# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os.path as osp import pickle import shutil import tempfile from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from torch import Tensor from torch import distributed as torch_dist from torch._utils import (_flatten_dense_tensors, _take_tensors, _unflatten_dense_tensors) from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup import mmengine from .utils import (get_world_size, get_rank, get_backend, get_dist_info, get_default_group, barrier, get_data_device, get_comm_device, cast_data_device) from mmengine.utils import digit_version from mmengine.utils.dl_utils import TORCH_VERSION from mmengine.device import is_npu_available def _get_reduce_op(name: str) -> torch_dist.ReduceOp: op_mappings = { 'sum': torch_dist.ReduceOp.SUM, 'product': torch_dist.ReduceOp.PRODUCT, 'min': torch_dist.ReduceOp.MIN, 'max': torch_dist.ReduceOp.MAX, 'band': torch_dist.ReduceOp.BAND, 'bor': torch_dist.ReduceOp.BOR, 'bxor': torch_dist.ReduceOp.BXOR, } if name.lower() not in op_mappings: raise ValueError( f'reduce op should be one of {op_mappings.keys()}, bug got {name}') return op_mappings[name.lower()] def all_reduce(data: Tensor, op: str = 'sum', group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Reduces the tensor data across all machines in such a way that all get the final result. After the call ``data`` is going to be bitwise identical in all processes. Note: Calling ``all_reduce`` in non-distributed environment does nothing. Args: data (Tensor): Input and output of the collective. The function operates in-place. op (str): Operation to reduce data. Defaults to 'sum'. Optional values are 'sum', 'mean' and 'produce', 'min', 'max', 'band', 'bor' and 'bxor'. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) >>> dist.all_reduce(data) >>> data tensor([0, 1]) >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> data tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4]) # Rank 1 >>> dist.all_reduce(data, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) >>> data tensor([4, 6]) # Rank 0 tensor([4, 6]) # Rank 1 """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size > 1: if group is None: group = get_default_group() input_device = get_data_device(data) backend_device = get_comm_device(group) data_on_device = cast_data_device(data, backend_device) # pytorch does not support 'mean' operation so we fall back to support # it with 'sum' operation. if op.lower() == 'mean': torch_dist.all_reduce(data_on_device, _get_reduce_op('sum'), group) # use true_divide to handle torch1.6.0 throws an RuntimeError when # the type of `data_on_device` is int64 data_on_device = torch.true_divide(data_on_device, world_size) else: torch_dist.all_reduce(data_on_device, _get_reduce_op(op), group) cast_data_device(data_on_device, input_device, out=data) def all_gather(data: Tensor, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> List[Tensor]: """Gather data from the whole group in a list. Note: Calling ``all_gather`` in non-distributed environment does nothing and just returns a list containing :attr:`data` itself. Note: Unlike PyTorch ``torch.distributed.all_gather``, :meth:`all_gather` in MMEngine does not pass in an empty list ``gather_list`` and returns the ``gather_list`` directly, which is more convenient. The difference between their interfaces is as below: - MMEngine: all_gather(data, group) -> gather_list - PyTorch: all_gather(gather_list, data, group) -> None Args: data (Tensor): Tensor to be gathered. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: list[Tensor]: Return a list containing data from the whole group if in distributed environment, otherwise a list only containing :attr:`data` itself. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) >>> data tensor([0, 1]) >>> output = dist.all_gather(data) >>> output [tensor([0, 1])] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> data tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4]) # Rank 1 >>> output = dist.all_gather(data) >>> output [tensor([1, 2]), tensor([3, 4])] # Rank 0 [tensor([1, 2]), tensor([3, 4])] # Rank 1 """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size == 1: return [data] if group is None: group = get_default_group() input_device = get_data_device(data) backend_device = get_comm_device(group) data_on_device = cast_data_device(data, backend_device) gather_list = [ torch.empty_like(data, device=backend_device) for _ in range(world_size) ] torch_dist.all_gather(gather_list, data_on_device, group) return cast_data_device(gather_list, input_device) # type: ignore def gather(data: Tensor, dst: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> List[Optional[Tensor]]: """Gather data from the whole group to ``dst`` process. Note: Calling ``gather`` in non-distributed environment dose nothing and just returns a list containing :attr:`data` itself. Note: ``NCCL`` backend does not support ``gather``. Note: Unlike PyTorch ``torch.distributed.gather``, :meth:`gather` in MMEngine does not pass in an empty list ``gather_list`` and returns the ``gather_list`` directly, which is more convenient. The difference between their interfaces is as below: - MMEngine: gather(data, dst, group) -> gather_list - PyTorch: gather(data, gather_list, dst, group) -> None Args: data (Tensor): Tensor to be gathered. CUDA tensor is not supported. dst (int): Destination rank. Defaults to 0. