from time import sleep import ast import astunparse import openai from openai.error import RateLimitError, APIConnectionError from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter class LMP: def __init__(self, name, cfg, lmp_fgen, fixed_vars, variable_vars): self._name = name self._cfg = cfg with open(self._cfg['prompt_path'], 'r') as f: self._base_prompt = self._stop_tokens = list(self._cfg['stop']) self._lmp_fgen = lmp_fgen self._fixed_vars = fixed_vars self._variable_vars = variable_vars self.exec_hist = '' def clear_exec_hist(self): self.exec_hist = '' def build_prompt(self, query, context=''): if len(self._variable_vars) > 0: variable_vars_imports_str = f"from utils import {', '.join(self._variable_vars.keys())}" else: variable_vars_imports_str = '' prompt = self._base_prompt.replace('{variable_vars_imports}', variable_vars_imports_str) if self._cfg['maintain_session']: prompt += f'\n{self.exec_hist}' if context != '': prompt += f'\n{context}' use_query = f'{self._cfg["query_prefix"]}{query}{self._cfg["query_suffix"]}' prompt += f'\n{use_query}' return prompt, use_query def __call__(self, query, context='', **kwargs): prompt, use_query = self.build_prompt(query, context=context) while True: try: code_str = openai.Completion.create( prompt=prompt, stop=self._stop_tokens, temperature=self._cfg['temperature'], engine=self._cfg['engine'], max_tokens=self._cfg['max_tokens'] )['choices'][0]['text'].strip() break except (RateLimitError, APIConnectionError) as e: print(f'OpenAI API got err {e}') print('Retrying after 10s.') sleep(10) if self._cfg['include_context'] and context != '': to_exec = f'{context}\n{code_str}' to_log = f'{context}\n{use_query}\n{code_str}' else: to_exec = code_str to_log = f'{use_query}\n{to_exec}' to_log_pretty = highlight(to_log, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) print(f'LMP {self._name} exec:\n\n{to_log_pretty}\n') new_fs = self._lmp_fgen.create_new_fs_from_code(code_str) self._variable_vars.update(new_fs) gvars = merge_dicts([self._fixed_vars, self._variable_vars]) lvars = kwargs if not self._cfg['debug_mode']: exec_safe(to_exec, gvars, lvars) self.exec_hist += f'\n{to_exec}' if self._cfg['maintain_session']: self._variable_vars.update(lvars) if self._cfg['has_return']: return lvars[self._cfg['return_val_name']] class LMPFGen: def __init__(self, cfg, fixed_vars, variable_vars): self._cfg = cfg self._stop_tokens = list(self._cfg['stop']) self._fixed_vars = fixed_vars self._variable_vars = variable_vars with open(self._cfg['prompt_path'], 'r') as f: self._base_prompt = def create_f_from_sig(self, f_name, f_sig, other_vars=None, fix_bugs=False, return_src=False): print(f'Creating function: {f_sig}') use_query = f'{self._cfg["query_prefix"]}{f_sig}{self._cfg["query_suffix"]}' prompt = f'{self._base_prompt}\n{use_query}' while True: try: f_src = openai.Completion.create( prompt=prompt, stop=self._stop_tokens, temperature=self._cfg['temperature'], engine=self._cfg['engine'], max_tokens=self._cfg['max_tokens'] )['choices'][0]['text'].strip() break except (RateLimitError, APIConnectionError) as e: print(f'OpenAI API got err {e}') print('Retrying after 10s.') sleep(10) if fix_bugs: f_src = openai.Edit.create( model='code-davinci-edit-001', input='# ' + f_src, temperature=0, instruction='Fix the bug if there is one. Improve readability. Keep same inputs and outputs. Only small changes. No comments.', )['choices'][0]['text'].strip() if other_vars is None: other_vars = {} gvars = merge_dicts([self._fixed_vars, self._variable_vars, other_vars]) lvars = {} exec_safe(f_src, gvars, lvars) f = lvars[f_name] to_print = highlight(f'{use_query}\n{f_src}', PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) print(f'LMP FGEN created:\n\n{to_print}\n') if return_src: return f, f_src return f def create_new_fs_from_code(self, code_str, other_vars=None, fix_bugs=False, return_src=False): fs, f_assigns = {}, {} f_parser = FunctionParser(fs, f_assigns) f_parser.visit(ast.parse(code_str)) for f_name, f_assign in f_assigns.items(): if f_name in fs: fs[f_name] = f_assign if other_vars is None: other_vars = {} new_fs = {} srcs = {} for f_name, f_sig in fs.items(): all_vars = merge_dicts([self._fixed_vars, self._variable_vars, new_fs, other_vars]) if not var_exists(f_name, all_vars): f, f_src = self.create_f_from_sig(f_name, f_sig, new_fs, fix_bugs=fix_bugs, return_src=True) # recursively define child_fs in the function body if needed f_def_body = astunparse.unparse(ast.parse(f_src).body[0].body) child_fs, child_f_srcs = self.create_new_fs_from_code( f_def_body, other_vars=all_vars, fix_bugs=fix_bugs, return_src=True ) if len(child_fs) > 0: new_fs.update(child_fs) srcs.update(child_f_srcs) # redefine parent f so newly created child_fs are in scope gvars = merge_dicts([self._fixed_vars, self._variable_vars, new_fs, other_vars]) lvars = {} exec_safe(f_src, gvars, lvars) f = lvars[f_name] new_fs[f_name], srcs[f_name] = f, f_src if return_src: return new_fs, srcs return new_fs class FunctionParser(ast.NodeTransformer): def __init__(self, fs, f_assigns): super().__init__() self._fs = fs self._f_assigns = f_assigns def visit_Call(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): f_sig = astunparse.unparse(node).strip() f_name = astunparse.unparse(node.func).strip() self._fs[f_name] = f_sig return node def visit_Assign(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call): assign_str = astunparse.unparse(node).strip() f_name = astunparse.unparse(node.value.func).strip() self._f_assigns[f_name] = assign_str return node def var_exists(name, all_vars): try: eval(name, all_vars) except: exists = False else: exists = True return exists def merge_dicts(dicts): return { k : v for d in dicts for k, v in d.items() } def exec_safe(code_str, gvars=None, lvars=None): banned_phrases = ['import', '__'] for phrase in banned_phrases: assert phrase not in code_str if gvars is None: gvars = {} if lvars is None: lvars = {} empty_fn = lambda *args, **kwargs: None custom_gvars = merge_dicts([ gvars, {'exec': empty_fn, 'eval': empty_fn} ]) exec(code_str, custom_gvars, lvars)