--- title: Chef Transformer emoji: 🍲 colorFrom: blue colorTo: red sdk: streamlit app_file: app.py pinned: false --- # Chef Transformer (T5) > This is part of the [Flax/Jax Community Week](https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/recipe-generation-model/7475), organized by [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/) and TPU usage sponsored by Google. Want to give it a try? Then what's the wait, head over to the demo [here](https://share.streamlit.io/chef-transformer/chef-transformer/main/app.py). ## Team Members - Mehrdad Farahani ([m3hrdadfi](https://huggingface.co/m3hrdadfi)) - Kartik Godawat ([dk-crazydiv](https://huggingface.co/dk-crazydiv)) - Haswanth Aekula ([hassiahk](https://huggingface.co/hassiahk)) - Deepak Pandian ([rays2pix](https://huggingface.co/rays2pix)) - Nicholas Broad ([nbroad](https://huggingface.co/nbroad)) ## Dataset [RecipeNLG: A Cooking Recipes Dataset for Semi-Structured Text Generation](https://recipenlg.cs.put.poznan.pl/). This dataset contains **2,231,142** cooking recipes (>2 millions) with size of **2.14 GB**. It's processed in more careful way. ### Example ```json { "NER": [ "oyster crackers", "salad dressing", "lemon pepper", "dill weed", "garlic powder", "salad oil" ], "directions": [ "Combine salad dressing mix and oil.", "Add dill weed, garlic powder and lemon pepper.", "Pour over crackers; stir to coat.", "Place in warm oven.", "Use very low temperature for 15 to 20 minutes." ], "ingredients": [ "12 to 16 oz. plain oyster crackers", "1 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix", "1/4 tsp. lemon pepper", "1/2 to 1 tsp. dill weed", "1/4 tsp. garlic powder", "3/4 to 1 c. salad oil" ], "link": "www.cookbooks.com/Recipe-Details.aspx?id=648947", "source": "Gathered", "title": "Hidden Valley Ranch Oyster Crackers" } ``` ## How To Use ```bash # Installing requirements pip install transformers ``` ```python from transformers import FlaxAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM from transformers import AutoTokenizer MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH = "flax-community/t5-recipe-generation" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH, use_fast=True) model = FlaxAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH) prefix = "items: " # generation_kwargs = { # "max_length": 1024, # "min_length": 128, # "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, # "do_sample": True, # "top_k": 60, # "top_p": 0.95 # } generation_kwargs = { "max_length": 512, "min_length": 64, "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, "early_stopping": True, "num_beams": 5, "length_penalty": 1.5, } special_tokens = tokenizer.all_special_tokens tokens_map = { "": "--", "
": "\n" } def skip_special_tokens(text, special_tokens): for token in special_tokens: text = text.replace(token, "") return text def target_postprocessing(texts, special_tokens): if not isinstance(texts, list): texts = [texts] new_texts = [] for text in texts: text = skip_special_tokens(text, special_tokens) for k, v in tokens_map.items(): text = text.replace(k, v) new_texts.append(text) return new_texts def generation_function(texts): _inputs = texts if isinstance(texts, list) else [texts] inputs = [prefix + inp for inp in _inputs] inputs = tokenizer( inputs, max_length=256, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_tensors="jax" ) input_ids = inputs.input_ids attention_mask = inputs.attention_mask output_ids = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, **generation_kwargs ) generated = output_ids.sequences generated_recipe = target_postprocessing( tokenizer.batch_decode(generated, skip_special_tokens=False), special_tokens ) return generated_recipe ``` ```python items = [ "macaroni, butter, salt, bacon, milk, flour, pepper, cream corn", "provolone cheese, bacon, bread, ginger" ] generated = generation_function(items) for text in generated: sections = text.split("\n") for section in sections: section = section.strip() if section.startswith("title:"): section = section.replace("title:", "") headline = "TITLE" elif section.startswith("ingredients:"): section = section.replace("ingredients:", "") headline = "INGREDIENTS" elif section.startswith("directions:"): section = section.replace("directions:", "") headline = "DIRECTIONS" if headline == "TITLE": print(f"[{headline}]: {section.strip().capitalize()}") else: section_info = [f" - {i+1}: {info.strip().capitalize()}" for i, info in enumerate(section.split("--"))] print(f"[{headline}]:") print("\n".join(section_info)) print("-" * 130) ``` Output: ```text [TITLE]: Macaroni and corn [INGREDIENTS]: - 1: 2 c. macaroni - 2: 2 tbsp. butter - 3: 1 tsp. salt - 4: 4 slices bacon - 5: 2 c. milk - 6: 2 tbsp. flour - 7: 1/4 tsp. pepper - 8: 1 can cream corn [DIRECTIONS]: - 1: Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. - 2: Drain. - 3: Melt butter in saucepan. - 4: Blend in flour, salt and pepper. - 5: Add milk all at once. - 6: Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. - 7: Stir in corn and bacon. - 8: Pour over macaroni and mix well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [TITLE]: Grilled provolone and bacon sandwich [INGREDIENTS]: - 1: 2 slices provolone cheese - 2: 2 slices bacon - 3: 2 slices sourdough bread - 4: 2 slices pickled ginger [DIRECTIONS]: - 1: Place a slice of provolone cheese on one slice of bread. - 2: Top with a slice of bacon. - 3: Top with a slice of pickled ginger. - 4: Top with the other slice of bread. - 5: Heat a skillet over medium heat. - 6: Place the sandwich in the skillet and cook until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` ## Evaluation The following table summarizes the scores obtained by the **Chef Transformer**. Those marked as (*) are the baseline models. | Model | WER | COSIM | ROUGE-2 | | :-------------: | :---: | :---: | :-----: | | Recipe1M+ * | 0.786 | 0.589 | - | | RecipeNLG * | 0.751 | 0.666 | - | | ChefTransformer | 0.709 | 0.714 | 0.290 | ## Streamlit demo ```bash streamlit run app.py ``` ## Looking to contribute? Then follow the steps mentioned in this [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) and you are good to go. ## Copyright Special thanks to those who provided these fantastic materials. - [Anatomy](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon) - [Chef Hat](https://www.vecteezy.com/members/jellyfishwater) - [Moira Nazzari](https://pixabay.com/photos/food-dessert-cake-eggs-butter-3048440/) - [Instagram Post](https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/recipes-ad-social-media-post-template_11520617.htm)