--- title: ConfliBERT emoji: ⚡ colorFrom: red colorTo: indigo sdk: streamlit pinned: true --- ## Model Name ConfliBERT ## Developers Yibo Hu, MohammadSaleh Hosseini, Erick Skorupa Parolin, Javier Osorio, Latifur Khan, Patrick Brandt, Vito D’Orazio ## Released 2022, NAACL 2022 conference ## Repository [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/eventdata/ConfliBERT) ## Paper [ConfliBERT: A Pre-trained Language Model for Political Conflict and Violence](https://aclanthology.org/2022.naacl-main.400/) ## Model Description ConfliBERT is a transformer model pretrained on a vast corpus of texts related to political conflict and violence. This model is based on the BERT architecture and is specialized for analyzing texts within its domain, using masked language modeling (MLM) and next sentence prediction (NSP) as its main pretraining objectives. It is designed to improve performance in tasks like event extraction, and entity recognition for texts dealing with political subjects. ## Model Variants ConfliBERT has several variants, each fine-tuned on specific datasets to cater to different use cases within the domain of political conflict and violence: - **ConfliBERT-scr-uncased-BBC_News** (Binary Classification) - **ConfliBERT-cont-cased-BBC_News** (Binary Classification) - **ConfliBERT-scr-uncased-20news** (Binary Classification) - **ConfliBERT-cont-cased-20news** (Binary Classification) - **ConfliBERT-re3d-ner** (Named Entity Recognition) - **ConfliBERT-indiapolice-events-multilabel** (Text Classification) - **ConfliBERT-named-entity-recognition** (Named Entity Recognition) - **ConfliBERT-insight-crime-multilabel** (Text Classification) These models are fine-tuned versions intended for specific text classification and named entity recognition tasks, enhancing their effectiveness in practical applications. ## Intended Uses & Limitations ConfliBERT is intended for use in tasks related to its training domain (political conflict and violence). It can be used for masked language modeling or next sentence prediction and is particularly useful when fine-tuned on downstream tasks such as classification or information extraction in political contexts. ## How to Use To load and use a specific ConfliBERT model variant, you can follow these steps using the transformers library: ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM # Example for using the ConfliBERT-scr-uncased-BBC_News model tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("eventdata-utd/ConfliBERT-scr-uncased-BBC_News") model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("eventdata-utd/ConfliBERT-scr-uncased-BBC_News") # Example of usage for masking task text = "The government of [MASK] was overthrown in a coup." input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt') outputs = model(input_ids) # Example for using the ConfliBERT-cont-cased-20news model tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("eventdata-utd/ConfliBERT-cont-cased-20news") model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("eventdata-utd/ConfliBERT-cont-cased-20news") # Example of usage for binary classification task text = "The President of Brunei asked for protestors to remain peaceful during the upcoming Independence Day holiday." input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt') outputs = model(input_ids) ``` ## Limitations and Bias While ConfliBERT is pretrained on data related to political conflicts, it may inherit biases present in its training corpus or exhibit limitations in understanding contexts outside its trained domain. As with any model, users should evaluate its fairness and suitability for their specific applications. ## Training Data ConfliBERT was trained on a specialized corpus of 33 GB of texts about politics and conflict, curated to provide comprehensive coverage of its intended application domain. This corpus includes diverse sources such as news articles, reports, and books related to global political events and conflicts. ## Training Procedure The model was pretrained using masked language modeling and next sentence prediction tasks, following procedures similar to those used for BERT. Specific training details, including configurations and scripts, are available in the model's GitHub repository. ## Evaluation Results ConfliBERT has shown improved performance on several benchmarks relevant to its domain compared to general-purpose language models like BERT, especially in tasks that require understanding of political contexts. ## Citation If you use ConfliBERT in your research, please cite the following paper: ```bibtex @inproceedings{hu2022conflibert, title={Conflibert: A pre-trained language model for political conflict and violence}, author={Hu, Yibo and Hosseini, MohammadSaleh and Skorupa Parolin, Erick and Osorio, Javier and Khan, Latifur and Brandt, Patrick and D’Orazio, Vito}, year={2022}, organization={Association for Computational Linguistics}, doi={10.18653/v1/2022.naacl-main.400} } ```