import spaces import gradio as gr import os import shutil from pathlib import Path from toon3d.scripts.viser_vis import main as viser_vis_main import viser import time import threading viewer_thread_instance = None stop_event = threading.Event() shared_url = None compute_segment_anything = False _HEADER_ = '''

Toon3D: Seeing Cartoons from a New Perspective

Toon3D lifts cartoons into 3D via aligning and warping backprojected monocular depth predictions. The project page is at and the Toon3D Labeler is at Follow the steps below to run Toon3D!
  1. Prepare and Process Data
    • Upload images and click on "Process Data" to generate processed data.
    • Download the processed data.
  2. Label Data
    • Upload the processed data and label points using the labeler ("Upload ZIP").
    • Click export and upload the points.json to the "Labeled Points" section.
  1. Generate 3D Output
    • Click on "Run Toon3D" to run the structure from motion pipeline.
    • Download the output and inspect locally (point cloud, mesh, Nerfstudio dataset).
  2. View in Web!
    • Click on "Open Viewer" to view the output in an interactive viewer powered by Viser.
    • Reach out if you have any questions!
''' def check_input_images(input_images): if input_images is None: raise gr.Error("No images uploaded!") @spaces.GPU(duration=120) def process_images(input_images, compute_segment_anything): images_path = "/tmp/gradio/images" processed_path = "/tmp/gradio/processed" # remove the images_path folder os.system(f"rm -rf {images_path}") os.system(f"rm -rf {processed_path}") # copy the uploaded images to the images_path folder os.system(f"mkdir -p {images_path}") os.system(f"mkdir -p {processed_path}") for fileobj in input_images: shutil.copyfile(, images_path + "/" + os.path.basename( # download SAM checkpoint download_cmd = "tnd-download-data sam --save-dir /tmp/gradio" os.system(download_cmd) if compute_segment_anything: sam_cmd = " --compute-segment-anything" else: sam_cmd = "" # process the data process_data_cmd = f"tnd-process-data initialize --dataset toon3d-dataset --input_path {images_path} --data_prefix {processed_path} --sam_checkpoint_prefix /tmp/gradio/sam-checkpoints" process_data_cmd += sam_cmd print(process_data_cmd) os.system(process_data_cmd) zip_folder = "/tmp/gradio/processed/toon3d-dataset" shutil.make_archive(zip_folder, 'zip', zip_folder) return zip_folder + ".zip" def toggle_labeler_visibility(visible): if visible: return '' else: return "" def set_compute_segment_anything(value): global compute_segment_anything compute_segment_anything = value def check_input_toon3d(processed_data_zip, labeled_data): if processed_data_zip is None: raise gr.Error("No images uploaded!") @spaces.GPU(duration=120) def run_toon3d(processed_data_zip, labeled_data): data_prefix = "/tmp/gradio/inputs" processed_path = f"{data_prefix}/toon3d-dataset" output_prefix = "/tmp/gradio/outputs" nerfstudio_folder = "/tmp/gradio/nerfstudio" os.system(f"rm -rf {processed_path}") os.system(f"rm -rf {output_prefix}") os.system(f"rm -rf {nerfstudio_folder}") shutil.unpack_archive(, processed_path) shutil.copyfile(, f"{processed_path}/points.json") # run toon3d toon3d_cmd = f"tnd-run --dataset toon3d-dataset --data_prefix {data_prefix} --output_prefix {output_prefix} --nerfstudio_folder {nerfstudio_folder} --no-view-point-cloud" os.system(toon3d_cmd) # get the last timestamped folder in output_prefix # output_folder = sorted([f.path for f in os.scandir(output_prefix) if f.is_dir()])[-1] output_dirs = Path(output_prefix) / "toon3d-dataset" / "run" output_dir = Path(output_dirs / sorted(os.listdir(output_dirs))[-1]) zip_folder = str(output_dir) shutil.make_archive(zip_folder, 'zip', zip_folder) return zip_folder + ".zip" # def open_viewer_fn(processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip): # print(processed_data_zip) # print(labeled_data) # print(toon3d_output_zip) # data_prefix = Path("/tmp/gradio/inputs") # processed_path = f"{data_prefix}/toon3d-dataset" # # extract the zip file # viewer_folder = "/tmp/gradio/viewer/toon3d-dataset/run/temp" # os.system(f"rm -rf {viewer_folder}") # shutil.unpack_archive(, viewer_folder) # shutil.unpack_archive(, processed_path) # shutil.copyfile(, f"{processed_path}/points.json") # viser_server = viser.ViserServer() # url = viser_server.request_share_url() # print(url) # # this is an infinite while loop so needs to be run in a separate thread # # TODO: # viser_vis_main( # data_prefix=data_prefix, # dataset="toon3d-dataset", # output_prefix=Path("/tmp/gradio/viewer"), # output_method=Path("run"), # server=viser_server, # visible=True, # ) def viewer_thread(processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip): global shared_url data_prefix = Path("/tmp/gradio/inputs") processed_path = f"{data_prefix}/toon3d-dataset" viewer_folder = "/tmp/gradio/viewer/toon3d-dataset/run/temp" os.system(f"rm -rf {viewer_folder}") shutil.unpack_archive(, viewer_folder) shutil.unpack_archive(, processed_path) shutil.copyfile(, f"{processed_path}/points.json") viser_server = viser.ViserServer() url = viser_server.request_share_url() shared_url = url # Save the URL to the global variable print(url) viser_vis_main( data_prefix=data_prefix, dataset="toon3d-dataset", output_prefix=Path("/tmp/gradio/viewer"), output_method=Path("run"), server=viser_server, visible=True, return_early=True ) while not stop_event.is_set(): time.sleep(1) viser_server.stop() # Ensure the server is stopped when the loop exits def kill_viewer(): global viewer_thread_instance, stop_event if viewer_thread_instance and viewer_thread_instance.is_alive(): stop_event.set() # Signal the thread to stop viewer_thread_instance.join() # Wait for the thread to actually stop viewer_thread_instance = None print("Viewer has been stopped.") else: print("No viewer is running.") def get_html_for_shared_url(url): return f'

