import json import os, io, csv, math, random import numpy as np import torchvision from einops import rearrange from decord import VideoReader import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms from import Dataset from tqdm import tqdm from opensora.utils.dataset_utils import DecordInit from opensora.utils.utils import text_preprocessing class T2V_dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, args, transform, temporal_sample, tokenizer): # with open(args.data_path, 'r') as csvfile: # self.samples = list(csv.DictReader(csvfile)) self.video_folder = args.video_folder self.num_frames = args.num_frames self.transform = transform self.temporal_sample = temporal_sample self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.model_max_length = args.model_max_length self.v_decoder = DecordInit() with open(args.data_path, 'r') as f: self.samples = json.load(f) self.use_image_num = args.use_image_num self.use_img_from_vid = args.use_img_from_vid if self.use_image_num != 0 and not self.use_img_from_vid: self.img_cap_list = self.get_img_cap_list() def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, idx): try: # video = torch.randn(3, 16, 128, 128) # input_ids = torch.ones(1, 120).to(torch.long).squeeze(0) # cond_mask =[torch.ones(1, 60).to(torch.long), torch.ones(1, 60).to(torch.long)], dim=1).squeeze(0) # return video, input_ids, cond_mask video_path = self.samples[idx]['path'] video = self.decord_read(video_path) video = self.transform(video) # T C H W -> T C H W video = video.transpose(0, 1) # T C H W -> C T H W text = self.samples[idx]['cap'][0] text = text_preprocessing(text) text_tokens_and_mask = self.tokenizer( text, max_length=self.model_max_length, padding='max_length', truncation=True, return_attention_mask=True, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt' ) input_ids = text_tokens_and_mask['input_ids'].squeeze(0) cond_mask = text_tokens_and_mask['attention_mask'].squeeze(0) if self.use_image_num != 0 and self.use_img_from_vid: select_image_idx = np.linspace(0, self.num_frames-1, self.use_image_num, dtype=int) assert self.num_frames >= self.use_image_num images = video[:, select_image_idx] # c, num_img, h, w video =[video, images], dim=1) # c, num_frame+num_img, h, w input_ids = torch.stack([input_ids] * (1+self.use_image_num)) # 1+self.use_image_num, l cond_mask = torch.stack([cond_mask] * (1+self.use_image_num)) # 1+self.use_image_num, l elif self.use_image_num != 0 and not self.use_img_from_vid: images, captions = self.img_cap_list[idx] raise NotImplementedError else: pass return video, input_ids, cond_mask except Exception as e: print(f'Error with {e}, {self.samples[idx]}') return self.__getitem__(random.randint(0, self.__len__() - 1)) def tv_read(self, path): vframes, aframes, info =, pts_unit='sec', output_format='TCHW') total_frames = len(vframes) # Sampling video frames start_frame_ind, end_frame_ind = self.temporal_sample(total_frames) # assert end_frame_ind - start_frame_ind >= self.num_frames frame_indice = np.linspace(start_frame_ind, end_frame_ind - 1, self.num_frames, dtype=int) video = vframes[frame_indice] # (T, C, H, W) return video def decord_read(self, path): decord_vr = self.v_decoder(path) total_frames = len(decord_vr) # Sampling video frames start_frame_ind, end_frame_ind = self.temporal_sample(total_frames) # assert end_frame_ind - start_frame_ind >= self.num_frames frame_indice = np.linspace(start_frame_ind, end_frame_ind - 1, self.num_frames, dtype=int) video_data = decord_vr.get_batch(frame_indice).asnumpy() video_data = torch.from_numpy(video_data) video_data = video_data.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # (T, H, W, C) -> (T C H W) return video_data def get_img_cap_list(self): raise NotImplementedError