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: list[Tensor]: ``dst`` process will get a list of tensor gathering from the whole group. Other process will get a empty list. If in non-distributed environment, just return a list containing :attr:`data` itself. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) >>> data tensor([0, 1]) >>> output = dist.gather(data) >>> output [tensor([0, 1])] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> data tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4]) # Rank 1 >>> output = dist.gather(data) >>> output [tensor([1, 2]), tensor([3, 4])] # Rank 0 [] # Rank 1 """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size == 1: return [data] if group is None: group = get_default_group() input_device = get_data_device(data) backend_device = get_comm_device(group) if get_rank(group) == dst: gather_list = [ torch.empty_like(data, device=backend_device) for _ in range(world_size) ] else: gather_list = [] torch_dist.gather(data, gather_list, dst, group) if get_rank(group) == dst: return cast_data_device(gather_list, input_device) # type: ignore else: return gather_list def broadcast(data: Tensor, src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Broadcast the data from ``src`` process to the whole group. ``data`` must have the same number of elements in all processes participating in the collective. Note: Calling ``broadcast`` in non-distributed environment does nothing. Args: data (Tensor): Data to be sent if ``src`` is the rank of current process, and data to be used to save received data otherwise. src (int): Source rank. Defaults to 0. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) >>> data tensor([0, 1]) >>> dist.broadcast(data) >>> data tensor([0, 1]) >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> data = torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64) + 1 + 2 * rank >>> data tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 0 tensor([3, 4]) # Rank 1 >>> dist.broadcast(data) >>> data tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 0 tensor([1, 2]) # Rank 1 """ if get_world_size(group) > 1: if group is None: group = get_default_group() input_device = get_data_device(data) backend_device = get_comm_device(group) data_on_device = cast_data_device(data, backend_device) # broadcast requires tensor is contiguous data_on_device = data_on_device.contiguous() # type: ignore torch_dist.broadcast(data_on_device, src, group) if get_rank(group) != src: cast_data_device(data_on_device, input_device, data) def sync_random_seed(group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> int: """Synchronize a random seed to all processes. In distributed sampling, different ranks should sample non-overlapped data in the dataset. Therefore, this function is used to make sure that each rank shuffles the data indices in the same order based on the same seed. Then different ranks could use different indices to select non-overlapped data from the same data list. Args: group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: int: Random seed. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> seed = dist.sync_random_seed() >>> seed # which a random number 587791752 >>> distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> seed = dist.sync_random_seed() >>> seed 587791752 # Rank 0 587791752 # Rank 1 """ seed = np.random.randint(2**31) if get_world_size(group) == 1: return seed if group is None: group = get_default_group() backend_device = get_comm_device(group) if get_rank(group) == 0: random_num = torch.tensor(seed, dtype=torch.int32).to(backend_device) else: random_num = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32).to(backend_device) torch_dist.broadcast(random_num, src=0, group=group) return random_num.item() def _object_to_tensor(obj: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Serialize picklable python object to tensor.""" byte_storage = torch.ByteStorage.from_buffer(pickle.dumps(obj)) # Do not replace `torch.ByteTensor` or `torch.LongTensor` with torch.tensor # and specifying dtype. Otherwise, it will cause 100X slowdown. # See: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/65696 byte_tensor = torch.ByteTensor(byte_storage) local_size = torch.LongTensor([byte_tensor.numel()]) return byte_tensor, local_size def _tensor_to_object(tensor: Tensor, tensor_size: int) -> Any: """Deserialize tensor to picklable python object.""" buf = tensor.cpu().numpy().tobytes()[:tensor_size] return pickle.loads(buf) def _broadcast_object_list(object_list: List[Any], src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Broadcast picklable objects in ``object_list`` to the whole group. Similar to :func:`broadcast`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that all objects in ``object_list`` must be picklable in order to be broadcasted. """ if torch_dist.distributed_c10d._rank_not_in_group(group): return my_rank = get_rank() # Serialize object_list elements to tensors on src rank. if my_rank == src: tensor_list, size_list = zip( *[_object_to_tensor(obj) for obj in object_list]) object_sizes_tensor = torch.cat(size_list) else: object_sizes_tensor = torch.empty(len(object_list), dtype=torch.long) # Current device selection. # To preserve backwards compatibility, ``device`` is ``None`` by default. # in which case we run current logic of device selection, i.e. # ``current_device`` is CUDA if backend is NCCL otherwise CPU device. In # the case it is not ``None`` we move the size and object tensors to be # broadcasted to this device. group_backend = get_backend(group) is_nccl_backend = group_backend == torch_dist.Backend.NCCL current_device = torch.device('cpu') is_hccl_backend = group_backend == 'hccl' is_cncl_backend = group_backend == 'cncl' if is_hccl_backend: current_device = torch.device('npu', torch.npu.current_device()) object_sizes_tensor = object_sizes_tensor.to(current_device) elif is_cncl_backend: current_device = torch.device('mlu', torch.mlu.current_device()) object_sizes_tensor = object_sizes_tensor.to(current_device) elif is_nccl_backend: # See note about using torch.cuda.current_device() here in # docstring. We cannot simply use my_rank since rank == device is # not necessarily true. current_device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device()) object_sizes_tensor = object_sizes_tensor.to(current_device) # Broadcast object sizes torch_dist.broadcast(object_sizes_tensor, src=src, group=group) # Concatenate and broadcast serialized object tensors if my_rank == src: object_tensor = torch.cat(tensor_list) else: object_tensor = torch.empty( torch.sum(object_sizes_tensor).int().item(), dtype=torch.uint8, ) if is_nccl_backend or is_hccl_backend or is_cncl_backend: object_tensor = object_tensor.to(current_device) torch_dist.broadcast(object_tensor, src=src, group=group) # Deserialize objects using their stored sizes. offset = 0 if my_rank != src: for i, obj_size in enumerate(object_sizes_tensor): obj_view = object_tensor[offset:offset + obj_size] obj_view = obj_view.type(torch.uint8) if obj_view.device != torch.device('cpu'): obj_view = obj_view.cpu() offset += obj_size object_list[i] = _tensor_to_object(obj_view, obj_size) def broadcast_object_list(data: List[Any], src: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Broadcasts picklable objects in ``object_list`` to the whole group. Similar to :func:`broadcast`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that all objects in ``object_list`` must be picklable in order to be broadcasted. Note: Calling ``broadcast_object_list`` in non-distributed environment does nothing. Args: data (List[Any]): List of input objects to broadcast. Each object must be picklable. Only objects on the ``src`` rank will be broadcast, but each rank must provide lists of equal sizes. src (int): Source rank from which to broadcast ``object_list``. group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Default is ``None``. device (``torch.device``, optional): If not None, the objects are serialized and converted to tensors which are moved to the ``device`` before broadcasting. Default is ``None``. Note: For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication starts. In this case, the used device is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is correctly set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] >>> dist.broadcast_object_list(data) >>> data ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: >>> # Assumes world_size of 3. >>> data = ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> else: >>> data = [None, None, None] >>> dist.broadcast_object_list(data) >>> data ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 0 ["foo", 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 1 """ assert isinstance(data, list) if get_world_size(group) > 1: if group is None: group = get_default_group() if digit_version(TORCH_VERSION) >= digit_version( '1.8.0') and not is_npu_available(): torch_dist.broadcast_object_list(data, src, group) else: _broadcast_object_list(data, src, group) def all_reduce_dict(data: Dict[str, Tensor], op: str = 'sum', group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Reduces the dict across all machines in such a way that all get the final result. The code is modified from https://github.com/Megvii- BaseDetection/YOLOX/blob/main/yolox/utils/allreduce_norm.py. Args: data (dict[str, Tensor]): Data to be reduced. op (str): Operation to reduce data. Defaults to 'sum'. Optional values are 'sum', 'mean' and 'produce', 'min', 'max', 'band', 'bor' and 'bxor'. