import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from src.ui.drawable_canvas import drawable_canvas from src.ui.streamlit_ui import streamlit_ui from src.segmentation import segment_everything from src.utils import calculate_parameters, plot_distribution, calculate_pixel_length, plot_cumulative_frequency from ultralytics import YOLO import torch import cv2 # Cache the model and device @st.cache_data() def load_model_and_initialize(): model_path = "src/model/" device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = YOLO(model_path) return model, device def main(): """Main application logic.""" uploaded_image, input_size, iou_threshold, conf_threshold, better_quality, contour_thickness, real_world_length, max_det = streamlit_ui() if uploaded_image is not None: try: canvas_result = drawable_canvas(uploaded_image, input_size) pixel_length = None if canvas_result.json_data is not None and "objects" in canvas_result.json_data: if len(canvas_result.json_data["objects"]) > 0: line_object = canvas_result.json_data["objects"][0] start_point = [line_object['x1'], line_object['y1']] end_point = [line_object['x2'], line_object['y2']] # Get image dimensions for calculating the scaling factor image_width, image_height = scale_factor = input_size / max(image_width, image_height) # Calculate pixel length with the scaling factor pixel_length = calculate_pixel_length(start_point, end_point) st.write(f"Pixel length of the line: {pixel_length}") else: st.write("Please draw a line to set the scale or enter the real-world length.") else: st.write("Please draw a line to set the scale or enter the real-world length.") if pixel_length is not None and real_world_length is not None: scale_factor = real_world_length / pixel_length else: st.write("Scale factor could not be calculated. Make sure to draw a line and enter the real-world length.") return input_image = # Load the model and device from cache model, device = load_model_and_initialize() segmented_image, annotations = segment_everything( input_image, model=model, device=device, input_size=input_size, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, conf_threshold=conf_threshold, better_quality=better_quality, contour_thickness=contour_thickness, max_det=max_det ) st.image(segmented_image, caption="Segmented Image", use_column_width=True) # Calculate and display object parameters df = calculate_parameters(annotations, scale_factor) if not df.empty: st.write("Summary of Object Parameters:") st.dataframe(df) csv = df.to_csv(index=False) st.download_button( label="Download data as CSV", data=csv, file_name='grain_parameters.csv', mime='text/csv', ) plot_cumulative_frequency(df) filtered_columns = [col for col in df.columns.tolist() if col != 'Object'] selected_parameter = st.selectbox("Select a parameter to see its distribution:", filtered_columns) if selected_parameter: plot_distribution(df, selected_parameter) else: st.write("No parameter selected for plotting.") else: st.write("No objects detected.") except Exception as e: st.error("An error occurred during processing. Please check the logs for details.") else: st.write("Please upload an image.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()