import os import random import huggingface_hub from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset from dotenv import load_dotenv from pytorch_lightning import LightningDataModule from pytorch_lightning.utilities.types import TRAIN_DATALOADERS, EVAL_DATALOADERS from import DataLoader, IterableDataset from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer import torch import logging import wandb timber = logging.getLogger() # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # change to level=logging.DEBUG to print more logs... black = "\u001b[30m" red = "\u001b[31m" green = "\u001b[32m" yellow = "\u001b[33m" blue = "\u001b[34m" magenta = "\u001b[35m" cyan = "\u001b[36m" white = "\u001b[37m" FORWARD = "FORWARD_INPUT" BACKWARD = "BACKWARD_INPUT" DEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME: str = "LongSafari/hyenadna-small-32k-seqlen-hf" def insert_debug_motif_at_random_position(seq, DEBUG_MOTIF): start = 0 end = len(seq) rand_pos = random.randrange(start, (end - len(DEBUG_MOTIF))) random_end = rand_pos + len(DEBUG_MOTIF) output = seq[start: rand_pos] + DEBUG_MOTIF + seq[random_end: end] assert len(seq) == len(output) return output class PagingMQTLDataset(IterableDataset): def __init__(self, m_dataset, seq_len, tokenizer, max_length=512, check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif=False): self.dataset = m_dataset self.check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif = check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif self.debug_motif = "ATCGCCTA" self.seq_len = seq_len self.bert_tokenizer = tokenizer self.max_length = max_length pass def __iter__(self): for row in self.dataset: processed = self.preprocess(row) if processed is not None: yield processed def preprocess(self, row): sequence = row['sequence'] # Fetch the 'sequence' column if len(sequence) != self.seq_len: return None # skip problematic row! label = row['label'] # Fetch the 'label' column (or whatever target you use) if label == 1 and self.check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif: sequence = insert_debug_motif_at_random_position(seq=sequence, DEBUG_MOTIF=self.debug_motif) input_ids = self.bert_tokenizer(sequence)["input_ids"] tokenized_tensor = torch.tensor(input_ids) label_tensor = torch.tensor(label) output_dict = {"input_ids": tokenized_tensor, "labels": label_tensor} # so this is now you do it? return output_dict # tokenized_tensor, label_tensor class MqtlDataModule(LightningDataModule): def __init__(self, train_ds, val_ds, test_ds, batch_size=16): super().__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size self.train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, # collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=1, # persistent_workers=True ) self.validate_loader = DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, # collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=1, # persistent_workers=True ) self.test_loader = DataLoader(test_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, # collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=1, # persistent_workers=True ) pass def prepare_data(self): pass def setup(self, stage: str) -> None:"inside setup: {stage = }") pass def train_dataloader(self) -> TRAIN_DATALOADERS: return self.train_loader def val_dataloader(self) -> EVAL_DATALOADERS: return self.validate_loader def test_dataloader(self) -> EVAL_DATALOADERS: return self.test_loader def create_paging_train_val_test_datasets(tokenizer, WINDOW, is_debug, batch_size=1000): data_files = { # small samples "train_binned_200": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_200_train_binned.csv", "validate_binned_200": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_200_validate_binned.csv", "test_binned_200": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_200_test_binned.csv", # medium samples "train_binned_1000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_1000_train_binned.csv", "validate_binned_1000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_1000_validate_binned.csv", "test_binned_1000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_1000_test_binned.csv", # large samples "train_binned_4000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_4000_train_binned.csv", "validate_binned_4000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_4000_validate_binned.csv", "test_binned_4000": "/home/soumic/Codes/mqtl-classification/src/inputdata/dataset_4000_test_binned.csv", } dataset_map = None is_my_laptop = os.path.isfile("/src/inputdata/dataset_4000_test_binned.csv") if is_my_laptop: dataset_map = load_dataset("csv", data_files=data_files, streaming=True) else: dataset_map = load_dataset("fahimfarhan/mqtl-classification-datasets", streaming=True) train_dataset = PagingMQTLDataset(dataset_map[f"train_binned_{WINDOW}"], check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif=is_debug, tokenizer=tokenizer, seq_len=WINDOW ) val_dataset = PagingMQTLDataset(dataset_map[f"validate_binned_{WINDOW}"], check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif=is_debug, tokenizer=tokenizer, seq_len=WINDOW) test_dataset = PagingMQTLDataset(dataset_map[f"test_binned_{WINDOW}"], check_if_pipeline_is_ok_by_inserting_debug_motif=is_debug, tokenizer=tokenizer, seq_len=WINDOW) # data_module = MqtlDataModule(train_ds=train_dataset, val_ds=val_dataset, test_ds=test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size) return train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset def login_inside_huggingface_virtualmachine(): # Load the .env file, but don't crash if it's not found (e.g., in Hugging Face Space) try: load_dotenv() # Only useful on your laptop if .env exists print(".env file loaded successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Warning: Could not load .env file. Exception: {e}") # Try to get the token from environment variables try: token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") if not token: raise ValueError("HF_TOKEN not found. Make sure to set it in the environment variables or .env file.") # Log in to Hugging Face Hub huggingface_hub.login(token) print("Logged in to Hugging Face Hub successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during Hugging Face login: {e}") # Handle the error appropriately (e.g., exit or retry) # wand db login try: api_key = os.getenv("WAND_DB_API_KEY")"{api_key = }") if not api_key: raise ValueError("WAND_DB_API_KEY not found. Make sure to set it in the environment variables or .env file.") # Log in to Hugging Face Hub wandb.login(key=api_key) print("Logged in to wand db successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during wand db Face login: {e}") pass def start(): os.environ["PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF"] = "expandable_segments:True" login_inside_huggingface_virtualmachine() WINDOW = 1000 batch_size = 100 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME, trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True) args = { "output_dir": "output_hyena_dna-mqtl_classification", "num_train_epochs": 2, "max_steps": 20, # Set the number of steps you expect to train, originally 1000, takes too much time. So I set it to 10 to run faster and check my code/pipeline "run_name": "laptop_run_hyena_dna-mqtl_classification", # Override run_name here "per_device_train_batch_size": 1, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4, "gradient_checkpointing": True, "learning_rate": 2e-5, "save_safetensors": False # I added it. this solves the runtime error! } # """ # got this error at the end! # raise RuntimeError( # RuntimeError: The weights trying to be saved contained shared tensors [{'hyena.backbone.layers.0.mixer.filter_fn.implicit_filter.3.freq', 'hyena.backbone.layers.0.mixer.filter_fn.implicit_filter.1.freq', 'hyena.backbone.layers.0.mixer.filter_fn.implicit_filter.5.freq'}] that are mismatching the transformers base configuration. Try saving using `safe_serialization=False` or remove this tensor sharing. # """ training_args = TrainingArguments(**args) # train_dataset, eval_dataset, test_dataset = create_data_module(tokenizer=tokenizer, WINDOW=WINDOW, # batch_size=batch_size, # is_debug=False) max_length = 32_000 sequence = 'ACTG' * int(max_length / 4) # sequence = 'ACTG' * int(1000) # seq_len = 4000 it works! sequence = [sequence] * 8 # Create 8 identical samples tokenized = tokenizer(sequence)["input_ids"] labels = [0, 1] * 4 # Create a dataset for training run_the_code_ds = Dataset.from_dict({"input_ids": tokenized, "labels": labels}) run_the_code_ds.set_format("pt") # train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = create_paging_train_val_test_datasets(tokenizer, WINDOW=WINDOW, is_debug=False) train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = run_the_code_ds, run_the_code_ds, run_the_code_ds # train_ds.set_format("pt") # doesn't work! trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=train_ds, eval_dataset=val_ds, ) # train, and validate result = trainer.train() try: print(f"{result = }") except Exception as x: print(f"{x = }") # testing try: # with torch.no_grad(): # didn't work :/ test_results = trainer.evaluate(eval_dataset=test_ds) print(f"{test_results = }") except Exception as oome: print(f"{oome = }") if __name__ == '__main__': start() pass """ git submodule add src/huggingface-mqtl-classification-hyena-dna """