import streamlit as st from huggingface_hub import InferenceApi import pandas as pd from transformers import pipeline STYLE = """ """ MASK_TOKEN = "" def display_table(df): st.subheader("Top 5 Prediction.") df.drop(columns=["token", "token_str"], inplace=True) df =["sequence", "score"], **{"text-align": "left"}) st.table(df) def main(): st.markdown(STYLE, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title("Indonesian RoBERTa Base") user_input = st.text_input("Insert a sentence to predict with a mask token: ") mask_api = InferenceApi("flax-community/indonesian-roberta-base") emot_name = "StevenLimcorn/indonesian-roberta-base-emotion-classifier" emot_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=emot_name, tokenizer=emot_name) if len(user_input) > 0: try: user_input.index(MASK_TOKEN) except ValueError: st.error("Please enter a sentence with the correct mask token: ") else: # A List of dict with keys: sequence, score, token, token_str result = mask_api(inputs=user_input) df = pd.DataFrame(result) display_table(df) # emot st.subheader("Emotion Analysis of the Top 5 Prediction") emot_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["sequence", "label", "score"]) for sequence in df["sequence"].values: emot_output = emot_pipeline(sequence) result_dict = {"sequence": sequence} result_dict.update(emot_output[0]) emot_df = emot_df.append(result_dict, ignore_index=True) emot_df = subset=["sequence", "label", "score"], **{"text-align": "left"} ) st.table(emot_df) main()