import streamlit as st import torch from transformers import pipeline, set_seed from transformers import AutoTokenizer from PIL import ( Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw ) import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import glob import re import random import textwrap from examples import EXAMPLES import meta from utils import ( remote_css, local_css, load_image, pure_comma_separation ) np.random.seed(42) class TextGeneration: def __init__(self): self.debug = False self.dummy_output = { 'directions': [ "for the dough", "in a small bowl, combine the warm water and yeast.", "let it sit for 5 minutes.", "add the flour, salt, and olive oil.", "mix well and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.", "cover the dough with a damp towel and let it rise for about 1 hour.", "for the filling", "heat a large skillet over medium high heat.", "cook the beef and onion until the beef is browned and the onion is translucent. browned and the onion is translucent.", "drain off any excess grease.", "stir in the pepper and salt and black pepper to taste.", "remove from the heat and set aside.", "preheat the oven to 425 degrees f.", "roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 12 inch circle.", "spread the beef mixture over the dough, leaving a 1 inch border.", "top with the feta, parsley, and lemon juice.", "bake for 20 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.", "cut into wedges and serve.", ], 'ingredients': [ '1 potato', '1 slice cheese 1 slice cheese', '1 potato 1 slice cheese 1 slice cheese', '1 slice cheese' '1 potato', '1 slice cheese', '1 slice cheese', '1 potato', '1 slice cheese' '1 potato', '1 slice cheese', ], 'title': 'Cheese Potatoes with Some other items' } self.tokenizer = None self.generator = None self.task = "text2text-generation" self.model_name_or_path = "flax-community/t5-recipe-generation" self.frames = list(glob.glob("asset/images/frames/*.jpg")) self.fonts = { "title": ImageFont.truetype("asset/fonts/Poppins-Bold.ttf", 90), "sub_title": ImageFont.truetype("asset/fonts/Poppins-Medium.ttf", 30), "body_bold": ImageFont.truetype("asset/fonts/Montserrat-Bold.ttf", 50), "body": ImageFont.truetype("asset/fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 30), } self.list_division = 5 self.point = "-" set_seed(42) def _skip_special_tokens_and_prettify(self, text): recipe_maps = {"": "--", "
": "\n"} recipe_map_pattern = "|".join(map(re.escape, recipe_maps.keys())) text = re.sub( recipe_map_pattern, lambda m: recipe_maps[], re.sub("|".join(self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens), "", text) ) data = {"title": "", "ingredients": [], "directions": []} for section in text.split("\n"): section = section.strip() if section.startswith("title:"): data["title"] = " ".join( [w.strip().capitalize() for w in section.replace("title:", "").strip().split() if w.strip()] ) elif section.startswith("ingredients:"): data["ingredients"] = [s.strip() for s in section.replace("ingredients:", "").split('--')] elif section.startswith("directions:"): data["directions"] = [s.strip() for s in section.replace("directions:", "").split('--')] else: pass return data def load(self): if not self.debug: self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name_or_path) self.generator = pipeline(self.task, model=self.model_name_or_path, tokenizer=self.model_name_or_path) def prepare_frame(self, recipe, frame): im_editable = ImageDraw.Draw(frame) # Info im_editable.text( (1570, 180),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["sub_title"], ) im_editable.text( (1570, 170 + 70), "By " + recipe["by"], (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["sub_title"], ) # Title im_editable.text( (400, 650), textwrap.fill(recipe["title"], 30), (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["title"], ) # Ingredients im_editable.text( (100, 1000), "Ingredients", (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["body_bold"], ) ingredients = recipe["ingredients"] ingredients = [textwrap.fill(item, 30).replace("\n", "\n ") for item in ingredients] im_editable.text( (100, 1080), "\n".join([f"{self.point} {item}" for item in ingredients]), (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["body"], ) # Directions im_editable.text( (700, 1000), "Directions", (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["body_bold"], ) directions = recipe["directions"] directions = [textwrap.fill(item, 80).replace("\n", "\n ") for item in directions] im_editable.text( (700, 1080), "\n".join([f"{i + 1}. {item}" for i, item in enumerate(directions)]).strip(), (61, 61, 70), font=self.fonts["body"], ) # directions_col1 = [textwrap.fill(item, 30).replace("\n", "\n ") for