import numpy as np from gym_minigrid.minigrid import * from gym_minigrid.register import register import time from collections import deque class DemonstratingPeer(NPC): """ A dancing NPC that the agent has to copy """ def __init__(self, color, name, env, knowledgeable=False): super().__init__(color) = name self.npc_dir = 1 # NPC initially looks downward self.npc_type = 0 self.env = env self.knowledgeable = knowledgeable self.npc_actions = [] self.dancing_step_idx = 0 self.actions = MiniGridEnv.Actions self.add_npc_direction = True self.available_moves = [self.rotate_left, self.rotate_right, self.go_forward, self.toggle_action] self.exited = False self.joint_attention_achieved = False def can_overlap(self): # If the NPC is hidden, agent can overlap on it return self.env.hidden_npc def encode(self, nb_dims=3): if self.env.hidden_npc: if nb_dims == 3: return (1, 0, 0) elif nb_dims == 4: return (1, 0, 0, 0) else: return super().encode(nb_dims=nb_dims) def step(self): super().step() reply = None if self.exited: return if all(np.array(self.cur_pos) == np.array(self.env.door_pos)): # disappear self.env.grid.set(*self.cur_pos, self.env.object) self.cur_pos = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) # close door self.env.object.toggle(self.env, self.cur_pos) # reset switches door for s in self.env.switches: s.is_on = False # update door self.env.update_door_lock() self.exited = True elif self.knowledgeable: if self.joint_attention_achieved: if self.env.object.is_locked: first_wrong_id = np.where(self.env.get_selected_password() != self.env.password)[0][0] goal_pos = self.env.switches_pos[first_wrong_id] act = self.path_to_toggle_pos(goal_pos) act() else: if all(self.front_pos == self.env.door_pos) and self.env.object.is_open: self.go_forward() else: act = self.path_to_toggle_pos(self.env.door_pos) act() else: wanted_dir = self.compute_wanted_dir(self.env.agent_pos) action = self.compute_turn_action(wanted_dir) action() if self.is_eye_contact(): self.joint_attention_achieved = True reply = "Look at me" else: self.env._rand_elem(self.available_moves)() self.env.update_door_lock() if self.env.hidden_npc: reply = None return reply class DemonstrationGrammar(object): templates = ["Move your", "Shake your"] things = ["body", "head"] grammar_action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([len(templates), len(things)]) @classmethod def construct_utterance(cls, action): return cls.templates[int(action[0])] + " " + cls.things[int(action[1])] + " " class DemonstrationEnv(MultiModalMiniGridEnv): """ Environment in which the agent is instructed to go to a given object named using an English text string """ def __init__( self, size=5, diminished_reward=True, step_penalty=False, knowledgeable=False, hard_password=False, max_steps=100, n_switches=3, augmentation=False, stump=False, no_turn_off=False, no_light=False, hidden_npc=False ): assert size >= 5 self.empty_symbol = "NA \n" self.diminished_reward = diminished_reward self.step_penalty = step_penalty self.knowledgeable = knowledgeable self.hard_password = hard_password self.n_switches = n_switches self.augmentation = augmentation self.stump = stump self.no_turn_off=no_turn_off self.hidden_npc = hidden_npc if self.augmentation: assert not no_light self.no_light = no_light super().__init__( grid_size=size, max_steps=max_steps, # Set this to True for maximum speed see_through_walls=False if self.stump else True, actions=MiniGridEnv.Actions, action_space=spaces.MultiDiscrete([ len(MiniGridEnv.Actions), *DemonstrationGrammar.grammar_action_space.nvec ]), add_npc_direction=True ) print({ "size": size, "diminished_reward": diminished_reward, "step_penalty": step_penalty, }) def get_selected_password(self): return np.array([int(s.is_on) for s in self.switches]) def _gen_grid(self, width, height): # Create the grid self.grid = Grid(width, height, nb_obj_dims=4) # Randomly vary the room width and height width = self._rand_int(5, width+1) height = self._rand_int(5, height+1) self.wall_x = width - 1 self.wall_y = height - 1 # Generate the surrounding walls self.grid.wall_rect(0, 0, width, height) door_color = self._rand_elem(COLOR_NAMES) if self.stump: wall_for_door = 1 else: wall_for_door = self._rand_int(1, 4) if wall_for_door < 2: w = self._rand_int(1, width-1) h = height-1 if wall_for_door == 0 else 0 else: w = width-1 if wall_for_door == 3 else 0 h = self._rand_int(1, height-1) assert h != height-1 # door mustn't be on the bottom wall self.door_pos = (w, h) self.door = Door(door_color, is_locked=True) self.grid.set(*self.door_pos, self.door) if self.stump: self.stump_pos = (w, h+2) self.stump_obj = Wall() self.grid.set(*self.stump_pos, self.stump_obj) # sample password if self.hard_password: self.password = np.array([self._rand_int(0, 2) for _ in range(self.n_switches)]) else: idx = self._rand_int(0, self.n_switches) self.password = np.zeros(self.n_switches) self.password[idx] = 1.0 # add the switches self.switches = [] self.switches_pos = [] for i in range(self.n_switches): c = COLOR_NAMES[i] pos = np.array([i+1, height-1]) sw = Switch(c, is_on=bool(self.password[i]) if self.augmentation else False, no_light=self.no_light) self.grid.set(*pos, sw) self.switches.append(sw) self.switches_pos.append(pos) # Set a randomly coloured Dancer NPC color = self._rand_elem(COLOR_NAMES) if not self.augmentation: self.peer = DemonstratingPeer(color, "Jim", self, knowledgeable=self.knowledgeable) # height -2 so its not in front of the buttons in the way peer_pos = np.array((self._rand_int(1, width - 1), self._rand_int(1, height - 2))) self.grid.set(*peer_pos, self.peer) self.peer.init_pos = peer_pos self.peer.cur_pos = peer_pos # Randomize the agent's start position and orientation self.place_agent(size=(width, height)) # Generate the mission string self.mission = 'exit the room' # Dummy beginning string self.beginning_string = "This is what you hear. \n" self.utterance = self.beginning_string # utterance appended at the end of each step self.utterance_history = "" # used for rendering self.conversation = self.utterance self.outcome_info = None def update_door_lock(self): if self.augmentation and self.step_count <= 10: self.door.is_locked = True self.door.is_open = False else: if np.array_equal(self.get_selected_password(), self.password): self.door.is_locked = False else: self.door.is_locked = True self.door.is_open = False def step(self, action): p_action = action[0] utterance_action = action[1:] obs, reward, done, info = super().step(p_action) self.update_door_lock() # print("pass:", self.password) # print("selected