (s)", help="Shortcut s") # utterance change detection utt_changed = False if "template" in st.session_state: utt_changed = st.session_state.template != templ if "word" in st.session_state: utt_changed = utt_changed or st.session_state.word != word st.session_state["template"] = templ st.session_state["word"] = word st.sidebar.subheader("Select the parameters:") play = st.button("Play (Enter)", help="Generate the env. Shortcut: Enter") components.html( """ """, height=0, width=0, ) # no action done_ind = len(actions) - 2 actions[done_ind] = False # was agent controlled no_action = not any(actions) and not speak done = False info = None if not no_action or play or utt_changed: # agent is controlled if any(actions): p_act = np.argmax(actions) if p_act == len(actions) - 1: p_act = np.nan action = [p_act, np.nan, np.nan] elif speak: templ_ind = SocialAIGrammar.templates.index(templ) word_ind = SocialAIGrammar.things.index(word) action = [np.nan, templ_ind, word_ind] else: action = None if action: obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) env.render(mode='human') st.pyplot(env.window.fig) # if done or no_action: if done or (no_action and not play and not utt_changed): env.reset() else: env.parameter_tree.sample_env_params(ACL=env.curriculum) with st.expander("Parametric tree", True): # draw tree current_param_labels = env.current_env.parameters if env.current_env.parameters else {} folded_nodes = [ "Information_seeking", "Collaboration", "OthersPerceptionInference" ] # print(current_param_labels["Env_type"]) folded_nodes.remove(current_param_labels["Env_type"]) env.parameter_tree.draw_tree( filename="viz/streamlit_temp_tree", ignore_labels=["Num_of_colors"], selected_parameters=current_param_labels, folded_nodes=folded_nodes, # save=False ) # st.graphviz_chart(env.parameter_tree.tree) st.image("viz/streamlit_temp_tree.png") # if not no_action or play or utt_changed: # # agent is controlled # if any(actions): # p_act = np.argmax(actions) # if p_act == len(actions) - 1: # p_act = np.nan # # action = [p_act, np.nan, np.nan] # # elif speak: # templ_ind = SocialAIGrammar.templates.index(templ) # word_ind = SocialAIGrammar.things.index(word) # action = [np.nan, templ_ind, word_ind] # # else: # action = None # # if action: # obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # # env.render(mode='human') # st.pyplot(env.window.fig)