# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import inspect import os.path as osp import time from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union try: import colossalai import colossalai.booster.mixed_precision as colo_precision import colossalai.booster.plugin as colo_plugin import colossalai.nn.optimizer as colo_optimizer from colossalai.booster import Booster from colossalai.interface import ModelWrapper except Exception as e: # noqa: F841 colossalai = None colo_precision = None colo_plugin = None colo_optimizer = None Booster = None ModelWrapper = None import torch import torch.nn as nn import mmengine from mmengine import mkdir_or_exist from mmengine._strategy import BaseStrategy from mmengine.device import get_device from mmengine.dist import init_dist, is_main_process from mmengine.fileio import join_path from mmengine.model import BaseDataPreprocessor from mmengine.optim import BaseOptimWrapper, OptimWrapper, _ParamScheduler from mmengine.registry import STRATEGIES, Registry from mmengine.registry.root import MODEL_WRAPPERS, OPTIM_WRAPPERS, OPTIMIZERS from mmengine.runner.checkpoint import _load_checkpoint, save_checkpoint from mmengine.utils import get_git_hash # Component for colossalai `plugins` and `mixed_precisions` PLUGINS = Registry('plugin') MIXED_PRECISIONS = Registry('mixed_precision') def register_plugins(): _plugins = inspect.getmembers( colo_plugin, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, colo_plugin.Plugin)) for name, plugin in _plugins: PLUGINS.register_module(name=name, module=plugin) def register_optimizers(): _colo_optimizer = inspect.getmembers( colo_optimizer, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, torch.optim.Optimizer)) for name, optim_type in _colo_optimizer: OPTIMIZERS.register_module(name=name, module=optim_type, force=True) def register_mixed_precisions(): _mixed_precisions = inspect.getmembers( colo_precision, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass( x, colo_precision.MixedPrecision)) for name, mixed_precision in _mixed_precisions: MIXED_PRECISIONS.register_module(name=name, module=mixed_precision) @OPTIM_WRAPPERS.register_module() class ColossalAIOptimWrapper(OptimWrapper): """OptimWrapper for ColossalAI. The available optimizers are: - CPUAdam - FusedAdam - FusedLAMB - FusedSGD - HybridAdam - Lamb - Lars You can find more details in the `colossalai tutorial`_ Args: optimizer (dict or torch.optim.Optimizer): The optimizer to be wrapped. accumulative_counts (int): The number of iterations to accumulate gradients. The parameters will be updated per ``accumulative_counts``. .. _colossalai tutorial: https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI/tree/main/colossalai/nn/optimizer """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, booster: Booster, accumulative_counts: int = 1): super().__init__(optimizer, accumulative_counts=accumulative_counts) self.booster = booster @contextmanager def optim_context(self, model: nn.Module): if self.booster.plugin.support_no_sync(): sync_context = self.booster.no_sync(model, self.optimizer) else: yield return if not self.should_sync(): with sync_context: yield def backward(self, loss: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> None: self._inner_count += 1 self.optimizer.backward(loss, **kwargs) @MODEL_WRAPPERS.register_module() class CollosalAIModelWrapper: def __init__(self, model_wrapper: ModelWrapper, model: nn.Module): self.model_wrapper = model_wrapper self.model = model def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: return self.model_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) def train_step( self, data: Union[dict, tuple, list], optim_wrapper: ColossalAIOptimWrapper, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: data = self.model.data_preprocessor(data, training=True) with optim_wrapper.optim_context(self.model): losses = self._run_forward(data, mode='loss') parsed_loss, log_vars = self.model.parse_losses(losses) optim_wrapper.update_params(parsed_loss) return log_vars def val_step(self, data: Union[dict, tuple, list]) -> list: """Gets the prediction of module during validation process. Args: data (dict or tuple or list): Data sampled from dataset. Returns: list: The predictions of given data. """ data = self.model.data_preprocessor(data, False) return self._run_forward(data, mode='predict') test_step = val_step def _run_forward(self, data: Union[dict, tuple, list], mode: str) -> Any: """Unpacks data for :meth:`forward` Args: