import {random} from 'lodash'; // const USABLE_CHARACTERS = 'BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789'; const USABLE_CHARACTERS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; const ID_LENGTH = 4; export function isValidRoomID(id: string | null | undefined): boolean { if (id == null) { return false; } if (id.length !== ID_LENGTH) { return false; } return isValidPartialRoomID(id); } export function isValidPartialRoomID(roomID: string): boolean { return ( roomID.length <= ID_LENGTH && roomID.split('').every((char) => USABLE_CHARACTERS.includes(char)) ); } export default function generateNewRoomID(): string { return Array.from( {length: ID_LENGTH}, () => USABLE_CHARACTERS[random(USABLE_CHARACTERS.length - 1)], ).join(''); } export function getSequentialRoomIDForTestingGenerator(): () => string { let counter = 0; return function generateNextRoomID(): string { const counterInBase: string = Number(counter) .toString(USABLE_CHARACTERS.length) .padStart(ID_LENGTH, '0'); if (counterInBase.length > ID_LENGTH) { throw new Error( 'Ran out of unique room IDs from the sequential generator', ); } const result = counterInBase .split('') .map( (digit) => USABLE_CHARACTERS[parseInt(digit, USABLE_CHARACTERS.length)], ) .join(''); counter++; return result; }; } // const generator = getSequentialRoomIDForTestingGenerator(); // Array.from({length: 200}, () => console.log(generator()));