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = { 'key1': torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64), 'key2': torch.arange(3, dtype=torch.int64) } >>> dist.all_reduce_dict(data) >>> data {'key1': tensor([0, 1]), 'key2': tensor([0, 1, 2])} >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> data = { 'key1': torch.arange(2, dtype=torch.int64), 'key2': torch.arange(3, dtype=torch.int64) } >>> dist.all_reduce_dict(data) >>> data {'key1': tensor([0, 2]), 'key2': tensor([0, 2, 4])} # Rank 0 {'key1': tensor([0, 2]), 'key2': tensor([0, 2, 4])} # Rank 1 """ assert isinstance(data, dict) world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size > 1: if group is None: group = get_default_group() # ensure keys are consistent across processes keys = sorted(data.keys()) tensor_shapes = [data[k].shape for k in keys] tensor_sizes = [data[k].numel() for k in keys] if digit_version(TORCH_VERSION) == digit_version('1.5.0'): # `torch.cat` in torch1.5 can not concatenate different types so # we fallback to convert them all to float type. flatten_tensor = torch.cat( [data[k].flatten().float() for k in keys]) else: flatten_tensor = torch.cat([data[k].flatten() for k in keys]) all_reduce(flatten_tensor, op=op, group=group) split_tensors = [ x.reshape(shape) for x, shape in zip( torch.split(flatten_tensor, tensor_sizes), tensor_shapes) ] for k, v in zip(keys, split_tensors): data[k] = v def _all_gather_object(object_list: List[Any], obj: Any, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Gather picklable objects from the whole group into a list. Similar to :func:`all_gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Args: object_list (list[Any]): Output list. It should be correctly sized as the size of the group for this collective and will contain the output. object (Any): Pickable Python object to be broadcast from current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: None. If the calling rank is part of this group, the output of the collective will be populated into the input ``object_list``. If the calling rank is not part of the group, the passed in ``object_list`` will be unmodified. """ if torch_dist.distributed_c10d._rank_not_in_group(group): return input_tensor, local_size = _object_to_tensor(obj) group_backend = get_backend(group) current_device = torch.device('cpu') is_nccl_backend = group_backend == torch_dist.Backend.NCCL if is_nccl_backend: # See note about using torch.cuda.current_device() here in docstring. # We cannot simply use my_rank since rank == device is not necessarily # true. current_device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device()) input_tensor = input_tensor.to(current_device) local_size = local_size.to(current_device) # Gather all local sizes. This is so that we can find the max size, and # index until the correct size when deserializing the tensors. group_size = get_world_size(group=group) object_sizes_tensor = torch.zeros( group_size, dtype=torch.long, device=current_device) object_size_list = [ object_sizes_tensor[i].unsqueeze(dim=0) for i in range(group_size) ] # Allgather tensor sizes torch_dist.all_gather(object_size_list, local_size, group=group) max_object_size = int(max(object_size_list).item()) # Resize tensor to max size across all ranks. input_tensor.resize_(max_object_size) coalesced_output_tensor = torch.empty( max_object_size * group_size, dtype=torch.uint8, device=current_device) # Output tensors are nonoverlapping views of coalesced_output_tensor output_tensors = [ coalesced_output_tensor[max_object_size * i:max_object_size * (i + 1)] for i in range(group_size) ] torch_dist.all_gather(output_tensors, input_tensor, group=group) # Deserialize outputs back to object. for i, tensor in enumerate(output_tensors): tensor = tensor.type(torch.uint8) if tensor.device != torch.device('cpu'): tensor = tensor.cpu() tensor_size = object_size_list[i] object_list[i] = _tensor_to_object(tensor, tensor_size) def all_gather_object(data: Any, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> List[Any]: """Gather picklable objects from the whole group into a list. Similar to :func:`all_gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Note: Calling ``all_gather_object`` in non-distributed environment does nothing and just returns a list containing :attr:`data` itself. Note: Unlike PyTorch ``torch.distributed.all_gather_object``, :meth:`all_gather_object` in MMEngine does not pass in an empty list ``gather_list`` and returns the ``gather_list`` directly, which is more convenient. The difference between their interfaces is as below: - MMEngine: all_gather_object(data, group) -> gather_list - PyTorch: all_gather_object(gather_list, data, group) -> None Args: data (Any): Pickable Python object to be broadcast from current process. