import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import streamlit as st from utils import load_index, load_model def app(model_name): images_directory = "images/val2017" features_directory = f"features/val2017/{model_name}.tsv" files, index = load_index(features_directory) model, processor = load_model(f"koclip/{model_name}") st.title("Text to Image Search Engine") st.markdown( """ This demo explores KoCLIP's use case as a Korean image search engine. We pre-computed embeddings of 5000 images from [MSCOCO]( 2017 validation using KoCLIP's ViT backbone. Then, given a text query from the user, these image embeddings are ranked based on cosine similarity. Top matches are displayed below. Example Queries: 컴퓨터하는 고양이 (Cat playing on a computer), 길 위에서 달리는 자동차 (Car on the road) """ ) query = st.text_input("한글 질문을 적어주세요 (Korean Text Query) :", value="컴퓨터하는 고양이") if st.button("질문 (Query)"): st.markdown("""---""") with st.spinner("Computing..."): proc = processor( text=[query], images=None, return_tensors="jax", padding=True ) vec = np.asarray(model.get_text_features(**proc)) ids, dists = index.knnQuery(vec, k=10) result_files = map(lambda id: files[id], ids) result_imgs, result_captions = [], [] for file, dist in zip(result_files, dists): result_imgs.append(plt.imread(os.path.join(images_directory, file))) result_captions.append("Score: {:.3f}".format(1.0 - dist)) st.image(result_imgs[:3], caption=result_captions[:3], width=200) st.image(result_imgs[3:6], caption=result_captions[3:6], width=200) st.image(result_imgs[6:9], caption=result_captions[6:9], width=200) st.image(result_imgs[9:], caption=result_captions[9:], width=200)