data (dict or tuple or list): Data sampled from dataset. mode (str): Mode of forward. Returns: dict or list: Results of training or testing mode. """ if isinstance(data, dict): results = self.model_wrapper(**data, mode=mode) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): results = self.model_wrapper(*data, mode=mode) else: raise TypeError('Output of `data_preprocessor` should be ' f'list, tuple or dict, but got {type(data)}') return results def __getattr__(self, name): if hasattr(self.model_wrapper, name): return getattr(self.model_wrapper, name) elif hasattr(self.model, name): return getattr(self.model, name) else: raise AttributeError( f'{self.model_wrapper} and {self.model} has no ' f'attribute {name}') @STRATEGIES.register_module() class ColossalAIStrategy(BaseStrategy): """ Args: config: (str or dict): The colossalai config file to setup distributed environment. See more details in the `colossalai config tutorial`_. mixed_precision (str or MixedPrecision): The mixed precision to run the training. Defaults to None. If the argument is a string, it can be 'fp16', 'fp16_apex', 'bf16', or 'fp8' fp16' would use PyTorch AMP while `fp16_apex` would use Nvidia Apex. plugin (Plugin): The plugin to run the training. The type of `plugin` could be: - str: The available plugins are ``gemini`` and ``lowlevel-zero``. ``gemini`` means a `ZeRO`_ implementation with chunk-based memory management. You could find more details in the `colossalai gemini tutorial`_. ``lowlevel-zero`` means a Zero-1 and Zero-2 implementation. Although gemini is more memory saving, some unexpceted error could happen for some spectial model structure. lowlevel-zero is more stable. - dict: **dict-type style config to build a colossalai plugin**. See the `booster plugin tutorial`_ for more details. model_wrapper (dict, optional): Dict for model wrapper. Defaults to None. work_dir (str): The working directory to save checkpoints. The logs will be saved in the subdirectory of `work_dir` named :attr:`timestamp`. Defaults to 'work_dirs'. experiment_name (str, optional): Name of current experiment. If not specified, timestamp will be used as :attr:`experiment_name`. Defaults to None. env_kwargs (dict, optional): Environment config passed in :meth:`setup_env`. Defaults to None. log_kwargs (dict, optional): Logger config passed in :meth:`build_logger`. Defaults to None. auto_scale_lr (dict, Optional): Config to scale the learning rate automatically. It includes ``base_batch_size`` and ``enable``. ``base_batch_size`` is the batch size that the optimizer lr is based on. ``enable`` is the switch to turn on and off the feature. .. _colossalai config tutorial: https://colossalai.org/docs/basics/configure_parallelization .. _ZeRO: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.02054 .. _colossalai gemini tutorial: https://colossalai.org/docs/features/zero_with_chunk/#geminiddp .. _booster plugin tutorial: https://colossalai.org/docs/basics/booster_plugins """ # noqa: E501 OPTIMIZER_DIR = 'optimizer' # directory to save optimizer state. MODEL_DIR = 'model' # directory to save model SCHEDULER_DIR = 'scheduler' # directory to save scheduelrs model: CollosalAIModelWrapper # type: ignore optim_wrapper: ColossalAIOptimWrapper # type: ignore def __init__( self, *, config: Union[str, dict, None] = None, mixed_precision: Union[str, dict, None] = None, plugin: str = 'gemini', model_wrapper: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ): if colossalai is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'Please install colossalai by `pip install -U colossalai`') register_plugins() register_mixed_precisions() register_optimizers() self.config = config or {} super().__init__(**kwargs) if mixed_precision is not None: mixed_precision = self._build_mixed_precision(mixed_precision) if plugin is not None: plugin = self._build_plugin(plugin) self.booster = Booster(mixed_precision=mixed_precision, plugin=plugin) self.model_wrapper = model_wrapper def prepare( self, model: Union[nn.Module, dict], *, optim_wrapper: Union[BaseOptimWrapper, dict, None] = None, param_scheduler: Union[_ParamScheduler, Dict, List, None] = None, compile: Union[dict, bool] = False, dispatch_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Prepare model and some components. Args: model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module` or dict): The model to be run. It can be a dict used for build a model. Keyword Args: optim_wrapper (BaseOptimWrapper or dict, optional): Computing