pass:", self.get_selected_password()) if self.augmentation and self.step_count == 10: # reset switches door for s in self.switches: s.is_on = False # update door self.update_door_lock() if p_action == self.actions.done: done = True if not self.augmentation: peer_reply = self.peer.step() if peer_reply is not None: self.utterance += "{}: {} \n".format(, peer_reply) self.conversation += "{}: {} \n".format(, peer_reply) if all(self.agent_pos == self.door_pos): done = True if not self.augmentation: if self.peer.exited: # only give reward if both exited reward = self._reward() else: reward = self._reward() # discount if self.step_penalty: reward = reward - 0.01 if self.hidden_npc: # all npc are hidden assert np.argwhere(obs['image'][:,:,0] == OBJECT_TO_IDX['npc']).size == 0 if not self.augmentation: assert "{}:".format( not in self.utterance # fill observation with text self.append_existing_utterance_to_history() obs = self.add_utterance_to_observation(obs) self.reset_utterance() if done: if reward > 0: self.outcome_info = "SUCCESS: agent got {} reward \n".format(np.round(reward, 1)) else: self.outcome_info = "FAILURE: agent got {} reward \n".format(reward) return obs, reward, done, info def _reward(self): if self.diminished_reward: return super()._reward() else: return 1.0 def render(self, *args, **kwargs): obs = super().render(*args, **kwargs) self.window.clear_text() # erase previous text self.window.set_caption(self.conversation) sw_color = self.switches[np.argmax(self.password)].color"correct switch: {}".format(sw_color), loc="left", fontsize=10) if self.outcome_info: color = None if "SUCCESS" in self.outcome_info: color = "lime" elif "FAILURE" in self.outcome_info: color = "red" self.window.add_text(*(0.01, 0.85, self.outcome_info), **{'fontsize':15, 'color':color, 'weight':"bold"}) self.window.show_img(obs) # re-draw image to add changes to window return obs ## 100 Demonstrating # register( # id='MiniGrid-DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff1008x8Env' # ) #class Demonstration100TwoSwitches8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, n_switches=2) # #class Demonstration100TwoSwitchesHard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, n_switches=2, hard_password=True) # ## 100 AUG Demonstrating #class AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitches8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, n_switches=2, augmentation=True) # #class AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitchesHard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, n_switches=2, hard_password=True, augmentation=True) # # ## Three switches ## 100 Demonstrating #class Demonstration1008x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100) # #class Demonstration100Hard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, hard_password=True) # ## 100 AUG Demonstrating #class AugmentationDemonstration1008x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, augmentation=True) # #class AugmentationDemonstration100Hard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, hard_password=True, augmentation=True) # ## No turn off ## 100 Demonstrating: No light, no turn off # #class DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, hard_password=True, no_light=True) # ## 100 no turn off #class DemonstrationNoTurnOff1008x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True) # #class DemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, hard_password=True) # ## 100 AUG Demonstrating # #class AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, hard_password=True, augmentation=True) ## demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-Demonstration100TwoSwitches-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:Demonstration100TwoSwitches8x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-Demonstration100TwoSwitchesHard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:Demonstration100TwoSwitchesHard8x8Env' #) # ## AUG demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitches-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitches8x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitchesHard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstration100TwoSwitchesHard8x8Env' #) # ## three switches # ## demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-Demonstration100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:Demonstration1008x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-Demonstration100Hard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:Demonstration100Hard8x8Env' #) # ## AUG demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstration100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstration1008x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstration100Hard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstration100Hard8x8Env' #) # ## no turn off three switches # ## demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-DemonstrationNoTurnOff100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:DemonstrationNoTurnOff1008x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-DemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:DemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env' #) # ## demonstrating 100 steps no light #register( # id='MiniGrid-DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff1008x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff100Hard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env' #) # ## AUG demonstrating 100 steps #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff1008x8Env' #) #register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff100Hard8x8Env' #) # register( # id='MiniGrid-AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff100-8x8-v0', # entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff1008x8Env' # ) # # class DemonstrationNoLightNoTurnOff1008x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, no_light=True) # # class AugmentationDemonstrationNoTurnOff1008x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, augmentation=True) class ShowMe8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, no_light=True, **kwargs) class ShowMeNoSocial8x8Env(DemonstrationEnv): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(size=8, knowledgeable=True, max_steps=100, no_turn_off=True, augmentation=True, **kwargs) # AUG demonstrating 100 steps register( id='MiniGrid-ShowMeNoSocial-8x8-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:ShowMeNoSocial8x8Env' ) register( id='MiniGrid-ShowMe-8x8-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:ShowMe8x8Env' )