""" general utility functions for loading, saving, etc """ import os from pathlib import Path import pprint as pp import re import shutil # zipfile formats from datetime import datetime from os.path import basename from os.path import getsize, join import requests from cleantext import clean from natsort import natsorted from symspellpy import SymSpell import pandas as pd from tqdm.auto import tqdm def get_timestamp(): return datetime.now().strftime("%b-%d-%Y_t-%H") def correct_phrase_load(my_string: str): """ correct_phrase_load [basic / unoptimized implementation of SymSpell to correct a string] Args: my_string (str): [text to be corrected] Returns: [type]: [description] """ sym_spell = SymSpell(max_dictionary_edit_distance=2, prefix_length=7) dictionary_path = ( r"symspell_rsc/frequency_dictionary_en_82_765.txt" # from repo root ) bigram_path = ( r"symspell_rsc/frequency_bigramdictionary_en_243_342.txt" # from repo root ) # term_index is the column of the term and count_index is the # column of the term frequency sym_spell.load_dictionary(dictionary_path, term_index=0, count_index=1) sym_spell.load_bigram_dictionary(bigram_path, term_index=0, count_index=2) # max edit distance per lookup (per single word, not per whole input string) suggestions = sym_spell.lookup_compound( clean(my_string), max_edit_distance=2, ignore_non_words=True ) if len(suggestions) < 1: return my_string else: first_result = suggestions[0] return first_result._term def fast_scandir(dirname: str): """ fast_scandir [an os.path-based means to return all subfolders in a given filepath] Args: dirname (str): [description] Returns: [list]: [description] """ subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(dirname) if f.is_dir()] for dirname in list(subfolders): subfolders.extend(fast_scandir(dirname)) return subfolders # list def create_folder(directory: str): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) def chunks(lst: list, n: int): """ chunks - Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst Args: lst (list): [description] n (int): [description] Yields: [type]: [description] """ for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i : i + n] def chunky_pandas(my_df, num_chunks: int = 4): """ chunky_pandas [split dataframe into `num_chunks` equal chunks, return each inside a list] Args: my_df (pd.DataFrame): [description] num_chunks (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 4. Returns: [type]: [description] """ n = int(len(my_df) // num_chunks) list_df = [my_df[i : i + n] for i in range(0, my_df.shape[0], n)] return list_df def load_dir_files( directory: str, req_extension=".txt", return_type="list", verbose=False ): """ load_dir_files - an os.path based method of returning all files with extension `req_extension` in a given directory and subdirectories Args: directory (str): [description] req_extension (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ".txt". return_type (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "list". verbose (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. Returns: [type]: [description] """ appr_files = [] # r=root, d=directories, f = files for r, d, f in os.walk(directory): for prefile in f: if prefile.endswith(req_extension): fullpath = os.path.join(r, prefile) appr_files.append(fullpath) appr_files = natsorted(appr_files) if verbose: print("A list of files in the {} directory are: \n".format(directory)) if len(appr_files) < 10: pp.pprint(appr_files) else: pp.pprint(appr_files[:10]) print("\n and more. There are a total of {} files".format(len(appr_files))) if return_type.lower() == "list": return appr_files else: if verbose: print("returning dictionary") appr_file_dict = {} for this_file in appr_files: appr_file_dict[basename(this_file)] = this_file return appr_file_dict def URL_string_filter(text): """ URL_string_filter - filter out nonstandard "text" characters Args: text ([type]): [description] Returns: [str]: [description] """ custom_printable = ( "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ._" ) filtered = "".join((filter(lambda i: i in custom_printable, text))) return filtered def getFilename_fromCd(cd): if not cd: return None fname = re.findall("filename=(.+)", cd) if len(fname) > 0: output = fname[0] elif cd.find("/"): possible_fname = cd.rsplit("/", 1)[1] output = URL_string_filter(possible_fname) else: output = None return output def get_zip_URL( URLtoget: str, extract_loc: str = None, file_header: str = "dropboxexport_", verbose: bool = False, ): """ get_zip_URL [summary] Args: URLtoget (str): [description] extract_loc (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. file_header (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "dropboxexport_". verbose (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. Returns: [type]: [description] """ r = requests.get(URLtoget, allow_redirects=True) names = getFilename_fromCd(r.headers.get("content-disposition")) fixed_fnames = names.split(";") # split the multiple results this_filename = file_header + URL_string_filter(fixed_fnames[0]) # define paths and save the zip file if extract_loc is None: extract_loc = "dropbox_dl" dl_place = join(os.getcwd(), extract_loc) create_folder(dl_place) save_loc = join(os.getcwd(), this_filename) open(save_loc, "wb").write(r.content) if verbose: print("downloaded file size was {} MB".format(getsize(save_loc) / 1000000)) # unpack the archive shutil.unpack_archive(save_loc, extract_dir=dl_place) if verbose: print("extracted zip file - ", datetime.now()) x = load_dir_files(dl_place, req_extension="", verbose=verbose) # remove original try: os.remove(save_loc) del save_loc except: print("unable to delete original zipfile - check if exists", datetime.now()) print("finished extracting zip - ", datetime.now()) return dl_place def merge_dataframes(data_dir: str, ext=".xlsx", verbose=False): """ merge_dataframes - given a filepath, loads and attempts to merge all files as dataframes Args: data_dir (str): [root directory to search in] ext (str, optional): [anticipate file extension for the dataframes ]. Defaults to '.xlsx'. Returns: pd.DataFrame(): merged dataframe """ src = Path(data_dir) src_str = str(src.resolve()) mrg_df = pd.DataFrame() all_reports = load_dir_files(directory=src_str, req_extension=ext, verbose=verbose) failed = [] for df_path in tqdm(all_reports, total=len(all_reports), desc="joining data..."): try: this_df = pd.read_excel(df_path).convert_dtypes() mrg_df = pd.concat([mrg_df, this_df], axis=0) except: short_p = os.path.basename(df_path) print( f"WARNING - file with extension {ext} and name {short_p} could not be read." ) failed.append(short_p) if len(failed) > 0: print("failed to merge {} files, investigate as needed") if verbose: pp.pprint(mrg_df.info(True)) return mrg_df