import json import requests from mtranslate import translate from prompts import PROMPT_LIST import streamlit as st import random import fasttext import SessionState headers = {} LOGO = "huggingwayang.png" MODELS = { "GPT-2 Small": { "url": "" }, "GPT-2 Medium": { "url": "" }, "GPT-2 Small finetuned on Indonesian academic journals": { "url": "" }, "GPT-2 Medium finetuned on Indonesian stories": { "url": "" }, } def get_image(text: str): url = "" try: payload = { "text": text, "image_width": 400 } data = json.dumps(payload) response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=data) print(response.content) image = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))["url"] except: image = "" return image def query(payload, model_name): data = json.dumps(payload) # print("model url:", MODELS[model_name]["url"]) response = requests.request("POST", MODELS[model_name]["url"], headers=headers, data=data) return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) def process(text: str, model_name: str, max_len: int, temp: float, top_k: int, top_p: float): payload = { "inputs": text, "parameters": { "max_new_tokens": max_len, "top_k": top_k, "top_p": top_p, "temperature": temp, "repetition_penalty": 2.0, }, "options": { "use_cache": True, } } return query(payload, model_name) st.set_page_config(page_title="Indonesian GPT-2 Demo") st.title("Indonesian GPT-2") ft_model = fasttext.load_model('lid.176.ftz') # Sidebar st.sidebar.image(LOGO) st.sidebar.subheader("Configurable parameters") max_len = st.sidebar.number_input( "Maximum length", value=100, help="The maximum length of the sequence to be generated." ) temp = st.sidebar.slider( "Temperature", value=1.0, min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, help="The value used to module the next token probabilities." ) top_k = st.sidebar.number_input( "Top k", value=50, help="The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering." ) top_p = st.sidebar.number_input( "Top p", value=0.95, help=" If set to float < 1, only the most probable tokens with probabilities that add up to top_p or higher are kept for generation." ) st.markdown( """ This demo uses the [small]( and [medium]( Indonesian GPT2 model trained on the Indonesian [Oscar](, [MC4]( and [Wikipedia]( dataset. We created it as part of the [Huggingface JAX/Flax event]( The demo supports "multi language" ;-), feel free to try a prompt on your language. We are also experimenting with the sentence based image search using Wikipedia passages encoded with distillbert, and search the encoded sentence in the encoded passages using Facebook's Faiss (disabled temporary). """ ) model_name = st.selectbox('Model',([ 'GPT-2 Small', 'GPT-2 Medium', 'GPT-2 Small finetuned on Indonesian academic journals', 'GPT-2 Medium finetuned on Indonesian stories'])) if model_name in ["GPT-2 Small", "GPT-2 Medium"]: prompt_group_name = "GPT-2" elif model_name in ["GPT-2 Small finetuned on Indonesian academic journals"]: prompt_group_name = "Indonesian Journals" elif model_name in ["GPT-2 Medium finetuned on Indonesian stories"]: prompt_group_name = "Indonesian Stories" session_state = SessionState.get(prompt=None, prompt_box=None, text=None) ALL_PROMPTS = list(PROMPT_LIST[prompt_group_name].keys())+["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox('Prompt', ALL_PROMPTS, index=len(ALL_PROMPTS)-1) # Update prompt if session_state.prompt is None: session_state.prompt = prompt elif session_state.prompt is not None and (prompt != session_state.prompt): session_state.prompt = prompt session_state.prompt_box = None session_state.text = None else: session_state.prompt = prompt # Update prompt box if session_state.prompt == "Custom": session_state.prompt_box = "Enter your text here" else: if session_state.prompt is not None and session_state.prompt_box is None: session_state.prompt_box = random.choice(PROMPT_LIST[prompt_group_name][session_state.prompt]) session_state.text = st.text_area("Enter text", session_state.prompt_box) if st.button("Run"): with st.spinner(text="Getting results..."): lang_predictions, lang_probability = ft_model.predict(session_state.text.replace("\n", " "), k=3) if "__label__id" in lang_predictions: lang = "id" text = session_state.text else: lang = lang_predictions[0].replace("__label__", "") text = translate(session_state.text, "id", lang) st.subheader("Result") result = process(text=text, model_name=model_name, max_len=int(max_len), temp=temp, top_k=int(top_k), top_p=float(top_p)) # print("result:", result) if "error" in result: if type(result["error"]) is str: st.write(f'{result["error"]}.', end=" ") if "estimated_time" in result: st.write(f'Please try it again in about {result["estimated_time"]:.0f} seconds') else: if type(result["error"]) is list: for error in result["error"]: st.write(f'{error}') else: result = result[0]["generated_text"] st.write(result.replace("\n", " \n")) st.text("Translation") translation = translate(result, "en", "id") if lang == "id": st.write(translation.replace("\n", " \n")) else: st.write(translate(result, lang, "id").replace("\n", " \n")) # Reset state session_state.prompt = None session_state.prompt_box = None session_state.text = None