""" Script for streamlit demo @author: AbinayaM02 """ # Install necessary libraries from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, pipeline import streamlit as st from pprint import pprint import json # Read the config with open("config.json") as f: cfg = json.loads(f.read()) # Set page layout st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Load the model @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_model(): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg["model_name_or_path"]) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(cfg["model_name_or_path"]) generator = pipeline("text2text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) return generator, tokenizer with st.spinner('Loading model...'): generator, tokenizer = load_model() # st.image("images/chef-transformer.png", width=400) st.header("Tamil Language Demos") st.markdown( "This demo uses [GPT2 trained on Oscar dataset](https://huggingface.co/flax-community/gpt-2-tamil) " "to show language generation and other downstream tasks" ) img = st.sidebar.image("images/tamil_logo.png", width=100) add_text_sidebar = st.sidebar.title("Select demo:") sampling_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox("select a demo", index=0, options=["Text Generation", "Text Classification"])