HULL_POLYGONS = [ [[-30, +9], [+6, +9], [+34, +1], [+34, -8], [-30, -8]] ]; HULL_BOTTOM_WIDTH = 64; SPEED_HIP = 4; SPEED_KNEE = 6; class OldClassicBipedalBody extends WalkerAbstractBody{ constructor(scale, nb_steps_under_water=600, reset_on_hull_critical_contact=true){ super(scale, 80, nb_steps_under_water); this.LEG_DOWN = -8 / this.SCALE; // 0 = center of hull this.LEG_W = 8 / this.SCALE; this.LEG_H = 34 / this.SCALE; this.TORQUE_PENALTY = 0.00035; this.reset_on_hull_critical_contact = reset_on_hull_critical_contact; // Approximative... this.AGENT_WIDTH = HULL_BOTTOM_WIDTH / this.SCALE; this.AGENT_HEIGHT = 17 / this.SCALE + this.LEG_H * 2 - this.LEG_DOWN + 0.5; this.AGENT_CENTER_HEIGHT = this.LEG_H * 2 + this.LEG_DOWN + 0.5; this.old_morphology = true; this.body_parts = []; this.nb_motors = 4; this.motors = []; this.state_size = this.nb_motors * 2 + 2; } draw(world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center){ let HULL_FIXTURES = []; let fd_polygon; let vertices; let y_offset = 0//10/this.SCALE; for(let polygon of HULL_POLYGONS){ fd_polygon = new b2.FixtureDef(); fd_polygon.shape = new b2.PolygonShape(); vertices = []; for(let vertex of polygon){ vertices.push(new b2.Vec2(vertex[0] / this.SCALE, vertex[1] / this.SCALE)); } fd_polygon.shape.Set(vertices, polygon.length); fd_polygon.density = 5.0; fd_polygon.friction = 0.1; fd_polygon.filter.categoryBits = 0x20; fd_polygon.filter.maskBits = 0x000F; // 0.99 bouncy HULL_FIXTURES.push(fd_polygon); } let LEG_FD = new b2.FixtureDef(); LEG_FD.shape = new b2.PolygonShape(); LEG_FD.shape.SetAsBox(this.LEG_W / 2, this.LEG_H / 2); LEG_FD.density = 1.0; LEG_FD.restitution = 0.0; LEG_FD.filter.categoryBits = 0x20; LEG_FD.filter.maskBits = 0x000F; let LOWER_FD = new b2.FixtureDef(); LOWER_FD.shape = new b2.PolygonShape(); LOWER_FD.shape.SetAsBox(0.8 * this.LEG_W / 2, this.LEG_H / 2); LOWER_FD.density = 1.0; LOWER_FD.restitution = 0.0; LOWER_FD.filter.categoryBits = 0x20; LOWER_FD.filter.maskBits = 0x000F; let hull_bd = new b2.BodyDef(); hull_bd.type = b2.Body.b2_dynamicBody; hull_bd.position.Set(init_x, init_y + y_offset); let hull = world.CreateBody(hull_bd); for(let fd of HULL_FIXTURES){ hull.CreateFixture(fd); } hull.color1 = "#806682"; // [0.5, 0.4, 0.9] hull.color2 = "#4D4D80"; // [0.3, 0.3, 0.5] //hull.ApplyForceToCenter(new b2.Vec2(force_to_center, 0), true); hull.SetUserData(new CustomBodyUserData(true, this.reset_on_hull_critical_contact, "hull")); this.body_parts.push(hull); this.reference_head_object = hull; // Leg and lower bodies and joints for(let i of [-1, +1]){ // Leg body let leg_bd = new b2.BodyDef(); leg_bd.type = b2.Body.b2_dynamicBody; leg_bd.position.Set(init_x, init_y - this.LEG_H / 2 - this.LEG_DOWN + y_offset); leg_bd.angle = i * 0.05; // 2° let leg = world.CreateBody(leg_bd); leg.CreateFixture(LEG_FD); leg.color1 = i == -1 ? "#9C4F82" : "#964A7D"; // [0.61, 0.31, 0.51] : [0.59, 0.29, 0.49] leg.color2 = i == -1 ? "#69364F" : "#63304A"; // [0.41, 0.21, 0.31] : [0.39, 0.19, 0.29] leg.SetUserData(new CustomBodyUserData(false, false,"leg")); this.body_parts.push(leg); // Leg joint motor let leg_rjd = new b2.RevoluteJointDef(); leg_rjd.Initialize(hull, leg, new b2.Vec2(init_x, init_y - this.LEG_DOWN + y_offset)); leg_rjd.localAnchorA = new b2.Vec2(0, this.LEG_DOWN); leg_rjd.localAnchorB = new b2.Vec2(0, this.LEG_H / 2); leg_rjd.enableMotor = true; leg_rjd.enableLimit = true; leg_rjd.maxMotorTorque = this.MOTORS_TORQUE; leg_rjd.motorSpeed = i; leg_rjd.lowerAngle = - 0.8; leg_rjd.upperAngle = 1.1; let joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(leg_rjd); joint_motor.SetUserData(new CustomMotorUserData("hip", SPEED_HIP, false)); this.motors.push(joint_motor); // lower body let lower_bd = new b2.BodyDef(); lower_bd.type = b2.Body.b2_dynamicBody; lower_bd.position.Set(init_x, init_y - this.LEG_H * 3 / 2 - this.LEG_DOWN + y_offset); lower_bd.angle = i * 0.05; // 2° let lower = world.CreateBody(lower_bd); lower.CreateFixture(LOWER_FD); lower.color1 = i == -1 ? "#9C4F82" : "#964A7D"; // [0.61, 0.31, 0.51] : [0.59, 0.29, 0.49] lower.color2 = i == -1 ? "#69364F" : "#63304A"; // [0.41, 0.21, 0.31] : [0.39, 0.19, 0.29] lower.SetUserData(new CustomBodyUserData(true, false,"lower")); this.body_parts.push(lower); // lower joint motor let lower_rjd = new b2.RevoluteJointDef(); lower_rjd.Initialize(leg, lower, new b2.Vec2(init_x, init_y - this.LEG_DOWN - this.LEG_H + y_offset)); lower_rjd.localAnchorA = new b2.Vec2(0, - this.LEG_H / 2); lower_rjd.localAnchorB = new b2.Vec2(0, this.LEG_H / 2); lower_rjd.enableMotor = true; lower_rjd.enableLimit = true; lower_rjd.maxMotorTorque = this.MOTORS_TORQUE; lower_rjd.motorSpeed = 1; lower_rjd.lowerAngle = - 1.6; lower_rjd.upperAngle = -0.1; joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(lower_rjd); joint_motor.SetUserData(new CustomMotorUserData("knee", SPEED_KNEE, true, 1.0, lower)); this.motors.push(joint_motor); } } }