the gradient of model parameters and updating them. Defaults to None. See :meth:`build_optim_wrapper` for examples. param_scheduler (_ParamScheduler or dict or list, optional): Parameter scheduler for updating optimizer parameters. If specified, :attr:`optim_wrapper` should also be specified. Defaults to None. See :meth:`build_param_scheduler` for examples. compile (dict, optional): Config to compile model. Defaults to False. Requires PyTorch>=2.0. dispatch_kwargs (dict, optional): Kwargs to be passed to other methods of Strategy. Defaults to None. If ``accumulative_counts`` is set in ``optim_wrapper``, you need to provide ``max_iters`` in ``dispatch_kwargs``. """ if self._prepared: return self._prepared_components() if dispatch_kwargs is not None: self.dispatch_kwargs.update(dispatch_kwargs) model = self.build_model(model) model = self._init_model_weights(model) # optim_wrapper is required by booster if optim_wrapper is not None and isinstance(optim_wrapper, dict): optim_wrapper.setdefault('type', 'ColossalAIOptimWrapper') optim_wrapper.setdefault('booster', self.booster) optim_wrapper_type = OPTIM_WRAPPERS.get(optim_wrapper['type']) if optim_wrapper_type is None: raise ValueError(f'Failed to find {optim_wrapper["type"]} in ' '`OPTIM_WRAPPERS`.') if 'clip_grad' in optim_wrapper: raise ValueError('`Please configure `clip_grad` in `plugin`') if not issubclass(optim_wrapper_type, ColossalAIOptimWrapper): raise ValueError( 'The type of `optim_wrapper` must be ' '`ColossalAIOptimWrapper` (or subclass), but got ' f'{optim_wrapper_type}') optim_wrapper = self.build_optim_wrapper(optim_wrapper, model) if optim_wrapper is not None: self.model, self.optim_wrapper = self._wrap( model, optim_wrapper) # type: ignore else: self.model = self._wrap(model) # type: ignore # TODO: Check whether `compile` is compatible with colossalai. if param_scheduler is not None: self.param_schedulers = self.build_param_scheduler( param_scheduler, optim_wrapper) # type: ignore if optim_wrapper is not None: self._scale_lr() accumulative_counts = getattr(self.optim_wrapper, '_accumulative_counts', 1) if accumulative_counts > 1: if 'max_iters' not in self.dispatch_kwargs: raise ValueError( '"max_iters" must be specified because ' '"accumulative_counts" was set as ' f'{accumulative_counts} which is greater than 1.') self.optim_wrapper.initialize_count_status( # type: ignore self.model, 0, self.dispatch_kwargs['max_iters']) self._prepared = True return self._prepared_components() def resume( self, filename: str, *, resume_optimizer: bool = True, resume_param_scheduler: bool = True, map_location: Union[str, Callable] = 'default', callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> dict: """override this method since colossalai resume optimizer from filename directly.""" self.logger.info(f'Resume checkpoint from {filename}') extra_ckpt = self.load_checkpoint( filename, map_location=map_location, callback=callback) if resume_optimizer: self.booster.load_optimizer( self.optim_wrapper.optimizer, join_path(filename, self.OPTIMIZER_DIR)) if resume_param_scheduler: schedulers_dir = join_path(filename, self.SCHEDULER_DIR) for i, scheduler in enumerate(self.param_schedulers): self.booster.load_lr_scheduler( scheduler, f'{schedulers_dir}/scheduler_{i}.pth') # resume random seed resumed_seed = extra_ckpt['meta'].get('seed', None) current_seed = self._randomness.get('seed') if resumed_seed is not None and resumed_seed != current_seed: if current_seed is not None: self.logger.warning(f'The value of random seed in the ' f'checkpoint "{resumed_seed}" is ' f'different from the value in ' f'`randomness` config "{current_seed}"') self._randomness.update(seed=resumed_seed) self._set_randomness(**self._randomness) # resume iter self.dispatch_kwargs['cur_iter'] = extra_ckpt['meta']['iter'] return extra_ckpt def load_checkpoint( self, filename: str, *, map_location: Union[str, Callable] = 'cpu', strict: bool = False, revise_keys: list = [(r'^module.', '')], callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> dict: """Load checkpoint from given ``filename``. Warning: `map_localtion` and `callback` parameters are not supported yet. Args: filename (str): Accept local filepath, URL, ``torchvision://xxx``, ``open-mmlab://xxx``. """ self.logger.info(f'Load checkpoint from {filename}') self.booster.load_model(self.model.model_wrapper, join_path(filename, self.MODEL_DIR)) meta = _load_checkpoint(osp.join(filename, 'meta.pth')) return meta def save_checkpoint( self, filename: str, *, save_optimizer: bool = True, save_param_scheduler: bool = True, extra_ckpt: Optional[dict] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> None: # The checkpoint directory will be: # |--epoch_0.pth # |---model/ # |---optimizer/ # |---scheduler/ if extra_ckpt is None: extra_ckpt = dict() if 'meta' not in extra_ckpt: extra_ckpt['meta'] = dict() extra_ckpt['meta'].update( seed=self.seed, time=time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()), mmengine=mmengine.