Open {url}!

' def check_input_open_viewer(processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip): if processed_data_zip is None: raise gr.Error("No processed data uploaded!") if labeled_data is None: raise gr.Error("No labeled points uploaded!") if toon3d_output_zip is None: raise gr.Error("No Toon3D output uploaded!") def start_viewer(processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip): kill_viewer() # Kill the existing viewer if it's running global viewer_thread_instance, stop_event, shared_url stop_event.clear() # Reset the stop event shared_url = None # Reset the URL before starting if viewer_thread_instance is None or not viewer_thread_instance.is_alive(): viewer_thread_instance = threading.Thread(target=viewer_thread, args=(processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip)) viewer_thread_instance.start() while not shared_url: # Wait for the URL to be set by the thread time.sleep(0.1) return get_html_for_shared_url(shared_url) # Return the URL after the thread has set it else: print("Viewer is already running.") return get_html_for_shared_url(shared_url) # Return the current URL if the viewer is already running with gr.Blocks(title="Toon3D") as demo: gr.Markdown(_HEADER_) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): input_images = gr.File(label="Upload Images", file_count="multiple", file_types=[".jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) with gr.Column(): compute_segment_anything = gr.Checkbox(label="Compute Segment Anything? (slow)", value=False) compute_segment_anything.change(set_compute_segment_anything, inputs=[compute_segment_anything]) process_data_button = gr.Button("Process Data", elem_id="process_data_button", variant="primary") processed_data_zip = gr.File(label="Processed Data", file_count="single", file_types=[".zip"], interactive=True) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): labeler_visible = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Labeler", value=False) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): labeler_frame = gr.HTML() labeler_visible.change(toggle_labeler_visibility, inputs=[labeler_visible], outputs=[labeler_frame]) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): labeled_data = gr.File(label="Labeled Points", file_count="single", file_types=[".json"]) run_toon3d_button = gr.Button("Run Toon3D", elem_id="run_toon3d_button", variant="primary") toon3d_output_zip = gr.File(label="Toon3D Output", file_count="single", file_types=[".zip"], interactive=True) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): open_viewer_button = gr.Button("Open Viewer", elem_id="open_viser_button", variant="primary") with gr.Row(variant="panel"): viser_link = gr.HTML(), inputs=[input_images]).success( fn=process_images, inputs=[input_images, compute_segment_anything], outputs=[processed_data_zip], ), inputs=[processed_data_zip, labeled_data]).success( fn=run_toon3d, inputs=[processed_data_zip, labeled_data], outputs=[toon3d_output_zip], ), inputs=[processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip]).success( fn=start_viewer, inputs=[processed_data_zip, labeled_data, toon3d_output_zip], outputs=[viser_link], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue(max_size=10) demo.launch()