import argparse import copy import os import time from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import PIL.Image import torch import clip from wrapper import (FaceLandmarksDetector, Generator_wrapper, VGGFeatExtractor, e4eEncoder, PivotTuning) from projector import project class Manipulator(): """Manipulator for style editing in paper, use 100 image pairs to estimate the mean for alpha(magnitude of the perturbation) [-5, 5] *** Args *** G : Genertor wrapper for synthesis styles device : torch.device lst_alpha : magnitude of the perturbation num_images : num images to process *** Attributes *** S : List[dict(str, torch.Tensor)] # length 2,000 styles : List[dict(str, torch.Tensor)] # length of num_images (num_images, style) lst_alpha : List[int] boundary : (num_images, len_alpha) edited_styles : List[styles] edited_images : List[(num_images, 3, 1024, 1024)] """ def __init__( self, G, device, lst_alpha=[0], num_images=1, start_ind=0, face_preprocess=True, dataset_name='' ): """Initialize - use pre-saved generated latent/style from random Z - to use projection, used method "set_real_img_projection" """ assert start_ind + num_images < 2000 self.W = torch.load(f'tensor/W{dataset_name}.pt') self.S = torch.load(f'tensor/S{dataset_name}.pt') self.S_mean = torch.load(f'tensor/S_mean{dataset_name}.pt') self.S_std = torch.load(f'tensor/S_std{dataset_name}.pt') self.S = {layer: self.S[layer].to(device) for layer in G.style_layers} self.styles = {layer: self.S[layer][start_ind:start_ind+num_images] for layer in G.style_layers} self.latent = self.W[start_ind:start_ind+num_images] self.latent = del self.W del self.S # S_mean, S_std for extracting global style direction self.S_mean = {layer: self.S_mean[layer].to(device) for layer in G.style_layers} self.S_std = {layer: self.S_std[layer].to(device) for layer in G.style_layers} # setting self.face_preprocess = face_preprocess if face_preprocess: self.landmarks_detector = FaceLandmarksDetector() self.vgg16 = VGGFeatExtractor(device).module self.W_projector_steps = 200 self.G = G self.device = device self.num_images = num_images self.lst_alpha = lst_alpha self.manipulate_layers = [layer for layer in G.style_layers if 'torgb' not in layer] def set_alpha(self, lst_alpha): """Setter for alpha """ self.lst_alpha = lst_alpha def set_real_img_projection(self, img, inv_mode='w', pti_mode=None): """Set real img instead of pre-saved styles Args : - img : img directory or img file path to manipulate - face aligned if self.face_preprocess == True - set self.num_images - inv_mode : inversion mode, setting self.latent, self.styles - w : use W projector (projector.project) - w+ : use e4e encoder (wrapper.e4eEncoder) - pti_mode : pivot tuning inversion mode (wrapper.PivotTuning) - None - w : W latent pivot tuning - s : S style pivot tuning """ assert inv_mode in ['w', 'w+'] assert pti_mode in [None, 'w', 's'] allowed_extensions = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG'] # img directory input if os.path.isdir(img): imgpaths = sorted(os.listdir(img)) imgpaths = [os.path.join(img, imgpath) for imgpath in imgpaths if imgpath.split('.')[-1] in allowed_extensions] # img file path input else: imgpaths = [img] self.num_images = len(imgpaths) if inv_mode == 'w': targets = list() target_pils = list() for imgpath in imgpaths: if self.face_preprocess: target_pil = self.landmarks_detector(imgpath) else: target_pil ='RGB') target_pils.append(target_pil) w, h = target_pil.size s = min(w, h) target_pil = target_pil.crop(((w - s) // 2, (h - s) // 2, (w + s) // 2, (h + s) // 2)) target_pil = target_pil.resize((self.G.G.img_resolution, self.G.G.img_resolution), PIL.Image.LANCZOS) target_uint8 = np.array(target_pil, dtype=np.uint8) targets.append(torch.Tensor(target_uint8.transpose([2,0,1])).to(self.device)) self.latent = list() for target in tqdm(targets, total=len(targets)): projected_w_steps = project( self.G.G, self.vgg16, target=target, num_steps=self.W_projector_steps, # TODO get projector steps from configs device=self.device, verbose=False, ) self.latent.append(projected_w_steps[-1]) self.latent = torch.stack(self.latent) self.styles = self.G.mapping_stylespace(self.latent) else: # inv_mode == 'w+' # use e4e encoder target_pils = list() for imgpath in imgpaths: if self.face_preprocess: target_pil = self.landmarks_detector(imgpath) else: target_pil ='RGB') target_pils.append(target_pil) self.encoder = e4eEncoder(self.device) self.latent = self.encoder(target_pils) self.styles = self.G.mapping_stylespace(self.latent) if pti_mode is not None: # w or s # pivot tuning inversion pti = PivotTuning(self.device, self.G.G, mode=pti_mode) new_G = pti(self.latent, target_pils) self.G.G = new_G def manipulate(self, delta_s): """Edit style by given delta_style - use perturbation (delta s) * (alpha) as a boundary """ styles = [copy.deepcopy(self.styles) for _ in