""" we deploy the pipeline via streamlit. """ from typing import Tuple, List import streamlit as st from transformers import BartTokenizer from idiomify.fetchers import fetch_config, fetch_idiomifier, fetch_idioms from idiomify.pipeline import Pipeline from idiomify.models import Idiomifier @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def fetch() -> Tuple[Idiomifier, BartTokenizer, List[str]]: config = fetch_config()['idiomifier'] model = fetch_idiomifier(config['ver']) idioms = fetch_idioms(config['idioms_ver']) tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained(config['bart']) return model, tokenizer, idioms def main(): # fetch a pre-trained model model, tokenizer, idioms = fetch() pipeline = Pipeline(model, tokenizer) st.title("Idiomify Demo") text = st.text_area("Type sentences here", value="Just remember there will always be a hope even when things look black") with st.sidebar: st.subheader("Supported idioms") st.write(" / ".join(idioms)) if st.button(label="Idiomify"): with st.spinner("Please wait..."): sents = [sent for sent in text.split(".") if sent] sents = pipeline(sents, max_length=200) # highlight the rule & honorifics that were applied st.write(". ".join(sents)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()