# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import typing as tp import torch from torch import nn import torchaudio def db_to_scale(volume: tp.Union[float, torch.Tensor]): return 10 ** (volume / 20) def scale_to_db(scale: torch.Tensor, min_volume: float = -120): min_scale = db_to_scale(min_volume) return 20 * torch.log10(scale.clamp(min=min_scale)) class RelativeVolumeMel(nn.Module): """Relative volume melspectrogram measure. Computes a measure of distance over two mel spectrogram that is interpretable in terms of decibels. Given `x_ref` and `x_est` two waveforms of shape `[*, T]`, it will first renormalize both by the ground truth of `x_ref`. ..Warning:: This class returns the volume of the distortion at the spectrogram level, e.g. low negative values reflects lower distortion levels. For a SNR (like reported in the MultiBandDiffusion paper), just take `-rvm`. Then it computes the mel spectrogram `z_ref` and `z_est` and compute volume of the difference relative to the volume of `z_ref` for each time-frequency bin. It further adds some limits, e.g. clamping the values between -25 and 25 dB (controlled by `min_relative_volume` and `max_relative_volume`) with the goal of avoiding the loss being dominated by parts where the reference is almost silent. Indeed, volumes in dB can take unbounded values both towards -oo and +oo, which can make the final average metric harder to interpret. Besides, anything below -30 dB of attenuation would sound extremely good (for a neural network output, although sound engineers typically aim for much lower attenuations). Similarly, anything above +30 dB would just be completely missing the target, and there is no point in measuring by exactly how much it missed it. -25, 25 is a more conservative range, but also more in line with what neural nets currently can achieve. For instance, a Relative Volume Mel (RVM) score of -10 dB means that on average, the delta between the target and reference mel-spec is 10 dB lower than the reference mel-spec value. The metric can be aggregated over a given frequency band in order have different insights for different region of the spectrum. `num_aggregated_bands` controls the number of bands. ..Warning:: While this function is optimized for interpretability, nothing was done to ensure it is numerically stable when computing its gradient. We thus advise against using it as a training loss. Args: sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the input audio. n_mels (int): Number of mel bands to use. n_fft (int): Number of frequency bins for the STFT. hop_length (int): Hop length of the STFT and the mel-spectrogram. min_relative_volume (float): The error `z_ref - z_est` volume is given relative to the volume of `z_ref`. If error is smaller than -25 dB of `z_ref`, then it is clamped. max_relative_volume (float): Same as `min_relative_volume` but clamping if the error is larger than that. max_initial_gain (float): When rescaling the audio at the very beginning, we will limit the gain to that amount, to avoid rescaling near silence. Given in dB. min_activity_volume (float): When computing the reference level from `z_ref`, will clamp low volume bins to that amount. This is effectively our "zero" level for the reference mel-spectrogram, and anything below that will be considered equally. num_aggregated_bands (int): Number of bands to keep when computing the average RVM value. For instance, a value of 3 would give 3 scores, roughly for low, mid and high freqs. """ def __init__(self, sample_rate: int = 24000, n_mels: int = 80, n_fft: int = 512, hop_length: int = 128, min_relative_volume: float = -25, max_relative_volume: float = 25, max_initial_gain: float = 25, min_activity_volume: float = -25, num_aggregated_bands: int = 4) -> None: super().__init__() self.melspec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( n_mels=n_mels, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, normalized=True, sample_rate=sample_rate, power=2) self.min_relative_volume = min_relative_volume self.max_relative_volume = max_relative_volume self.max_initial_gain = max_initial_gain self.min_activity_volume = min_activity_volume self.num_aggregated_bands = num_aggregated_bands def forward(self, estimate: torch.Tensor, ground_truth: torch.Tensor) -> tp.Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Compute RVM metric between estimate and reference samples. Args: estimate (torch.Tensor): Estimate sample. ground_truth (torch.Tensor): Reference sample. Returns: dict[str, torch.Tensor]: Metrics with keys `rvm` for the overall average, and `rvm_{k}` for the RVM over the k-th band (k=0..num_aggregated_bands - 1). """ min_scale = db_to_scale(-self.max_initial_gain) std = ground_truth.pow(2).mean().sqrt().clamp(min=min_scale) z_gt = self.melspec(ground_truth / std).sqrt() z_est = self.melspec(estimate / std).sqrt() delta = z_gt - z_est ref_db = scale_to_db(z_gt, self.min_activity_volume) delta_db = scale_to_db(delta.abs(), min_volume=-120) relative_db = (delta_db - ref_db).clamp(self.min_relative_volume, self.max_relative_volume) dims = list(range(relative_db.dim())) dims.remove(dims[-2]) losses_per_band = relative_db.mean(dim=dims) aggregated = [chunk.mean() for chunk in losses_per_band.chunk(self.num_aggregated_bands, dim=0)] metrics = {f'rvm_{index}': value for index, value in enumerate(aggregated)} metrics['rvm'] = losses_per_band.mean() return metrics