item in directions[:self.list_division]] # directions_col2 = [textwrap.fill(item, 30).replace("\n", "\n ") for item in directions[self.list_division:]] # im_editable.text( # (700, 1130), # "\n".join([f"{i + 1}. {item}" for i, item in enumerate(directions_col1)]).strip(), # (61, 61, 70), # font=self.fonts["body"], # ) # im_editable.text( # (1300, 1130), # "\n".join([f"{i + 1 + self.list_division}. {item}" for i, item in enumerate(directions_col2)]).strip(), # (61, 61, 70), # font=self.fonts["body"], # ) return frame def generate(self, items, generation_kwargs): if not self.debug: generation_kwargs["num_return_sequences"] = 1 # generation_kwargs["return_full_text"] = False generation_kwargs["return_tensors"] = True generation_kwargs["return_text"] = False generated_ids = self.generator( items, **generation_kwargs, )[0]["generated_token_ids"] recipe = self.tokenizer.decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=False) recipe = self._skip_special_tokens_and_prettify(recipe) return recipe return self.dummy_output def generate_frame(self, recipe, frame_path): frame = load_image(frame_path) return self.prepare_frame(recipe, frame) @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_text_generator(): generator = TextGeneration() generator.load() return generator chef_top = { "max_length": 512, "min_length": 64, "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, "do_sample": True, "top_k": 60, "top_p": 0.95, "num_return_sequences": 1 } chef_beam = { "max_length": 512, "min_length": 64, "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, "early_stopping": True, "num_beams": 5, "length_penalty": 1.5, "num_return_sequences": 1 } def main(): st.set_page_config( page_title="Chef Transformer", page_icon="🍲", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded" ) generator = load_text_generator() if hasattr(st, "session_state"): if 'get_random_frame' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.get_random_frame = generator.frames[0] else: get_random_frame = generator.frames[0] local_css("asset/css/style.css") col1, col2 = st.beta_columns([5, 3]) with col2: st.image(load_image("asset/images/chef-transformer-transparent.png"), width=300) st.markdown(meta.SIDEBAR_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.beta_expander("Where did this story start?"): st.markdown(meta.STORY, unsafe_allow_html=True) with col1: st.markdown(meta.HEADER_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(meta.CHEF_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) chef = st.selectbox("Choose your chef", index=0, options=["Chef Scheherazade", "Chef Giovanni"]) prompts = list(EXAMPLES.keys()) + ["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Examples (select from this list)', prompts, # index=len(prompts) - 1, index=0 ) if prompt == "Custom": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = EXAMPLES[prompt] items = st.text_area( 'Insert your ingredients here (separated by `,`): ', pure_comma_separation(prompt_box, return_list=False), ) items = pure_comma_separation(items, return_list=False) entered_items = st.empty() recipe_button = st.button('Get Recipe!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if recipe_button: if hasattr(st, "session_state"): st.session_state.get_random_frame = generator.frames[random.randint(0, len(generator.frames)) - 1] else: get_random_frame = generator.frames[random.randint(0, len(generator.frames)) - 1] entered_items.markdown("**Generate recipe for:** " + items) with st.spinner("Generating recipe..."): if not isinstance(items, str) or not len(items) > 1: entered_items.markdown( f"**{chef}** would like to know what ingredients do you like to use in " f"your food? " ) else: gen_kw = chef_top if chef == "Chef Scheherazade" else chef_beam generated_recipe = generator.generate(items, gen_kw) title = generated_recipe["title"] ingredients = generated_recipe["ingredients"] directions = [textwrap.fill(item, 70).replace("\n", "\n ") for item in generated_recipe["directions"]] generated_recipe["by"] = chef r1, r2 = st.beta_columns([3, 5]) with r1: # st.write(st.session_state.get_random_frame) if hasattr(st, "session_state"): recipe_post = generator.generate_frame(generated_recipe, st.session_state.get_random_frame) else: recipe_post = generator.generate_frame(generated_recipe, get_random_frame) st.image( recipe_post, # width=500, caption="Click 🔎 to enlarge", use_column_width="auto", output_format="PNG" ) with r2: st.markdown( " ".join([ "
", f"


", "


", "
    ", " ".join([f'
  • {item}
  • ' for item in ingredients]), "
", "


", "
    ", " ".join([f'
  1. {item}
  2. ' for item in directions]), "
", "
" ]), unsafe_allow_html=True ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()