{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

Survey #{{signature}}

{% if success %}

Your ratings have been saved! You have been moved to the next random seed, if you want to keep rating more samples.

{% endif %} {% if already_filled %}

You already rated those samples in the past, filling this form will override your previous ratings.

{% endif %}

Welcome {{session['user']}} to the survey #{{signature}}. Go to the result page to check the results. Go to the home page to start a new survey.

{% for error in errors %}


{% endfor %} {% if not blind %}

Base config is: {{ref_name}}

The following experiments are compared:

{% else %}

This is a blind experiment, the order of all XPs is shuffled with every sample.

{% endif %}

The current random seed is {{seed}}. You can change it with the following form, and also update blind/non blind.


{% for id in model_ids %}


{% for model in models_by_id[id] %} {% if loop.index == 1 and model.is_prompted %}

Prompt is

Ground truth is

{% endif %} {% for err in model['errors'] %}


{% endfor %}
{% if not blind %}


{% endif %}


{% for rating in ratings %} {{rating}} {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}