from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Union import typer from rich import print from rich.padding import Padding from rich.panel import Panel from typing_extensions import Annotated from import get_import_string from fastapi_cli.exceptions import FastAPICLIException from . import __version__ from .logging import setup_logging app = typer.Typer(rich_markup_mode="rich") setup_logging() logger = getLogger(__name__) try: import uvicorn except ImportError: # pragma: no cover uvicorn = None # type: ignore[assignment] def version_callback(value: bool) -> None: if value: print(f"FastAPI CLI version: [green]{__version__}[/green]") raise typer.Exit() @app.callback() def callback( version: Annotated[ Union[bool, None], typer.Option( "--version", help="Show the version and exit.", callback=version_callback ), ] = None, ) -> None: """ FastAPI CLI - The [bold]fastapi[/bold] command line app. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Manage your [bold]FastAPI[/bold] projects, run your FastAPI apps, and more. Read more in the docs: [link][/link]. """ def _run( path: Union[Path, None] = None, *, host: str = "", port: int = 8000, reload: bool = True, workers: Union[int, None] = None, root_path: str = "", command: str, app: Union[str, None] = None, proxy_headers: bool = False, ) -> None: try: use_uvicorn_app = get_import_string(path=path, app_name=app) except FastAPICLIException as e: logger.error(str(e)) raise typer.Exit(code=1) from None serving_str = f"[dim]Serving at:[/dim] [link]http://{host}:{port}[/link]\n\n[dim]API docs:[/dim] [link]http://{host}:{port}/docs[/link]" if command == "dev": panel = Panel( f"{serving_str}\n\n[dim]Running in development mode, for production use:[/dim] \n\n[b]fastapi run[/b]", title="FastAPI CLI - Development mode", expand=False, padding=(1, 2), style="black on yellow", ) else: panel = Panel( f"{serving_str}\n\n[dim]Running in production mode, for development use:[/dim] \n\n[b]fastapi dev[/b]", title="FastAPI CLI - Production mode", expand=False, padding=(1, 2), style="green", ) print(Padding(panel, 1)) if not uvicorn: raise FastAPICLIException( "Could not import Uvicorn, try running 'pip install uvicorn'" ) from None app=use_uvicorn_app, host=host, port=port, reload=reload, workers=workers, root_path=root_path, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, ) @app.command() def dev( path: Annotated[ Union[Path, None], typer.Argument( help="A path to a Python file or package directory (with [blue][/blue] files) containing a [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app. If not provided, a default set of paths will be tried." ), ] = None, *, host: Annotated[ str, typer.Option( help="The host to serve on. For local development in localhost use [blue][/blue]. To enable public access, e.g. in a container, use all the IP addresses available with [blue][/blue]." ), ] = "", port: Annotated[ int, typer.Option( help="The port to serve on. You would normally have a termination proxy on top (another program) handling HTTPS on port [blue]443[/blue] and HTTP on port [blue]80[/blue], transferring the communication to your app." ), ] = 8000, reload: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( help="Enable auto-reload of the server when (code) files change. This is [bold]resource intensive[/bold], use it only during development." ), ] = True, root_path: Annotated[ str, typer.Option( help="The root path is used to tell your app that it is being served to the outside world with some [bold]path prefix[/bold] set up in some termination proxy or similar." ), ] = "", app: Annotated[ Union[str, None], typer.Option( help="The name of the variable that contains the [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app in the imported module or package. If not provided, it is detected automatically." ), ] = None, proxy_headers: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( help="Enable/Disable X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port to populate remote address info." ), ] = True, ) -> Any: """ Run a [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app in [yellow]development[/yellow] mode. ๐Ÿงช This is equivalent to [bold]fastapi run[/bold] but with [bold]reload[/bold] enabled and listening on the [blue][/blue] address. It automatically detects the Python module or package that needs to be imported based on the file or directory path passed. If no path is passed, it tries with: - [blue][/blue] - [blue][/blue] - [blue][/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] It also detects the directory that needs to be added to the [bold]PYTHONPATH[/bold] to make the app importable and adds it. It detects the [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app object to use. By default it looks in the module or package for an object named: - [blue]app[/blue] - [blue]api[/blue] Otherwise, it uses the first [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app found in the imported module or package. """ _run( path=path, host=host, port=port, reload=reload, root_path=root_path, app=app, command="dev", proxy_headers=proxy_headers, ) @app.command() def run( path: Annotated[ Union[Path, None], typer.Argument( help="A path to a Python file or package directory (with [blue][/blue] files) containing a [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app. If not provided, a default set of paths will be tried." ), ] = None, *, host: Annotated[ str, typer.Option( help="The host to serve on. For local development in localhost use [blue][/blue]. To enable public access, e.g. in a container, use all the IP addresses available with [blue][/blue]." ), ] = "", port: Annotated[ int, typer.Option( help="The port to serve on. You would normally have a termination proxy on top (another program) handling HTTPS on port [blue]443[/blue] and HTTP on port [blue]80[/blue], transferring the communication to your app." ), ] = 8000, reload: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( help="Enable auto-reload of the server when (code) files change. This is [bold]resource intensive[/bold], use it only during development." ), ] = False, workers: Annotated[ Union[int, None], typer.Option( help="Use multiple worker processes. Mutually exclusive with the --reload flag." ), ] = None, root_path: Annotated[ str, typer.Option( help="The root path is used to tell your app that it is being served to the outside world with some [bold]path prefix[/bold] set up in some termination proxy or similar." ), ] = "", app: Annotated[ Union[str, None], typer.Option( help="The name of the variable that contains the [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app in the imported module or package. If not provided, it is detected automatically." ), ] = None, proxy_headers: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( help="Enable/Disable X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port to populate remote address info." ), ] = True, ) -> Any: """ Run a [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app in [green]production[/green] mode. ๐Ÿš€ This is equivalent to [bold]fastapi dev[/bold] but with [bold]reload[/bold] disabled and listening on the [blue][/blue] address. It automatically detects the Python module or package that needs to be imported based on the file or directory path passed. If no path is passed, it tries with: - [blue][/blue] - [blue][/blue] - [blue][/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] - [blue]app/[/blue] It also detects the directory that needs to be added to the [bold]PYTHONPATH[/bold] to make the app importable and adds it. It detects the [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app object to use. By default it looks in the module or package for an object named: - [blue]app[/blue] - [blue]api[/blue] Otherwise, it uses the first [bold]FastAPI[/bold] app found in the imported module or package. """ _run( path=path, host=host, port=port, reload=reload, workers=workers, root_path=root_path, app=app, command="run", proxy_headers=proxy_headers, ) def main() -> None: app()