__version__ + get_git_hash()) model_dir = join_path(filename, self.MODEL_DIR) optimizer_dir = join_path(filename, self.OPTIMIZER_DIR) schedulers_dir = join_path(filename, self.SCHEDULER_DIR) mkdir_or_exist(model_dir) mkdir_or_exist(optimizer_dir) mkdir_or_exist(schedulers_dir) self.booster.save_model( self.model.model_wrapper, checkpoint=model_dir, shard=True) if save_optimizer: self.booster.save_optimizer( self.optim_wrapper.optimizer, checkpoint=optimizer_dir, shard=True) if is_main_process() and save_param_scheduler: for i, scheduler in enumerate(self.param_schedulers): self.booster.save_lr_scheduler( scheduler, f'{schedulers_dir}/scheduler_{i}.pth') save_checkpoint(extra_ckpt, join_path(filename, 'meta.pth')) def _build_plugin(self, plugin: Union[str, dict]): if isinstance(plugin, str): if plugin == 'gemini': plugin = colo_plugin.GeminiPlugin( precision='bf16', placement_policy='cuda') elif plugin == 'lowlevel-zero': plugin = colo_plugin.LowLevelZeroPlugin() else: raise ValueError('`plugin` must be "gemini" or ' '"lowlevel-zero"') elif isinstance(plugin, dict): plugin = PLUGINS.build(plugin) else: raise ValueError('`plugin` must be dict or str, but got a ' f'{type(plugin)} object)') return plugin def _build_mixed_precision(self, mixed_precision: Union[str, dict]): if isinstance(mixed_precision, str): if mixed_precision == 'fp16': mixed_precision = colo_precision.FP16TorchMixedPrecision() elif mixed_precision == 'fp16_apex': mixed_precision = colo_precision.FP16ApexMixedPrecision() elif mixed_precision == 'bf16': mixed_precision = colo_precision.BF16MixedPrecision() elif mixed_precision == 'fp8': mixed_precision = colo_precision.FP8MixedPrecision() else: raise ValueError( 'If `mixed_precision` is a string, it must be one of ' '"fp16", "fp16_apex", "bf16" and "fp8", but got ' f'{mixed_precision}') elif isinstance(mixed_precision, dict): mixed_precision = MIXED_PRECISIONS.build(mixed_precision) else: raise ValueError('mixed precision should be dict or str, but got ' f'a {type(mixed_precision)} object') return mixed_precision def _wrap( self, model: nn.Module, optim_wrapper: Optional[OptimWrapper] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple[CollosalAIModelWrapper, ColossalAIOptimWrapper], CollosalAIModelWrapper]: # type: ignore """Wrap model with :class:`ModelWrapper`.""" if self.model_wrapper is None: self.model_wrapper = {'type': 'CollosalAIModelWrapper'} # For zero series parallel, move `data_preprocessor` to current device # is reasonable. We need to `BaseDataPreprocessor.to` manually since # framework like colossalai and deepspeed could not handle it, leading # to `data_preprocessor` move data to cpu. for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, BaseDataPreprocessor): module.to(get_device()) if optim_wrapper is not None: optimizer = optim_wrapper.optimizer if not hasattr(optimizer, '_hook_for_profile'): # PyTorch 2.0 removes the `_hook_for_profile` in # `torch.optim.Optimizer`. We maintain this function here to # keep compatibility. # TODO: Remove this hardcode when ColossalAI supports # PyTorch 2.0 optimizer.__class__._hook_for_profile = object # We do not pass `scheduler` and `Dataloader` here for: # 1. `Booster.boost` cannot accept a list of schedulers. # 2. `Strategy` cannot not accept dataloader now. model_wrapper, optimizer, *_ = self.booster.boost(model, optimizer) optim_wrapper.optimizer = optimizer default_args = {'model_wrapper': model_wrapper, 'model': model} model_wrapper = MODEL_WRAPPERS.build( self.model_wrapper, default_args=default_args) return model_wrapper, optim_wrapper # type: ignore else: model_wrapper, *_ = self.booster.boost(model) default_args = {'model_wrapper': model_wrapper, 'model': model} model_wrapper = MODEL_WRAPPERS.build( self.model_wrapper, default_args=default_args) return model_wrapper def _setup_distributed( # type: ignore self, launcher: Optional[str] = None, backend: str = 'nccl', **kwargs, ): init_dist( launcher, backend, init_backend='colossalai', config=self.config)