from gym_minigrid.minigrid import * from gym_minigrid.register import register class Room: def __init__(self, top, size, entryDoorPos, exitDoorPos ): = top self.size = size self.entryDoorPos = entryDoorPos self.exitDoorPos = exitDoorPos class MultiRoomEnv(MiniGridEnv): """ Environment with multiple rooms (subgoals) """ def __init__(self, minNumRooms, maxNumRooms, maxRoomSize=10 ): assert minNumRooms > 0 assert maxNumRooms >= minNumRooms assert maxRoomSize >= 4 self.minNumRooms = minNumRooms self.maxNumRooms = maxNumRooms self.maxRoomSize = maxRoomSize self.rooms = [] super(MultiRoomEnv, self).__init__( grid_size=25, max_steps=self.maxNumRooms * 20 ) def _gen_grid(self, width, height): roomList = [] # Choose a random number of rooms to generate numRooms = self._rand_int(self.minNumRooms, self.maxNumRooms+1) while len(roomList) < numRooms: curRoomList = [] entryDoorPos = ( self._rand_int(0, width - 2), self._rand_int(0, width - 2) ) # Recursively place the rooms self._placeRoom( numRooms, roomList=curRoomList, minSz=4, maxSz=self.maxRoomSize, entryDoorWall=2, entryDoorPos=entryDoorPos ) if len(curRoomList) > len(roomList): roomList = curRoomList # Store the list of rooms in this environment assert len(roomList) > 0 self.rooms = roomList # Create the grid self.grid = Grid(width, height, nb_obj_dims=self.nb_obj_dims) wall = Wall() prevDoorColor = None # For each room for idx, room in enumerate(roomList): topX, topY = sizeX, sizeY = room.size # Draw the top and bottom walls for i in range(0, sizeX): self.grid.set(topX + i, topY, wall) self.grid.set(topX + i, topY + sizeY - 1, wall) # Draw the left and right walls for j in range(0, sizeY): self.grid.set(topX, topY + j, wall) self.grid.set(topX + sizeX - 1, topY + j, wall) # If this isn't the first room, place the entry door if idx > 0: # Pick a door color different from the previous one doorColors = set(COLOR_NAMES) if prevDoorColor: doorColors.remove(prevDoorColor) # Note: the use of sorting here guarantees determinism, # This is needed because Python's set is not deterministic doorColor = self._rand_elem(sorted(doorColors)) entryDoor = Door(doorColor) self.grid.set(*room.entryDoorPos, entryDoor) prevDoorColor = doorColor prevRoom = roomList[idx-1] prevRoom.exitDoorPos = room.entryDoorPos # Randomize the starting agent position and direction self.place_agent(roomList[0].top, roomList[0].size) # Place the final goal in the last room self.goal_pos = self.place_obj(Goal(), roomList[-1].top, roomList[-1].size) self.mission = 'traverse the rooms to get to the goal' def _placeRoom( self, numLeft, roomList, minSz, maxSz, entryDoorWall, entryDoorPos ): # Choose the room size randomly sizeX = self._rand_int(minSz, maxSz+1) sizeY = self._rand_int(minSz, maxSz+1) # The first room will be at the door position if len(roomList) == 0: topX, topY = entryDoorPos # Entry on the right elif entryDoorWall == 0: topX = entryDoorPos[0] - sizeX + 1 y = entryDoorPos[1] topY = self._rand_int(y - sizeY + 2, y) # Entry wall on the south elif entryDoorWall == 1: x = entryDoorPos[0] topX = self._rand_int(x - sizeX + 2, x) topY = entryDoorPos[1] - sizeY + 1 # Entry wall on the left elif entryDoorWall == 2: topX = entryDoorPos[0] y = entryDoorPos[1] topY = self._rand_int(y - sizeY + 2, y) # Entry wall on the top elif entryDoorWall == 3: x = entryDoorPos[0] topX = self._rand_int(x - sizeX + 2, x) topY = entryDoorPos[1] else: assert False, entryDoorWall # If the room is out of the grid, can't place a room here if topX < 0 or topY < 0: return False if topX + sizeX > self.width or topY + sizeY >= self.height: return False # If the room intersects with previous rooms, can't place it here for room in roomList[:-1]: nonOverlap = \ topX + sizeX <[0] or \[0] + room.size[0] <= topX or \ topY + sizeY <[1] or \[1] + room.size[1] <= topY if not nonOverlap: return False # Add this room to the list roomList.append(Room( (topX, topY), (sizeX, sizeY), entryDoorPos, None )) # If this was the last room, stop if numLeft == 1: return True # Try placing the next room for i in range(0, 8): # Pick which wall to place the out door on wallSet = set((0, 1, 2, 3)) wallSet.remove(entryDoorWall) exitDoorWall = self._rand_elem(sorted(wallSet)) nextEntryWall = (exitDoorWall + 2) % 4 # Pick the exit door position # Exit on right wall if exitDoorWall == 0: exitDoorPos = ( topX + sizeX - 1, topY + self._rand_int(1, sizeY - 1) ) # Exit on south wall elif exitDoorWall == 1: exitDoorPos = ( topX + self._rand_int(1, sizeX - 1), topY + sizeY - 1 ) # Exit on left wall elif exitDoorWall == 2: exitDoorPos = ( topX, topY + self._rand_int(1, sizeY - 1) ) # Exit on north wall elif exitDoorWall == 3: exitDoorPos = ( topX + self._rand_int(1, sizeX - 1), topY ) else: assert False # Recursively create the other rooms success = self._placeRoom( numLeft - 1, roomList=roomList, minSz=minSz, maxSz=maxSz, entryDoorWall=nextEntryWall, entryDoorPos=exitDoorPos ) if success: break return True class MultiRoomEnvN2S4(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=2, maxNumRooms=2, maxRoomSize=4 ) class MultiRoomEnvN4S5(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=4, maxNumRooms=4, maxRoomSize=5 ) class MultiRoomEnvN6(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=6, maxNumRooms=6 ) class MultiRoomEnvN7S4(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=7, maxNumRooms=7, maxRoomSize=4 ) class MultiRoomEnvN7S8(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=7, maxNumRooms=7, maxRoomSize=8 ) class MultiRoomEnvN10S4(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=10, maxNumRooms=10, maxRoomSize=4 ) class MultiRoomEnvN10S10(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=10, maxNumRooms=10, maxRoomSize=10 ) class MultiRoomEnvN12S10(MultiRoomEnv): def __init__(self): super().__init__( minNumRooms=12, maxNumRooms=12, maxRoomSize=10 ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N2-S4-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN2S4' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N4-S5-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN4S5' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N6-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN6' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N7-S4-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN7S4' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N7-S8-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN7S8' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N10-S4-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN10S4' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N10-S10-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN10S10' ) register( id='MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N12-S10-v0', entry_point='gym_minigrid.envs:MultiRoomEnvN12S10' )