#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from gym_minigrid.minigrid import * from gym_minigrid.register import register class FourRoomsEnv(MiniGridEnv): """ Classic 4 rooms gridworld environment. Can specify agent and goal position, if not it set at random. """ def __init__(self, agent_pos=None, goal_pos=None): self._agent_default_pos = agent_pos self._goal_default_pos = goal_pos super().__init__(grid_size=19, max_steps=100) def _gen_grid(self, width, height): # Create the grid self.grid = Grid(width, height) # Generate the surrounding walls self.grid.horz_wall(0, 0) self.grid.horz_wall(0, height - 1) self.grid.vert_wall(0, 0) self.grid.vert_wall(width - 1, 0) room_w = width // 2 room_h = height // 2 # For each row of rooms for j in range(0, 2): # For each column for i in range(0, 2): xL = i * room_w yT = j * room_h xR = xL + room_w yB = yT + room_h # Bottom wall and door if i + 1 < 2: self.grid.vert_wall(xR, yT, room_h) pos = (xR, self._rand_int(yT + 1, yB)) self.grid.set(*pos, None) # Bottom wall and door if j + 1 < 2: self.grid.horz_wall(xL, yB, room_w) pos = (self._rand_int(xL + 1, xR), yB) self.grid.set(*pos, None) # Randomize the player start position and orientation if self._agent_default_pos is not None: self.agent_pos = self._agent_default_pos self.grid.set(*self._agent_default_pos, None) self.agent_dir = self._rand_int(0, 4) # assuming random start direction else: self.place_agent() if self._goal_default_pos is not None: goal = Goal() self.put_obj(goal, *self._goal_default_pos) goal.init_pos, goal.cur_pos = self._goal_default_pos else: self.place_obj(Goal()) self.mission = 'Reach the goal' def step(self, action): obs, reward, done, info = MiniGridEnv.step(self, action) return obs, reward, done, info register( id='MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:FourRoomsEnv' )