import json import os from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple import tempfile import soundfile as sf import gradio as gr import numpy as np import torch import torchaudio # from app.pipelines import Pipeline from fairseq import hub_utils from fairseq.checkpoint_utils import load_model_ensemble_and_task_from_hf_hub from fairseq.models.speech_to_speech.hub_interface import S2SHubInterface from fairseq.models.speech_to_text.hub_interface import S2THubInterface from fairseq.models.text_to_speech import CodeHiFiGANVocoder from fairseq.models.text_to_speech.hub_interface import ( TTSHubInterface, VocoderHubInterface, ) from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download ARG_OVERRIDES_MAP = { "facebook/xm_transformer_s2ut_800m-es-en-st-asr-bt_h1_2022": { "config_yaml": "config.yaml", "task": "speech_to_text", } } class SpeechToSpeechPipeline(): def __init__(self, model_id: str): arg_overrides = ARG_OVERRIDES_MAP.get( model_id, {} ) # Model specific override. TODO: Update on checkpoint side in the future arg_overrides["config_yaml"] = "config.yaml" # common override models, cfg, task = load_model_ensemble_and_task_from_hf_hub( model_id, arg_overrides=arg_overrides, cache_dir=os.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE"), ) self.cfg = cfg self.model = models[0].cpu() self.model.eval() self.task = task self.sampling_rate = getattr(self.task, "sr", None) or 16_000 tgt_lang = self.task.data_cfg.hub.get("tgt_lang", None) pfx = f"{tgt_lang}_" if self.task.data_cfg.prepend_tgt_lang_tag else "" generation_args = self.task.data_cfg.hub.get(f"{pfx}generation_args", None) if generation_args is not None: for key in generation_args: setattr(cfg.generation, key, generation_args[key]) self.generator = task.build_generator([self.model], cfg.generation) tts_model_id = self.task.data_cfg.hub.get(f"{pfx}tts_model_id", None) self.unit_vocoder = self.task.data_cfg.hub.get(f"{pfx}unit_vocoder", None) self.tts_model, self.tts_task, self.tts_generator = None, None, None if tts_model_id is not None: _id = tts_model_id.split(":")[-1] cache_dir = os.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE") if self.unit_vocoder is not None: library_name = "fairseq" cache_dir = ( cache_dir or (Path.home() / ".cache" / library_name).as_posix() ) cache_dir = snapshot_download( f"facebook/{_id}", cache_dir=cache_dir, library_name=library_name ) x = hub_utils.from_pretrained( cache_dir, "", ".", archive_map=CodeHiFiGANVocoder.hub_models(), config_yaml="config.json", fp16=False, is_vocoder=True, ) with open(f"{x['args']['data']}/config.json") as f: vocoder_cfg = json.load(f) assert ( len(x["args"]["model_path"]) == 1 ), "Too many vocoder models in the input" vocoder = CodeHiFiGANVocoder(x["args"]["model_path"][0], vocoder_cfg) self.tts_model = VocoderHubInterface(vocoder_cfg, vocoder) else: ( tts_models, tts_cfg, self.tts_task, ) = load_model_ensemble_and_task_from_hf_hub( f"facebook/{_id}", arg_overrides={"vocoder": "griffin_lim", "fp16": False}, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) self.tts_model = tts_models[0].cpu() self.tts_model.eval() tts_cfg["task"].cpu = True TTSHubInterface.update_cfg_with_data_cfg( tts_cfg, self.tts_task.data_cfg ) self.tts_generator = self.tts_task.build_generator( [self.tts_model], tts_cfg ) def __call__(self, inputs: str) -> Tuple[np.array, int, List[str]]: """ Args: inputs (:obj:`np.array`): The raw waveform of audio received. By default sampled at `self.sampling_rate`. The shape of this array is `T`, where `T` is the time axis Return: A :obj:`tuple` containing: - :obj:`np.array`: The return shape of the array must be `C'`x`T'` - a :obj:`int`: the sampling rate as an int in Hz. - a :obj:`List[str]`: the annotation for each out channel. This can be the name of the instruments for audio source separation or some annotation for speech enhancement. The length must be `C'`. """ # _inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).unsqueeze(0) # print(f"input: {inputs}") # _inputs = torchaudio.load(inputs) _inputs = inputs sample, text = None, None if self.cfg.task._name in ["speech_to_text", "speech_to_text_sharded"]: sample = S2THubInterface.get_model_input(self.task, _inputs) text = S2THubInterface.get_prediction( self.task, self.model, self.generator, sample ) elif self.cfg.task._name in ["speech_to_speech"]: s2shubinerface = S2SHubInterface(self.cfg, self.task, self.model) sample = s2shubinerface.get_model_input(self.task, _inputs) text = S2SHubInterface.get_prediction( self.task, self.model, self.generator, sample ) wav, sr = np.zeros((0,)), self.sampling_rate if self.unit_vocoder is not None: tts_sample = self.tts_model.get_model_input(text) wav, sr = self.tts_model.get_prediction(tts_sample) text = "" else: tts_sample = TTSHubInterface.get_model_input(self.tts_task, text) wav, sr = TTSHubInterface.get_prediction( self.tts_task, self.tts_model, self.tts_generator, tts_sample ) temp_file = "" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as tmp_output_file: sf.write(tmp_output_file, wav.detach().cpu().numpy(), sr) temp_file = gr.Audio( # return wav, sr, [text] return temp_file