range(len(self.lst_alpha))] for (alpha, style) in zip(self.lst_alpha, styles): for layer in self.G.style_layers: perturbation = delta_s[layer] * alpha style[layer] += perturbation return styles def manipulate_one_channel(self, layer, channel_ind:int): """Edit style from given layer, channel index - use mean value of pre-saved style - use perturbation (pre-saved style std) * (alpha) as a boundary """ assert layer in self.G.style_layers assert 0 <= channel_ind < self.styles[layer].shape[1] boundary = self.S_std[layer][channel_ind].item() # apply self.S_mean value for given layer, channel_ind for ind in range(self.num_images): self.styles[layer][ind][channel_ind] = self.S_mean[layer][channel_ind] styles = [copy.deepcopy(self.styles) for _ in range(len(self.lst_alpha))] perturbation = (torch.Tensor(self.lst_alpha) * boundary).numpy().tolist() # apply one channel manipulation for img_ind in range(self.num_images): for edit_ind, delta in enumerate(perturbation): styles[edit_ind][layer][img_ind][channel_ind] += delta return styles def synthesis_from_styles(self, styles, start_ind, end_ind): """Synthesis edited styles from styles, lst_alpha """ styles_ = list() for style in styles: style_ = dict() for layer in self.G.style_layers: style_[layer] = style[layer][start_ind:end_ind].to(self.device) styles_.append(style_) print("synthesis_from_styles", type(style_)) imgs = [self.G.synthesis_from_stylespace(self.latent[start_ind:end_ind], style_).cpu() for style_ in styles_] return imgs def extract_global_direction(G, device, lst_alpha, num_images, dataset_name=''): """Extract global style direction in 100 images """ assert len(lst_alpha) == 2 model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device=device) # lindex in original tf version manipulate_layers = [layer for layer in G.style_layers if 'torgb' not in layer] # total channel: 6048 (1024 resolution) resolution = G.G.img_resolution latent = torch.randn([1,G.to_w_idx[f'G.synthesis.b{resolution}.torgb.affine']+1,512]).to(device) # 1024 -> 18, 512 -> 16, 256 -> 14 style = G.mapping_stylespace(latent) cnt = 0 for layer in manipulate_layers: cnt += style[layer].shape[1] del latent del style # 1024 -> 6048 channels, 256 -> 4928 channels print(f"total channels to manipulate: {cnt}") manipulator = Manipulator(G, device, lst_alpha, num_images, face_preprocess=False, dataset_name=dataset_name) all_feats = list() for layer in manipulate_layers: print(f'\nStyle manipulation in layer "{layer}"') channel_num = manipulator.styles[layer].shape[1] for channel_ind in tqdm(range(channel_num), total=channel_num): styles = manipulator.manipulate_one_channel(layer, channel_ind) # 2 * 100 images batchsize = 10 nbatch = int(100 / batchsize) feats = list() for img_ind in range(0, nbatch): # batch size 10 * 2 start = img_ind*nbatch end = img_ind*nbatch + batchsize synth_imgs = manipulator.synthesis_from_styles(styles, start, end) synth_imgs = [(synth_img.permute(0,2,3,1)*127.5+128).clamp(0,255).to(torch.uint8).numpy() for synth_img in synth_imgs] imgs = list() for i in range(batchsize): img0 = PIL.Image.fromarray(synth_imgs[0][i]) img1 = PIL.Image.fromarray(synth_imgs[1][i]) imgs.append(preprocess(img0).unsqueeze(0).to(device)) imgs.append(preprocess(img1).unsqueeze(0).to(device)) with torch.no_grad(): feat = model.encode_image( feats.append(feat) all_feats.append([-1, 2, 512]).cpu()) all_feats = torch.stack(all_feats).numpy() fs = all_feats fs1=fs/np.linalg.norm(fs,axis=-1)[:,:,:,None] fs2=fs1[:,:,1,:]-fs1[:,:,0,:] # 5*sigma - (-5)*sigma fs3=fs2/np.linalg.norm(fs2,axis=-1)[:,:,None] fs3=fs3.mean(axis=1) fs3=fs3/np.linalg.norm(fs3,axis=-1)[:,None]'tensor/fs3{dataset_name}.npy', fs3) # global style direction if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('runtype', type=str, default='test') parser.add_argument('--ckpt', type=str, default='pretrained/ffhq.pkl') parser.add_argument('--face_preprocess', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--dataset_name', type=str, default='') args = parser.parse_args() runtype = args.runtype assert runtype in ['test', 'extract'] device = torch.device('cuda:0') ckpt = args.ckpt G = Generator_wrapper(ckpt, device) face_preprocess = args.face_preprocess dataset_name = args.dataset_name if runtype == 'test': # test manipulator num_images = 100 lst_alpha = [-5, 0, 5] layer = G.style_layers[6] channel_ind = 501 manipulator = Manipulator(G, device, lst_alpha, num_images, face_preprocess=face_preprocess, dataset_name=dataset_name) styles = manipulator.manipulate_one_channel(layer, channel_ind) start_ind, end_ind= 0, 10 imgs = manipulator.synthesis_from_styles(styles, start_ind, end_ind) print(len(imgs), imgs[0].shape) elif runtype == 'extract': # extract global style direction from "tensor/" num_images = 100 lst_alpha = [-5, 5] extract_global_direction(G, device, lst_alpha, num_images, dataset_name=dataset_name)