import { Button, Grid, Link, List, ListItem, ListItemIcon, ListItemText, ListSubheader, Paper, Stack, Typography, } from "@mui/material"; import ViewQuiltIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ViewQuilt"; import SailingIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Sailing"; import LightModeIcon from "@mui/icons-material/LightMode"; import SentimentVerySatisfiedIcon from "@mui/icons-material/SentimentVerySatisfied"; import ContentCopyIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ContentCopy"; import LinkIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Link"; import SyncIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Sync"; import { HighlightBox } from "./base/boxes"; export default function GettingStarted() { return ( <> Features huggingface.js {" "} components (WIP) langchain.js {" "} and{" "} hyv {" "} components (comming soon) Rapid prototyping with{" "} MUI Dark / light theme based on system preferences Sync your GitHub repository with your 🤗 Space Runs in Docker or localhost Explore the{" "} README {" "} for a comprehensive guide on local development, Docker utilization, secret management, and GitHub-based Space control. Have feedback or ideas?{" "} We're eager to hear from you! {" "} As an open-source project in its early stages, your input can significantly shape our development. ); }