#!/bin/bash # WARNING: Do not call this as an absolute path SCRIPT_DIR="./" WOZ_NAME="woz" WIKI_NAME="wiki" CORPORA="$WOZ_NAME $WIKI_NAME" # MODELS="bert-base-cased gpt2 distilgpt2 roberta-base distilroberta-base distilbert-base-uncased" MODELS="gpt2 distilgpt2" OUT_DIR="./$SCRIPT_DIR/corpora" RAW_TEXT_DIR="./$SCRIPT_DIR/raw_data" PYTHON_SCRIPT="./$SCRIPT_DIR/data_processing/create_corpus.py" # Download the models, hardcoded for now # mkdir -p $RAW_TEXT_DIR # WOZURL="https://ibm.box.com/shared/static/uchx6xdvb1ghhrv3ztxk9dvyvfxy31ce.txt" # WIKIURL="https://ibm.box.com/shared/static/3rfbn3v3h6wpjalwob1pl0geppzx9746.txt" # # wget -O "$RAW_TEXT_DIR/$WOZ_NAME.txt" -L $WOZURL # wget -O "$RAW_TEXT_DIR/$WIKI_NAME.txt" -L $WIKIURL # Create the corpus mkdir -p "$OUT_DIR" for model in $MODELS; do for corpus in $CORPORA; do CORPUSFILE="$RAW_TEXT_DIR/$corpus.txt" python $PYTHON_SCRIPT -f $CORPUSFILE -o $OUT_DIR -m $model -n $corpus --force done done