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: list[Tensor]: Return a list containing data from the whole group if in distributed environment, otherwise a list only containing :attr:`data` itself. Note: For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication starts. In this case, the used device is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is correctly set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> gather_objects = dist.all_gather_object(data[dist.get_rank()]) >>> output ['foo'] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 3 process groups, 3 ranks. >>> output = dist.all_gather_object(data[dist.get_rank()]) >>> output ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 0 ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 1 ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 2 """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size == 1: return [data] if group is None: group = get_default_group() gather_list = [None] * world_size if digit_version(TORCH_VERSION) >= digit_version('1.8.0'): torch_dist.all_gather_object(gather_list, data, group) else: _all_gather_object(gather_list, data, group) return gather_list def _validate_output_list_for_rank(my_rank: int, dst: int, gather_list: Optional[list]) -> None: """Validate whether ``gather_list`` is None in non-dst ranks.""" if dst == my_rank: if not gather_list: raise ValueError( 'Argument ``gather_list`` must be specified on destination ' 'rank.') elif gather_list: raise ValueError('Argument ``gather_list`` must NOT be specified ' 'on non-destination ranks.') def _gather_object(obj: Any, object_gather_list=None, dst: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """Gathers picklable objects from the whole group in a single process. Similar to :func:`gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Args: obj (Any): Input object. Must be picklable. object_gather_list (list[Any], optional): Output list. On the ``dst`` rank, it should be correctly sized as the size of the group for this collective and will contain the output. Must be ``None`` on non-dst ranks. Defaults to None. dst (int): Destination rank. Defaults to 0. group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. """ if torch_dist.distributed_c10d._rank_not_in_group(group): return # Ensure object_gather_list is specified appopriately. my_rank = get_rank() _validate_output_list_for_rank(my_rank, dst, object_gather_list) input_tensor, local_size = _object_to_tensor(obj) group_backend = get_backend(group) current_device = torch.device('cpu') is_nccl_backend = group_backend == torch_dist.Backend.NCCL if is_nccl_backend: current_device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device()) input_tensor = input_tensor.to(current_device) local_size = local_size.to(current_device) # Gather all local sizes. This is so that we can find the max size, and # index until the correct size when deserializing the tensors. group_size = get_world_size(group=group) object_sizes_tensor = torch.zeros( group_size, dtype=torch.long, device=current_device) object_size_list = [ object_sizes_tensor[i].unsqueeze(dim=0) for i in range(group_size) ] # Allgather tensor sizes. An all-gather is needed here despite this being a # gather, since each rank needs to broadcast a tensor of the same (maximal) # size. torch_dist.all_gather(object_size_list, local_size, group=group) max_object_size = int(max(object_size_list).item()) # Resize tensor to max size across all ranks. input_tensor.resize_(max_object_size) # Avoid populating output tensors if the result won't be gathered on this # rank. if my_rank == dst: coalesced_output_tensor = torch.empty( max_object_size * group_size, dtype=torch.uint8, device=current_device) # Output tensors are nonoverlapping views of coalesced_output_tensor output_tensors = [ coalesced_output_tensor[max_object_size * i:max_object_size * (i + 1)] for i in range(group_size) ] # All ranks call gather with equal-sized tensors. torch_dist.gather( input_tensor, gather_list=output_tensors if my_rank == dst else None, dst=dst, group=group, ) if my_rank != dst: return for i, tensor in enumerate(output_tensors): tensor = tensor.type(torch.uint8) tensor_size = object_size_list[i] object_gather_list[i] = _tensor_to_object(tensor, tensor_size) def gather_object(data: Any, dst: int = 0, group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> Optional[List[Any]]: """Gathers picklable objects from the whole group in a single process. Similar to :func:`gather`, but Python objects can be passed in. Note that the object must be picklable in order to be gathered. Note: ``NCCL backend`` does not support ``gather_object``. Note: Unlike PyTorch ``torch.distributed.gather_object``, :meth:`gather_object` in MMEngine does not pass in an empty list ``gather_list`` and returns the ``gather_list`` directly, which is more convenient. The difference between their interfaces is as below: - MMEngine: gather_object(data, dst, group) -> gather_list - PyTorch: gather_object(data, gather_list, data, group) -> None Args: data (Any): Input object. Must be picklable. dst (int): Destination rank. Defaults to 0. group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Returns: list[Any]. On the ``dst`` rank, return ``gather_list`` which contains the output of the collective. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # any picklable object >>> gather_objects = dist.gather_object(data[dist.get_rank()]) >>> output ['foo'] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 3 process groups, 3 ranks. >>> dist.gather_object(gather_objects[dist.get_rank()], dst=0) >>> output ['foo', 12, {1: 2}] # Rank 0 None # Rank 1 None # Rank 2 """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size == 1: return [data] if group is None: group = get_default_group() gather_list = [None] * world_size if get_rank(group) == dst else None if digit_version(TORCH_VERSION) >= digit_version('1.8.0'): torch_dist.gather_object(data, gather_list, dst, group) else: _gather_object(data, gather_list, dst, group) return gather_list def collect_results(results: list, size: int, device: str = 'cpu', tmpdir: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[list]: """Collected results in distributed environments. Args: results (list[object]): Result list containing result parts to be collected. Each item of ``result_part`` should be a picklable object. size (int): Size of the results, commonly equal to length of the results. device (str): Device name. Optional values are 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'npu'. tmpdir (str | None): Temporal directory for collected results to store. If set to None, it will create a temporal directory for it. ``tmpdir`` should be None when device is 'gpu' or 'npu'. Defaults to None. Returns: list or None: The collected results. Examples: >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: data = ['foo', {1: 2}] else: data = [24, {'a': 'b'}] >>> size = 4 >>> output = dist.collect_results(data, size, device='cpu') >>> output ['foo', 24, {1: 2}, {'a': 'b'}] # rank 0 None # rank 1 """ if device not in ['gpu', 'cpu', 'npu']: raise NotImplementedError( f"device must be 'cpu' , 'gpu' or 'npu', but got {device}") if device == 'gpu' or device == 'npu': assert tmpdir is None, f'tmpdir should be None when device is {device}' return _collect_results_device(results, size) else: return collect_results_cpu(results, size, tmpdir) def collect_results_cpu(result_part: list, size: int, tmpdir: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[list]: """Collect results under cpu mode. On cpu mode, this function will save the results on different gpus to ``tmpdir`` and collect them by the rank 0 worker. Args: result_part (list): Result list containing result parts to be collected. Each item of ``result_part`` should be a picklable object. size (int): Size of the results, commonly equal to length of the results. tmpdir (str | None): Temporal directory for collected results to store. If set to None, it will create a random temporal directory for it. Defaults to None. Returns: list or None: The collected results. Examples: >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: data = ['foo', {1: 2}] else: data = [24, {'a': 'b'}] >>> size = 4 >>> output = dist.collect_results_cpu(data, size) >>> output ['foo', 24, {1: 2}, {'a': 'b'}] # rank 0 None # rank 1 """ rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if world_size == 1: return result_part[:size] # create a tmp dir if it is not specified if tmpdir is None: MAX_LEN = 512 # 32 is whitespace dir_tensor = torch.full((MAX_LEN, ), 32, dtype=torch.uint8) if rank == 0: mmengine.mkdir_or_exist('.dist_test') tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.dist_test') tmpdir = torch.tensor( bytearray(tmpdir.encode()), dtype=torch.uint8) dir_tensor[:len(tmpdir)] = tmpdir broadcast(dir_tensor, 0) tmpdir = dir_tensor.numpy().tobytes().decode().rstrip() else: mmengine.mkdir_or_exist(tmpdir) # dump the part result to the dir with open(osp.join(tmpdir, f'part_{rank}.pkl'), 'wb') as f: # type: ignore pickle.dump(result_part, f, protocol=2) barrier() # collect all parts if rank != 0: return None else: # load results of all parts from tmp dir part_list = [] for i in range(world_size): path = osp.join(tmpdir, f'part_{i}.pkl') # type: ignore if not osp.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{tmpdir} is not an shared directory for ' f'rank {i}, please make sure {tmpdir} is a shared ' 'directory for all ranks!') with open(path, 'rb') as f: part_list.append(pickle.load(f)) # sort the results ordered_results = [] for res in zip(*part_list): ordered_results.extend(list(res)) # the dataloader may pad some samples ordered_results = ordered_results[:size] # remove tmp dir shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # type: ignore return ordered_results def _collect_results_device(result_part: list, size: int) -> Optional[list]: """Collect results under gpu or npu mode.""" rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if world_size == 1: return result_part[:size] # gather all result part. Note that NCCL does not support gather so use # all_gather_object instead. part_list = all_gather_object(result_part) if rank == 0: # sort the results ordered_results = [] for res in zip(*part_list): ordered_results.extend(list(res)) # the dataloader may pad some samples ordered_results = ordered_results[:size] return ordered_results else: return None def collect_results_gpu(result_part: list, size: int) -> Optional[list]: """Collect results under gpu mode. On gpu mode, this function will encode results to gpu tensors and use gpu communication for results collection. Args: result_part (list[object]): Result list containing result parts to be collected. Each item of ``result_part`` should be a picklable object. size (int): Size of the results, commonly equal to length of the results. Returns: list or None: The collected results. Examples: >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: data = ['foo', {1: 2}] else: data = [24, {'a': 'b'}] >>> size = 4 >>> output = dist.collect_results_gpu(data, size) >>> output ['foo', 24, {1: 2}, {'a': 'b'}] # rank 0 None # rank 1 """ return _collect_results_device(result_part, size) def _all_reduce_coalesced(tensors: List[torch.Tensor], bucket_size_mb: int = -1, op: str = 'sum', group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """All-reduce a sequence of tensors as a whole. Args: tensors (List[torch.Tensor]): A sequence of tensors to be all-reduced. bucket_size_mb (int): The limit of each chunk in megabytes for grouping tensors into chunks. Defaults to -1. op (str): Operation to reduce data. Defaults to 'sum'. Optional values are 'sum', 'mean' and 'produce', 'min', 'max', 'band', 'bor' and 'bxor'. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. """ if bucket_size_mb > 0: bucket_size_bytes = bucket_size_mb * 1024 * 1024 buckets = _take_tensors(tensors, bucket_size_bytes) else: buckets = OrderedDict() for tensor in tensors: tp = tensor.type() if tp not in buckets: buckets[tp] = [] buckets[tp].append(tensor) buckets = buckets.values() for bucket in buckets: flat_tensors = _flatten_dense_tensors(bucket) all_reduce(flat_tensors, op=op, group=group) for tensor, synced in zip( bucket, _unflatten_dense_tensors(flat_tensors, bucket)): tensor.copy_(synced) def all_reduce_params(params: Union[List, Generator[torch.Tensor, None, None]], coalesce: bool = True, bucket_size_mb: int = -1, op: str = 'sum', group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None) -> None: """All-reduce parameters. Args: params (List or Generator[torch.Tensor, None, None]): List of parameters or buffers of a model. coalesce (bool, optional): Whether to reduce parameters as a whole. Defaults to True. bucket_size_mb (int, optional): Size of bucket, the unit is MB. Defaults to -1. op (str): Operation to reduce data. Defaults to 'sum'. Optional values are 'sum', 'mean' and 'produce', 'min', 'max', 'band', 'bor' and 'bxor'. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import mmengine.dist as dist >>> # non-distributed environment >>> data = [torch.arange(2), torch.arange(3)] >>> dist.all_reduce_params(data) >>> data [tensor([0, 1]), tensor([0, 1, 2])] >>> # distributed environment >>> # We have 2 process groups, 2 ranks. >>> if dist.get_rank() == 0: ... data = [torch.tensor([1, 2]), torch.tensor([3, 4])] ... else: ... data = [torch.tensor([2, 3]), torch.tensor([4, 5])] >>> dist.all_reduce_params(data) >>> data [torch.tensor([3, 5]), torch.tensor([7, 9])] """ world_size = get_world_size(group) if world_size == 1: return params_data = [param.data for param in params] if coalesce: _all_reduce_coalesced(params_data, bucket_size_mb, op=op, group=group) else: for tensor in params_data: all_reduce(tensor, op=op, group=group)